{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Expr.Bool.Test where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Arrow (left) -- import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity) -- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl)) import Prelude hiding (and, not, or) import Language.LOL.Symantic.Repr import Language.LOL.Symantic.AST import Language.LOL.Symantic.Expr import Language.LOL.Symantic.Type import Language.LOL.Symantic.Trans import Language.LOL.Symantic.Lib.Data.Peano -- * Class 'Sym_Bool_Vars' -- | A few boolean variables. class Sym_Bool_Vars repr where x :: repr Bool y :: repr Bool z :: repr Bool instance Sym_Bool_Vars (Repr_String fun) where x = Repr_String $ \_p _v -> "x" y = Repr_String $ \_p _v -> "y" z = Repr_String $ \_p _v -> "z" instance -- Trans_Boo_Const ( Sym_Bool repr , Sym_Bool_Vars repr ) => Sym_Bool_Vars (Trans_Bool_Const repr) where x = trans_lift x y = trans_lift y z = trans_lift z -- * Expressions e1 = bool True `and` bool False e2 = (bool True `and` bool False) `or` (bool True `and` bool True) e3 = (bool True `or` bool False) `and` (bool True `or` bool True) e4 = bool True `and` not (bool False) e5 = bool True `and` not x e6 = x `xor` y e7 = (x `xor` y) `xor` z e8 = x `xor` (y `xor` bool True) -- * Tests {- (==>) :: forall h ast root. ( Eq h, Eq ast, Show h, Show ast , root ~ Expr_Lambda_Bool IO , Expr_from ast (Expr_Lambda IO root) , Expr_from ast (Expr_Bool root) ) => ast -- -> (Type_Fun_Bool IO h, h, String) -> Either (Proxy h, Error_of_Expr ast root) (Type_Fun_Bool IO h, h, String) -> TestTree -} (==>) ast expected = testCase (show ast) $ case expr_lambda_bool_from (Proxy::Proxy IO) ast of Left err -> Left err @?= snd `left` expected Right (Exists_Type_and_Repr ty (Forall_Repr r)) -> case expected of Left (_, err) -> Right ("…"::String) @?= Left err Right (ty_expected::Type_Fun_Bool IO h, _::h, _::String) -> (>>= (@?= (\(_::Proxy h, err) -> err) `left` expected)) $ case ty `type_eq` ty_expected of Nothing -> return $ Left $ error_expr (Proxy::Proxy (Expr_Lambda_Bool IO)) $ Error_Expr_Type_mismatch ast (Exists_Type ty) (Exists_Type ty_expected) Just Refl -> do h <- host_from_expr r return $ Right ( ty , h , string_from_expr r -- , (string_from_expr :: Repr_String IO h -> String) r ) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Bool" $ [ AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ==> Right ( type_bool , True , "True" ) , AST "int" [AST "1" []] ==> Left (Proxy::Proxy Int, Error_Expr_Alt_Curr $ Error_Expr_Unsupported $ AST "int" [AST "1" []]) , AST "xor" [ AST "bool" [AST "True" []] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ] ==> Right ( type_bool , False , "(True | True) & !(True & True)" ) , AST "app" [ AST "val" [ AST "x" [] , AST "Bool" [] , AST "var" [AST "x" []] ] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ] ==> Right ( type_bool , True , "(\\x0 -> x0) True" ) , let ast = AST "app" [ AST "bool" [AST "True" []] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ] in ast ==> Left (Proxy::Proxy Bool, Error_Expr_Alt_Curr $ Error_Expr_Type_mismatch ast (Exists_Type (type_var SZero `type_fun` type_var (SSucc SZero) ::Type_Fun_Bool IO (IO Zero -> IO (Succ Zero)))) (Exists_Type type_bool)) , AST "app" [ AST "val" [ AST "x" [] , AST "Bool" [] , AST "xor" [ AST "var" [AST "x" []] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ] ] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ] ==> Right ( type_bool , False , "(\\x0 -> (x0 | True) & !(x0 & True)) True" ) , AST "let_val" [ AST "x" [] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] , AST "xor" [ AST "var" [AST "x" []] , AST "bool" [AST "True" []] ] ] ==> Right ( type_bool , False , "let x0 = True in (x0 | True) & !(x0 & True)" ) ]