{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Language.LOL.Symantic.Repr.Host where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Bool as Bool import Prelude hiding (and, not, or) import Language.LOL.Symantic.Lib.Control.Monad import Language.LOL.Symantic.Expr -- * Type 'Repr_Host' -- | Host-circular interpreter, -- producing a host-term of host-type @h@, -- wrapped inside @lam@ because of 'Sym_Lambda' -- ability to control its callings (see 'inline', 'val', and 'lazy'). newtype Repr_Host lam h = Repr_Host { unRepr_Host :: lam h } deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO) instance MonadIO lam => Sym_Lambda lam (Repr_Host lam) where type Lambda_from_Repr (Repr_Host lam) = lam app = liftM2Join $ \f a -> Repr_Host $ f $ return a inline f = return $ unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host val f = return $ (>>= unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host . return) lazy f = return $ ((>>= unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host) . expr_lambda_lazy_share) instance Monad repr => Sym_Bool (Repr_Host repr) where bool = return not = liftMJoin $ return . Bool.not and = liftM2Join $ \x y -> return $ x && y or = liftM2Join $ \x y -> return $ x || y instance Monad repr => Sym_Int (Repr_Host repr) where int = return neg = liftMJoin $ return . negate add = liftM2Join $ \x y -> return $ x + y --instance Monad m => Sym_Eq (Host m) where -- eq = liftM2Join $ \x y -> return $ x == y host_repr :: Repr_Host repr h -> repr h host_repr = unRepr_Host -- | Utility for storing arguments of 'lazy' into an 'IORef'. expr_lambda_lazy_share :: MonadIO m => m a -> m (m a) expr_lambda_lazy_share m = do r <- liftIO $ newIORef (False, m) return $ do (already_evaluated, m') <- liftIO $ readIORef r if already_evaluated then m' else do v <- m' liftIO $ writeIORef r (True, return v) return v