{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | Abstract Syntax Tree. module AST.Test where import Test.Tasty -- import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Language.Symantic.Lib.Data.Bool import Language.Symantic.Type import Language.Symantic.Expr as Expr tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "AST" $ [ ] -- * Type 'AST' data AST = AST Text [AST] deriving (Eq) -- | Custom 'Show' instance a little bit more readable -- than the automatically derived one. instance Show AST where showsPrec p ast@(AST f args) = let n = Text.unpack f in case ast of AST _ [] -> showString n AST "->" [a] -> showParen (p >= prec_arrow) $ showString ("("++n++") ") . showsPrec prec_arrow a AST "->" [a, b] -> showParen (p >= prec_arrow) $ showsPrec prec_arrow a . showString (" "++n++" ") . showsPrec prec_arrow b AST "\\" [var, ty, body] -> showParen (p >= prec_lambda) $ showString ("\\(") . showsPrec prec_lambda var . showString (":") . showsPrec prec_lambda ty . showString (") -> ") . showsPrec prec_lambda body AST "$" [fun, arg] -> showParen (p >= prec_app) $ showsPrec prec_app fun . showString (" $ ") . showsPrec prec_app arg _ -> showString n . showString "(" . showString (List.intercalate ", " $ show Prelude.<$> args) . showString ")" where prec_arrow = 1 prec_lambda = 1 prec_app = 1 -- ** Parsing utilities from_ast0 :: forall ty ast ex hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ) => [ast] -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret from_ast0 asts k' ex ast ctx k = case asts of [] -> k' ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 from_ast1 :: forall ty ast ex hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ) => [ast] -> (ast -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret) -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret from_ast1 asts k' ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_0] -> k' ast_0 ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 from_ast2 :: forall ty ast ex hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ) => [ast] -> (ast -> ast -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret) -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret from_ast2 asts k' ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_0, ast_1] -> k' ast_0 ast_1 ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 from_ast3 :: forall ty ast ex hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ) => [ast] -> (ast -> ast -> ast -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret) -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret from_ast3 asts k' ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_0, ast_1, ast_2] -> k' ast_0 ast_1 ast_2 ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 3 lit_from_AST :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ast ~ AST , Read lit , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> [ast] -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret lit_from_AST op ty_lit asts ex ast ctx k = case asts of [AST lit []] -> lit_from op ty_lit lit ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 op1_from_AST :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ast ~ AST , Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from ast root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> [ast] -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret op1_from_AST op ty_lit asts ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_x] -> op1_from op ty_lit ast_x ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 op2_from_AST :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ast ~ AST , Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from ast root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> [ast] -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret op2_from_AST op ty_lit asts ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_x, ast_y] -> op2_from op ty_lit ast_x ast_y ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 class_op1_from_AST :: forall root ty c ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ast ~ AST , Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from ast root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , Constraint_Type c ty ) => (forall lit repr. (c lit, Sym_of_Expr ex repr) => repr lit -> repr lit) -> Proxy c -> [ast] -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret class_op1_from_AST op c asts ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_x] -> class_op1_from op c ast_x ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 class_op2_from_AST :: forall root ty c ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ast ~ AST , Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from ast root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , Constraint_Type c ty ) => (forall lit repr. (c lit, Sym_of_Expr ex repr) => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> Proxy c -> [ast] -> Expr_From ast ex hs ret class_op2_from_AST op c asts ex ast ctx k = case asts of [ast_x, ast_y] -> class_op2_from op c ast_x ast_y ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 instance -- Type_from AST Type_Var0 ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Var0 root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Var0 root) where type_from ty ast _k = Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast -- NOTE: no support so far. instance -- Type_from AST Type_Var1 ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Var1 root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Var1 root) where type_from ty ast _k = Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast -- NOTE: no support so far. instance -- Type_from AST Type_Unit ( Lift_Type_Root Type_Unit root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Unit root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Unit root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "()" asts -> case asts of [] -> k type_unit _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Bool ( Lift_Type_Root Type_Bool root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Bool root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Bool root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Bool" asts -> case asts of [] -> k type_bool _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Int ( Lift_Type_Root Type_Int root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Int root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Int root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Int" asts -> case asts of [] -> k type_int _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Text ( Lift_Type_Root Type_Text root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Text root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Text root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Text" asts -> case asts of [] -> k type_text _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Ordering ( Lift_Type_Root Type_Ordering root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Ordering root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Ordering root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Ordering" asts -> case asts of [] -> k type_ordering _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Fun ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Fun root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Fun root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Fun root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "->" asts -> case asts of [ast_arg, ast_res] -> type_fun_from ty ast_arg ast_res k _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Maybe ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Maybe root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Maybe root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Maybe root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Maybe" asts -> case asts of [ast_a] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_a $ \ty_a -> k (type_maybe ty_a) _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_List ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_List root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_List root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_List root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "[]" asts -> case asts of [ast_a] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_a $ \ty_a -> k (type_list ty_a) _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Map ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Map root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Constraint_Type Ord root , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Map root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Map root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Map" asts -> case asts of [ast_k, ast_a] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_k $ \ty_k -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_a $ \ty_a -> k (type_map ty_k ty_a) _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Tuple2 ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Tuple2 root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Tuple2 root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Tuple2 root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "(,)" asts -> case asts of [ast_a, ast_b] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_a $ \ty_a -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_b $ \ty_b -> k (type_tuple2 ty_a ty_b) _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type_from AST Type_Either ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Either root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Either root) root) ) => Type_from AST (Type_Either root) where type_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Either" asts -> case asts of [ast_l, ast_r] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_l $ \ty_l -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_r $ \ty_r -> k (type_either ty_l ty_r) _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 2 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Bool ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Bool root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Bool root) instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Int ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Int root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Int root) instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Unit ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Unit root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Unit root) instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Ordering ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Ordering root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Ordering root) instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Var0 ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Var0 root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Var0 root) instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Var1 ( Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Var1 root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Var1 root) instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Maybe ( Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Maybe root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Maybe root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Maybe root) where type1_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Maybe" asts -> case asts of [] -> k (Proxy::Proxy Maybe) type_maybe _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type1_from AST Type_List ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_List root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_List root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_List root) where type1_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "[]" asts -> case asts of [] -> k (Proxy::Proxy []) type_list _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type1_from AST Type_IO ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_IO root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_IO root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_IO root) where type1_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "IO" asts -> case asts of [] -> k (Proxy::Proxy IO) type_io _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 0 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Fun ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Fun root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Fun root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Fun root) where type1_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "->" asts -> case asts of [ast_arg] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_arg $ \(ty_arg::root h_arg) -> k (Proxy::Proxy ((->) h_arg)) $ type_fun ty_arg _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Type1_from AST Type_Either ( Eq_Type root , Type_from AST root , Lift_Type_Root Type_Either root , Lift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Unlift_Error_Type (Error_Type AST) (Error_of_Type AST root) , Root_of_Type root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Type (Type_Either root) root) ) => Type1_from AST (Type_Either root) where type1_from ty ast k = case ast of AST "Either" asts -> case asts of [ast_l] -> type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_l $ \(ty_l::root h_l) -> k (Proxy::Proxy (Either h_l)) $ type_either ty_l _ -> Left $ lift_error_type $ Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 _ -> Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Bool ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Unlift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Bool root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Bool root) where expr_from ex ast = case ast of AST "bool" asts -> lit_from_AST bool type_bool asts ex ast AST "not" asts -> op1_from_AST Expr.not type_bool asts ex ast AST "&&" asts -> op2_from_AST (Expr.&&) type_bool asts ex ast AST "||" asts -> op2_from_AST (Expr.||) type_bool asts ex ast AST "xor" asts -> op2_from_AST Expr.xor type_bool asts ex ast _ -> \_ctx _k -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_If ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_If root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_If root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "if" asts -> from_ast3 asts if_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_When ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Unit (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_When root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_When root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "when" asts -> from_ast2 asts when_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Int ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Int (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Unlift_Type Type_Int (Type_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Int root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Int root) where expr_from ex ast = case ast of AST "int" asts -> lit_from_AST int type_int asts ex ast _ -> \_ctx _k -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Integer ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Integer (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Unlift_Type Type_Integer (Type_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Integer root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Integer root) where expr_from ex ast = case ast of AST "integer" asts -> lit_from_AST integer type_integer asts ex ast _ -> \_ctx _k -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Num ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Constraint_Type Num (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Num root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Num root) where expr_from ex ast = let c = (Proxy :: Proxy Num) in case ast of AST "abs" asts -> class_op1_from_AST Expr.abs c asts ex ast AST "negate" asts -> class_op1_from_AST Expr.negate c asts ex ast AST "+" asts -> class_op2_from_AST (Expr.+) c asts ex ast AST "-" asts -> class_op2_from_AST (Expr.-) c asts ex ast AST "*" asts -> class_op2_from_AST (Expr.*) c asts ex ast _ -> \_ctx _k -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Integral ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Constraint_Type Integral (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Tuple2 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Integer (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Integer (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Integral root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Integral root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = let c = (Proxy :: Proxy Integral) in case ast of AST "quot" asts -> class_op2_from_AST Expr.quot c asts ex ast ctx k AST "div" asts -> class_op2_from_AST Expr.div c asts ex ast ctx k AST "rem" asts -> class_op2_from_AST Expr.rem c asts ex ast ctx k AST "mod" asts -> class_op2_from_AST Expr.mod c asts ex ast ctx k AST "quotRem" asts -> from_ast2 asts quotRem_from ex ast ctx k AST "divMod" asts -> from_ast2 asts divMod_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Text ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Text (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Unlift_Type Type_Text (Type_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Text root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Text root) where expr_from ex ast = case ast of AST "text" asts -> case asts of [AST lit []] -> \_ctx k -> k type_text $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \_c -> text lit _ -> \_ctx _k -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 _ -> \_ctx _k -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Lambda ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_Lambda AST) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Lambda root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Lambda root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "var" asts -> case asts of [AST name []] -> var_from name ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 AST "$" asts -> from_ast2 asts app_from ex ast ctx k AST "\\" asts -> go_lam asts AST "let" asts -> go_let asts _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast where go_lam asts = case asts of [AST name [], ast_ty_arg, ast_body] -> lam_from name ast_ty_arg ast_body ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 3 go_let asts = case asts of [AST name [], ast_var, ast_body] -> let_from name ast_var ast_body ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 3 instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Maybe ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Maybe (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Maybe (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Maybe root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Maybe root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "maybe" asts -> from_ast3 asts maybe_from ex ast ctx k AST "nothing" asts -> from_ast1 asts nothing_from ex ast ctx k AST "just" asts -> from_ast1 asts just_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Eq ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type Eq (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Eq root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Eq root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "==" asts -> from_ast2 asts eq_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Ord ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Ordering (Type_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type Ord (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Ord root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Ord root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "compare" asts -> from_ast2 asts compare_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_List ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_List (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_List (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_List root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_List root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "[]" asts -> from_ast1 asts list_empty_from ex ast ctx k AST ":" asts -> from_ast2 asts list_cons_from ex ast ctx k AST "list_filter" asts -> from_ast2 asts list_filter_from ex ast ctx k AST "list" asts -> case asts of ast_ty_a:asts' -> list_from ast_ty_a asts' ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast 1 AST "list_zipWith" asts -> from_ast3 asts list_zipWith_from ex ast ctx k AST "list_reverse" asts -> from_ast1 asts list_reverse_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Map ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_List (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_List (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Map (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Map (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Maybe (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Maybe (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Tuple2 (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Tuple2 (Type_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type Ord (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Map root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Map root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "map_from_list" asts -> from_ast1 asts map_from_list_from ex ast ctx k AST "mapWithKey" asts -> from_ast2 asts mapWithKey_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_lookup" asts -> from_ast2 asts map_lookup_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_keys" asts -> from_ast1 asts map_keys_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_member" asts -> from_ast2 asts map_member_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_insert" asts -> from_ast3 asts map_insert_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_delete" asts -> from_ast2 asts map_delete_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_difference" asts -> from_ast2 asts map_difference_from ex ast ctx k AST "map_foldrWithKey" asts -> from_ast3 asts map_foldrWithKey_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Functor ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type1 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Constraint_Type1 Functor (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Functor root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Functor root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "fmap" asts -> from_ast2 asts fmap_from ex ast ctx k AST "<$>" asts -> from_ast2 asts fmap_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Applicative ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type1_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Eq_Type1 (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type1 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Constraint_Type1 Applicative (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Applicative root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Applicative root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "pure" asts -> from_ast2 asts pure_from ex ast ctx k AST "<*>" asts -> from_ast2 asts ltstargt_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Traversable ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Eq_Type1 (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type1 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Constraint_Type1 Applicative (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type1 Traversable (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Traversable root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Traversable root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "traverse" asts -> from_ast2 asts traverse_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Foldable ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Int (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Eq_Type1 (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type1 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Constraint_Type Eq (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type Ord (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type Monoid (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Constraint_Type1 Foldable (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Foldable root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "foldMap" asts -> from_ast2 asts foldMap_from ex ast ctx k AST "null" asts -> from_ast1 asts null_from ex ast ctx k AST "length" asts -> from_ast1 asts length_from ex ast ctx k AST "minimum" asts -> from_ast1 asts minimum_from ex ast ctx k AST "maximum" asts -> from_ast1 asts maximum_from ex ast ctx k AST "elem" asts -> from_ast2 asts elem_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Monoid ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Int (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type1 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Constraint_Type Monoid (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Monoid root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Monoid root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "mempty" asts -> from_ast1 asts mempty_from ex ast ctx k AST "mappend" asts -> from_ast2 asts mappend_from ex ast ctx k AST "<>" asts -> from_ast2 asts mappend_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Monad ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type1_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Eq_Type1 (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type1 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Constraint_Type1 Monad (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Monad root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Monad root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "return" asts -> from_ast2 asts return_from ex ast ctx k AST ">>=" asts -> from_ast2 asts bind_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Either ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Type_from AST (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , Lift_Type Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root) , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Either root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Either root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "left" asts -> from_ast2 asts left_from ex ast ctx k AST "right" asts -> from_ast2 asts right_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast instance -- Expr_from AST Expr_Tuple2 ( Eq_Type (Type_Root_of_Expr root) , Expr_from AST root , Lift_Type Type_Tuple2 (Type_of_Expr root) , Unlift_Type Type_Tuple2 (Type_of_Expr root) , Lift_Error_Expr (Error_Expr_of_Root AST root) (Error_of_Expr AST root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , IBool (Is_Last_Expr (Expr_Tuple2 root) root) ) => Expr_from AST (Expr_Tuple2 root) where expr_from ex ast ctx k = case ast of AST "(,)" asts -> from_ast2 asts tuple2_from ex ast ctx k AST "fst" asts -> from_ast1 asts fst_from ex ast ctx k AST "snd" asts -> from_ast1 asts snd_from ex ast ctx k _ -> Left $ error_expr_unsupported ex ast