module Language.Symantic.Grammar.EBNF where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Semigroup hiding (option)
+import Data.Eq (Eq)
+import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
+import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
+import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
-import Prelude hiding (any)
+import Text.Show (Show(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Source
-import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Error
+import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Meta
import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Fixity
-- * Type 'EBNF'
-- Synthetized attributes are:
-- * 'Text' of the 'EBNF' rendition.
-data EBNF a = EBNF { unEBNF :: RuleMode -> (Infix, Side) -> Text }
-instance Gram_Meta meta EBNF where
- withMeta (EBNF x) = EBNF x
+newtype EBNF a = EBNF { unEBNF :: RuleMode -> (Infix, Side) -> Text }
+instance Gram_Reader st EBNF where
+ askBefore (EBNF e) = EBNF e
+ askAfter (EBNF e) = EBNF e
+instance Gram_State st EBNF where
+ stateBefore (EBNF e) = EBNF e
+ stateAfter (EBNF e) = EBNF e
instance Gram_Error err EBNF where
- catch (EBNF g) = EBNF g
+ catch (EBNF e) = EBNF e
-- | Get textual rendition of given 'EBNF'.
runEBNF :: EBNF a -> Text
-- | 'EBNF' which adds an argument to be applied.
ebnf_arg :: EBNF a -> EBNF b -> EBNF ()
-ebnf_arg (EBNF a) (EBNF b) = EBNF $ \bo po -> parenInfix po op $
+ebnf_arg (EBNF a) (EBNF b) = EBNF $ \bo po -> pairIfNeeded pairParen po op $
a bo (op, SideL) <> " " <> b bo (op, SideR)
where op = infixL 11
infixl 5 `ebnf_arg`
newtype RuleEBNF a = RuleEBNF { unRuleEBNF :: EBNF a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
deriving instance Gram_RuleEBNF RuleEBNF
+deriving instance Gram_Error err RuleEBNF
+deriving instance Gram_Reader st RuleEBNF
+deriving instance Gram_State st RuleEBNF
instance Gram_Rule RuleEBNF where
rule n = ruleEBNF (ebnf_const n)
rule1 n g a = ruleEBNF (ebnf_const n `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF a) (g a)
rule2 n g a b = ruleEBNF (ebnf_const n `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF a `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF b) (g a b)
rule3 n g a b c = ruleEBNF (ebnf_const n `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF a `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF b `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF c) (g a b c)
rule4 n g a b c d = ruleEBNF (ebnf_const n `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF a `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF b `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF c `ebnf_arg` unRuleEBNF d) (g a b c d)
-instance Gram_Meta meta RuleEBNF where
- withMeta (RuleEBNF x) = RuleEBNF $ withMeta x
-- ** Class 'Gram_RuleEBNF'
-- | Symantics for rendering 'EBNF' rules.
fmap _f (EBNF x) = EBNF x
instance Applicative EBNF where
pure _ = ebnf_const $ "\"\""
- EBNF f <*> EBNF x = EBNF $ \bo po -> parenInfix po op $
+ EBNF f <*> EBNF x = EBNF $ \bo po -> pairIfNeeded pairParen po op $
f bo (op, SideL) <> ", " <> x bo (op, SideR)
where op = infixB SideL 10
instance Gram_Rule EBNF where
, unEBNF body RuleMode_Ref (infixN0, SideR)
, ";"
-deriving instance Gram_Error err RuleEBNF