data Token_Type src
= Token_Type_Const (At src NameTy)
| Token_Type_Var (At src NameVar)
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+ -- deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Source src => Eq (Token_Type src) where
+ Token_Type_Const (At _ x) == Token_Type_Const (At _ y) = x == y
+ Token_Type_Var (At _ x) == Token_Type_Var (At _ y) = x == y
+ _ == _ = False
+instance Source src => Show (Token_Type src) where
+ showsPrec p (Token_Type_Const (At _ x)) =
+ showParen (p >= 10) $
+ showString "Token_Type_Const" .
+ showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
+ showsPrec p (Token_Type_Var (At _ x)) =
+ showParen (p >= 10) $
+ showString "Token_Type_Var" .
+ showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
-- * Class 'Gram_Type'
-- | Read an 'AST_Type' from a textual source.
- ( Gram_Terminal g
+ ( Gram_Source src g
+ , Gram_Terminal g
, Gram_Rule g
, Gram_Alt g
, Gram_Try g
, Gram_CF g
, Gram_Comment g
, Gram_Op g
- , Gram_Meta (Text_of_Source src) g
- , Inj_Source (Text_of_Source src) src
) => Gram_Type src g where
g_type :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type = rule "type" $ g_type_fun
g_type_fun :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_fun = rule "type_fun" $
- infixrG g_type_list (withSource $ op <$ symbol "->")
+ infixrG g_type_list (g_source $ op <$ symbol "->")
where op src = BinTree2 . BinTree2 (BinTree0 $ Token_Type_Const $ At src "(->)")
-- TODO: maybe not harcoding g_type_list and g_type_tuple2
g_type_list :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_list = rule "type_list" $
- withSource $ inside mk
+ g_source $ inside mk
(symbol "[") (optional g_type) (symbol "]")
(const <$> g_type_tuple2)
tok src = BinTree0 $ Token_Type_Const $ At src "[]"
g_type_tuple2 :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_tuple2 = rule "type_tuple2" $
- try (parens (infixrG (g_type) (withSource $ op <$ symbol ","))) <+> (g_type_app)
+ try (parens (infixrG (g_type) (g_source $ op <$ symbol ","))) <+> (g_type_app)
where op src = BinTree2 . BinTree2 (BinTree0 $ Token_Type_Const $ At src "(,)")
g_type_app :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_app = rule "type_app" $
g_type_name_const :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_name_const = rule "type_name_const" $
- lexeme $ withSource $
+ lexeme $ g_source $
(\n ns src -> BinTree0 $ Token_Type_Const $ At src $ fromString $ n:ns)
<$> unicat (Unicat Char.UppercaseLetter)
<*> many (choice $ unicat <$> [Unicat_Letter, Unicat_Number])
g_type_name_var :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_name_var = rule "type_name_var" $
- lexeme $ withSource $
+ lexeme $ g_source $
(\n ns src -> BinTree0 $ Token_Type_Var $ At src $ fromString $ n:ns)
<$> unicat (Unicat Char.LowercaseLetter)
<*> many (choice $ unicat <$> [Unicat_Letter, Unicat_Number])
g_type_symbol :: CF g (AST_Type src)
g_type_symbol = rule "type_symbol" $
- withSource $ (mk <$>) $
+ g_source $ (mk <$>) $
parens $ many $ cf_of_Terminal $ choice g_ok `but` choice g_ko
mk s src = BinTree0 $ Token_Type_Const $ At src (fromString $ "(" ++ s ++ ")")
g_ko = char <$> ['(', ')', '`']
deriving instance Gram_Type src g => Gram_Type src (CF g)
-instance Inj_Source (Text_of_Source src) src => Gram_Type src EBNF
-instance Inj_Source (Text_of_Source src) src => Gram_Type src RuleEBNF
+instance Gram_Source src EBNF => Gram_Type src EBNF
+instance Gram_Source src RuleEBNF => Gram_Type src RuleEBNF
-- | List of the rules of 'Gram_Type'.
gram_type :: Gram_Type () g => [CF g (AST_Type ())]