{ pkgs, config, ... }: with (import ./names-and-numbers.nix); let inherit (config.users) users; in { networking.nftables.ruleset = '' table inet filter { chain input { iifname ${lteIface} jump input-net iifname ${lteIface} log level warn prefix "input-net: " counter drop } chain output-net { ip daddr tcp dport 8080 counter accept \ comment "mmsd: Prixtel/SFR" } chain output { oifname ${lteIface} jump output-net oifname ${lteIface} log level warn prefix "output-net: " counter drop } chain forward-to-net { } chain forward-from-net { } chain forward-to-net { } chain forward-from-net { } chain forward { iifname { ${wifiIface}, ${eth1Iface}, ${eth2Iface}, ${eth3Iface} } oifname ${lteIface} goto forward-to-net iifname ${lteIface} oifname { ${wifiIface}, ${eth1Iface}, ${eth2Iface}, ${eth3Iface} } goto forward-from-net } } table inet nat { chain postrouting { iifname { ${wifiIface}, ${eth1Iface}, ${eth2Iface}, ${eth3Iface} } oifname ${lteIface} masquerade } } ''; services.mmsd.enable = true; services.mmsd.extraArgs = [ "--debug" ]; systemd.services.NetworkManager.wants = [ "ModemManager.service" ]; services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.dconf ]; programs.dconf.enable = true; environment.etc."NetworkManager/system-connections/Prixtel.nmconnection" = { mode = "600"; text = '' [connection] id=Prixtel uuid=b223f550-dff1-4ba3-9755-cd4557faaa5a type=gsm autoconnect=true autoconnect-retries=0 [gsm] apn=sl2sfr number=*99# #home-only=true [ppp] [ipv4] method=auto dhcp-send-hostname=false [ipv6] method=auto addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy ip6-privacy=2 dhcp-send-hostname=false [proxy] ''; }; systemd.services.watch-lte = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; startAt = "*:0/5"; # every 5 min path = with pkgs; [ inetutils networkmanager ]; unitConfig = { StartLimitIntervalSec = 0; }; serviceConfig = { Type = "simple"; IPAddressAllow = [ "" ]; RestrictAddressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" "AF_UNIX" ]; ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "watch-lte" '' set -eux ping -c 1 || nmcli connection up Prixtel ''; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = "30s"; }; }; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.modem-manager-gui pkgs.libmbim pkgs.chatty pkgs.gnome.gnome-contacts pkgs.picocom pkgs.tio pkgs.calls pkgs.dfeet # https://gitlab.com/mobian1/callaudiod/-/issues/26 # https://gitlab.com/mobian1/callaudiod/-/issues/27 pkgs.callaudiod ]; }