{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Language.Symantic.Typing.Type where import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Proxy import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Data.Type.Equality import qualified Data.Kind as K import Language.Symantic.Typing.Kind import Language.Symantic.Typing.Constant import Language.Symantic.Typing.Syntax -- * Type 'Type' -- | /Type of terms/. -- -- * @cs@: /type constants/, fixed at compile time. -- * @h@: indexed Haskell type. -- -- * 'TyConst': /type constant/, selected amongst @cs@. -- * @(:$)@: /type application/. data Type (cs::[K.Type]) (h::k) where TyConst :: Const cs c -> Type cs c (:$) :: Type cs f -> Type cs x -> Type cs (f x) {- TyVar :: SKind k -> Type cs (v::k) -} infixl 9 :$ instance TestEquality (Type cs) where testEquality = eq_type instance Eq (Type cs h) where _x == _y = True instance Show_Const cs => Show (Type cs h) where show = show_type -- deriving instance Show_Const cs => Show (Type cs h) kind_of :: Type cs (h::k) -> SKind k kind_of t = case t of TyConst c -> kind_of_const c f :$ _x -> case kind_of f of _kx `SKiArrow` kf -> kf eq_type :: Type cs (x::k) -> Type cs (y::k) -> Maybe (x:~:y) eq_type (TyConst x) (TyConst y) | Just Refl <- testEquality x y = Just Refl eq_type (xf :$ xx) (yf :$ yx) | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of xf) (kind_of yf) , Just Refl <- eq_type xf yf , Just Refl <- eq_type xx yx = Just Refl eq_type _ _ = Nothing eq_kind_type :: Type cs (x::kx) -> Type cs (y::ky) -> Maybe (kx:~:ky) eq_kind_type (TyConst x) (TyConst y) | Just Refl <- eq_kind_const x y = Just Refl eq_kind_type (xf :$ xx) (yf :$ yx) | Just Refl <- eq_kind_type xf yf , Just Refl <- eq_kind_type xx yx = Just Refl eq_kind_type _x _y = Nothing show_type :: Show_Const cs => Type cs h -> String show_type (TyConst c) = show c show_type ((:$) f@(:$){} a@(:$){}) = "(" <> show_type f <> ") (" <> show_type a <> ")" show_type ((:$) f@(:$){} a) = "(" <> show_type f <> ") " <> show_type a show_type ((:$) f a@(:$){}) = show_type f <> " (" <> show_type a <> ")" show_type ((:$) f a) = show_type f <> " " <> show_type a -- show_type (TyVar v) = "t" <> show (integral_from_peano v::Integer) -- * Type 'EType' -- | Existential for 'Type'. data EType cs = forall h. EType (Type cs h) instance Eq (EType cs) where EType x == EType y | Just Refl <- eq_kind_type x y = isJust $ eq_type x y _x == _y = False instance Show_Const cs => Show (EType cs) where show (EType ty) = show ty -- * Type 'KType' -- | Existential for 'Type' of a known 'Kind'. data KType cs k = forall (h::k). KType (Type cs h) instance Eq (KType cs ki) where KType x == KType y = isJust $ eq_type x y instance Show_Const cs => Show (KType cs ki) where show (KType ty) = show_type ty -- * Class 'Type_from' -- | Try to build a 'Type' from raw data. class Type_from ast cs where type_from :: ast -> (forall k h. Type cs (h::k) -> Either (Error_Type cs ast) ret) -> Either (Error_Type cs ast) ret -- ** Type 'Error_Type' data Error_Type cs ast = Error_Type_Constant_unknown (At ast (Lexem ast)) | Error_Type_Kind_mismatch (At ast EKind) (At ast EKind) | Error_Type_Kind_not_applicable (At ast EKind) deriving instance (Eq ast, Eq (Lexem ast)) => Eq (Error_Type cs ast) deriving instance (Show ast, Show (Lexem ast), Show_Const cs) => Show (Error_Type cs ast) instance ( Const_from (Lexem ast) cs , AST ast ) => Type_from ast cs where type_from ast kk = fromMaybe (Left $ Error_Type_Constant_unknown $ At (Just ast) $ ast_lexem ast) $ const_from (ast_lexem ast) $ \c -> Just $ go (ast_nodes ast) (TyConst c) kk where go :: [ast] -> Type cs h -> (forall k' h'. Type cs (h'::k') -> Either (Error_Type cs ast) ret) -> Either (Error_Type cs ast) ret go [] ty k = k ty go (ast_x:ast_xs) ty_f k = type_from ast_x $ \ty_x -> case kind_of ty_f of ki_f_a `SKiArrow` _ki_f_b -> let ki_x = kind_of ty_x in case eq_skind ki_f_a ki_x of Just Refl -> go ast_xs (ty_f :$ ty_x) k Nothing -> Left $ Error_Type_Kind_mismatch (At (Just ast) $ EKind ki_f_a) (At (Just ast_x) $ EKind ki_x) ki -> Left $ Error_Type_Kind_not_applicable $ At (Just ast) $ EKind ki -- * Type 'Types' data Types cs (hs::[K.Type]) where TypesZ :: Types cs '[] TypesS :: Type cs h -> Types cs hs -> Types cs (Proxy h ': hs) infixr 5 `TypesS` etypes :: Types cs hs -> [EType cs] etypes TypesZ = [] etypes (TypesS t ts) = EType t : etypes ts -- | Build the left spine of a 'Type'. spine_of_type :: Type cs h -> (forall kc (c::kc) hs. Const cs c -> Types cs hs -> ret) -> ret spine_of_type (TyConst c) k = k c TypesZ spine_of_type (f :$ a) k = spine_of_type f $ \c as -> k c (a `TypesS` as) -- * Type 'UnProxy' type family UnProxy (x::K.Type) :: k where UnProxy (Proxy x) = x -- * Usual 'Type's -- | The '()' 'Type' tyUnit :: Inj_Const cs () => Type cs () tyUnit = TyConst inj_const