{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Language.LOL.Symantic.Type.Common where import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Proxy import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)) import Language.LOL.Symantic.Lib.Data.Peano -- * Class 'Type_Eq' -- | Test two types for equality, -- returning an Haskell type-level proof -- of the equality when it holds. class Type_Eq (ty:: k -> *) where type_eq :: forall h1 h2. ty h1 -> ty h2 -> Maybe (h1 :~: h2) -- * Class 'Type_from' -- | Parse given @ast@ into a 'Root_of_Type', -- or return an 'Error_of_Type'. class Type_Eq ty => Type_from ast (ty:: * -> *) where type_from :: Proxy ty -> ast -> (forall h. Root_of_Type ty h -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret -- ** Type family 'Root_of_Type' -- | Return the root type of a type. type family Root_of_Type (ty:: * -> *) :: * -> * -- ** Type family 'Error_of_Type' -- | Return the error type of a type. type family Error_of_Type (ast:: *) (ty:: * -> *) :: * -- * Type 'No_Type' -- | A discarded type. data No_Type (root:: * -> *) h = No_Type (root h) deriving (Eq, Show) -- * Type 'Type_Root' -- | The root type, passing itself as parameter to the given type. newtype Type_Root (ty:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) h = Type_Root { unType_Root :: ty (Type_Root ty) h } type instance Root_of_Type (Type_Root ty) = Type_Root ty -- type instance Root_of_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) = Type_Root ty type instance Error_of_Type ast (Type_Root ty) = Error_Type_Alt (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast (ty (Type_Root ty))) instance -- Type_Eq Type_Eq (ty (Type_Root ty)) => Type_Eq (Type_Root ty) where type_eq (Type_Root x) (Type_Root y) = x `type_eq` y instance -- Eq Type_Eq (Type_Root ty) => Eq (Type_Root ty h) where x == y = isJust $ x `type_eq` y instance -- Type_from ( Type_Eq (Type_Root ty) , Type_from ast (ty (Type_Root ty)) , Root_of_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) ~ Type_Root ty ) => Type_from ast (Type_Root ty) where type_from _px_ty = type_from (Proxy::Proxy (ty (Type_Root ty))) instance -- String_from_Type String_from_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) => String_from_Type (Type_Root ty) where string_from_type (Type_Root ty) = string_from_type ty instance -- Show String_from_Type (Type_Root ty) => Show (Type_Root ty h) where show = string_from_type -- ** Class 'Type_Root_Lift' -- | Lift a given type to a given root type. class Type_Root_Lift ty root where type_root_lift :: forall h. ty root h -> root h instance Type_Lift ty root => Type_Root_Lift ty (Type_Root root) where type_root_lift = Type_Root . type_lift -- * Type 'Type_Alt' -- | Type making an alternative between two types. data Type_Alt curr next (root:: * -> *) h = Type_Alt_Curr (curr root h) | Type_Alt_Next (next root h) type instance Root_of_Type (Type_Alt curr next root) = root type instance Error_of_Type ast (Type_Alt curr next root) = Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr next root -- ** Type family 'Error_of_Type_Alt' -- | Remove 'No_Type' type when building 'Error_of_Type'. type family Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr next root where Error_of_Type_Alt ast No_Type next root = Error_of_Type ast (next root) Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr No_Type root = Error_of_Type ast (curr root) Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr next root = Error_Type_Alt (Error_of_Type ast (curr root)) (Error_of_Type ast (next root)) instance -- Type_Eq ( Type_Eq (curr root) , Type_Eq (next root) ) => Type_Eq (Type_Alt curr next root) where type_eq (Type_Alt_Curr x) (Type_Alt_Curr y) = x `type_eq` y type_eq (Type_Alt_Next x) (Type_Alt_Next y) = x `type_eq` y type_eq _ _ = Nothing instance -- Eq ( Type_Eq (curr root) , Type_Eq (next root) ) => Eq (Type_Alt curr next root h) where x == y = isJust $ x `type_eq` y instance -- Type_from ( Type_Eq (curr root) , Type_from ast (curr root) , Type_from ast (next root) , Root_of_Type (curr root) ~ root , Root_of_Type (next root) ~ root , Error_Type_Unlift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast root) ) => Type_from ast (Type_Alt curr next root) where type_from _px_ty ast k = case type_from (Proxy::Proxy (curr root)) ast (Right . k) of Right ret -> ret Left err -> case error_type_unlift err of Just (Error_Type_Unsupported_here (_::ast)) -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy (next root)) ast k _ -> Left err instance -- String_from_Type ( String_from_Type (curr root) , String_from_Type (next root) ) => String_from_Type (Type_Alt curr next root) where string_from_type (Type_Alt_Curr t) = string_from_type t string_from_type (Type_Alt_Next t) = string_from_type t -- ** Type 'Type_Lift' -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Type' on 'Type_LiftN'. type Type_Lift ty tys = Type_LiftN (Peano_of_Type ty tys) ty tys -- *** Type 'Peano_of_Type' -- | Return a 'Peano' number derived from the location -- of a given type within a given type stack, -- which is used to avoid @OverlappingInstances@. type family Peano_of_Type (ty:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (tys:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: * where Peano_of_Type ty ty = Zero Peano_of_Type ty (Type_Alt ty next) = Zero Peano_of_Type other (Type_Alt curr next) = Succ (Peano_of_Type other next) -- *** Class 'Type_LiftN' -- | Lift a given type to the top of a given type stack including it, -- by constructing the appropriate sequence of 'Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Type_Alt_Next'. class Type_LiftN (p:: *) ty tys where type_liftN :: forall (root:: * -> *) h. Proxy p -> ty root h -> tys root h instance Type_LiftN Zero curr curr where type_liftN _ = id instance Type_LiftN Zero curr (Type_Alt curr next) where type_liftN _ = Type_Alt_Curr instance Type_LiftN p other next => Type_LiftN (Succ p) other (Type_Alt curr next) where type_liftN _ = Type_Alt_Next . type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy p) -- | Convenient wrapper around 'type_liftN', -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Type'. type_lift :: forall ty tys (root:: * -> *) h. Type_Lift ty tys => ty root h -> tys root h type_lift = type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Type ty tys)) -- ** Type 'Type_Unlift' -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Type' on 'Type_UnliftN'. type Type_Unlift ty tys = Type_UnliftN (Peano_of_Type ty tys) ty tys -- *** Class 'Type_UnliftN' -- | Try to unlift a given type out of a given type stack including it, -- by deconstructing the appropriate sequence of 'Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Type_Alt_Next'. class Type_UnliftN (p:: *) ty tys where type_unliftN :: forall (root:: * -> *) h. Proxy p -> tys root h -> Maybe (ty root h) instance Type_UnliftN Zero curr curr where type_unliftN _ = Just instance Type_UnliftN Zero curr (Type_Alt curr next) where type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Curr x) = Just x type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Next _) = Nothing instance Type_UnliftN p other next => Type_UnliftN (Succ p) other (Type_Alt curr next) where type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Next x) = type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy p) x type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Curr _) = Nothing -- | Convenient wrapper around 'type_unliftN', -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Type'. type_unlift :: forall ty tys (root:: * -> *) h. Type_Unlift ty tys => tys root h -> Maybe (ty root h) type_unlift = type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Type ty tys)) -- ** Type family 'Is_Last_Type' -- | Return whether a given type is the last one in a given type stack. -- -- NOTE: each type parser uses this type family -- when it encounters unsupported syntax: -- to know if it is the last type parser component that will be tried -- (and thus return 'Error_Type_Unsupported') -- or if some other type parser component shall be tried -- (and thus return 'Error_Type_Unsupported_here', -- which is then handled accordingly by the 'Type_from' instance of 'Type_Alt'). type family Is_Last_Type (ty:: * -> *) (tys:: * -> *) :: Bool where Is_Last_Type ty ty = 'True Is_Last_Type ty (Type_Root tys) = Is_Last_Type ty (tys (Type_Root tys)) Is_Last_Type (ty root) (Type_Alt ty next root) = 'False Is_Last_Type other (Type_Alt curr next root) = Is_Last_Type other (next root) -- * Type 'Error_Type_Alt' -- | Error type making an alternative between two error types. data Error_Type_Alt curr next = Error_Type_Alt_Curr curr | Error_Type_Alt_Next next deriving (Eq, Show) -- ** Type 'Error_Type_Lift' type Error_Type_Lift err errs = Error_Type_LiftN (Peano_of_Error_Type err errs) err errs -- *** Type 'Peano_of_Error_Type' -- | Return a 'Peano' number derived from the location -- of a given error type within a given error type stack. type family Peano_of_Error_Type (err:: *) (errs:: *) :: * where Peano_of_Error_Type err err = Zero Peano_of_Error_Type err (Error_Type_Alt err next) = Zero Peano_of_Error_Type other (Error_Type_Alt curr next) = Succ (Peano_of_Error_Type other next) -- *** Class 'Error_Type_LiftN' -- | Lift a given error type to the top of a given error type stack including it, -- by constructing the appropriate sequence of 'Error_Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Error_Type_Alt_Next'. class Error_Type_LiftN (p:: *) err errs where error_type_liftN :: Proxy p -> err -> errs instance Error_Type_LiftN Zero curr curr where error_type_liftN _ = id instance Error_Type_LiftN Zero curr (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where error_type_liftN _ = Error_Type_Alt_Curr instance Error_Type_LiftN p other next => Error_Type_LiftN (Succ p) other (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where error_type_liftN _ = Error_Type_Alt_Next . error_type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy p) -- | Convenient wrapper around 'error_type_unliftN', -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Error_Type'. error_type_lift :: forall err errs. Error_Type_Lift err errs => err -> errs error_type_lift = error_type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Error_Type err errs)) -- ** Type 'Error_Type_Unlift' -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Error_Type' on 'Error_Type_UnliftN'. type Error_Type_Unlift ty tys = Error_Type_UnliftN (Peano_of_Error_Type ty tys) ty tys -- | Convenient wrapper around 'error_type_unliftN', -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Error_Type'. error_type_unlift :: forall ty tys. Error_Type_Unlift ty tys => tys -> Maybe ty error_type_unlift = error_type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Error_Type ty tys)) -- *** Class 'Error_Type_UnliftN' -- | Try to unlift a given type error out of a given type error stack including it, -- by deconstructing the appropriate sequence of 'Error_Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Error_Type_Alt_Next'. class Error_Type_UnliftN (p:: *) ty tys where error_type_unliftN :: Proxy p -> tys -> Maybe ty instance Error_Type_UnliftN Zero curr curr where error_type_unliftN _ = Just instance Error_Type_UnliftN Zero curr (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Curr x) = Just x error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Next _) = Nothing instance Error_Type_UnliftN p other next => Error_Type_UnliftN (Succ p) other (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Next x) = error_type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy p) x error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Curr _) = Nothing -- ** Type 'Error_Type_Read' -- | Common type errors. data Error_Type ast = Error_Type_Unsupported ast -- ^ Given syntax is supported by none -- of the type parser components -- of the type stack. | Error_Type_Unsupported_here ast -- ^ Given syntax not supported by the current type parser component. | Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast Int deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Convenient wrapper around 'error_type_lift', -- passing the type family boilerplate. error_type :: Error_Type_Lift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) => Proxy ty -> Error_Type ast -> Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty) error_type _ = error_type_lift error_type_unsupported :: forall ast ty. ( Implicit_HBool (Is_Last_Type ty (Root_of_Type ty)) , Error_Type_Lift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ) => Proxy ty -> ast -> Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty) error_type_unsupported px_ty ast = case hbool :: HBool (Is_Last_Type ty (Root_of_Type ty)) of HTrue -> error_type px_ty $ Error_Type_Unsupported ast HFalse -> error_type px_ty $ Error_Type_Unsupported_here ast -- * Class 'String_from_Type' -- | Return a 'String' from a type. class String_from_Type ty where string_from_type :: ty h -> String -- * Type 'Exists_Type' -- | Existential data type to wrap an indexed type. data Exists_Type ty = forall h. Exists_Type (ty h) instance -- Eq Type_Eq ty => Eq (Exists_Type ty) where Exists_Type xh == Exists_Type yh = isJust $ xh `type_eq` yh instance -- Show String_from_Type ty => Show (Exists_Type ty) where show (Exists_Type ty) = string_from_type ty -- * Type 'Exists_Type_and_Repr' data Exists_Type_and_Repr ty repr = forall h. Exists_Type_and_Repr (ty h) (repr h) -- * Type family 'HBool' -- | Host-type equality. type family HEq x y :: Bool where HEq x x = 'True HEq x y = 'False -- ** Type 'HBool' -- | Boolean singleton. data HBool b where HTrue :: HBool 'True HFalse :: HBool 'False -- ** Class 'Implicit_HBool' -- | Construct a host-term boolean singleton from a host-type boolean. class Implicit_HBool b where hbool :: HBool b instance Implicit_HBool 'True where hbool = HTrue instance Implicit_HBool 'False where hbool = HFalse