{ pkgs, lib, config, hostName, ... }: { imports = [ ../home-manager/profiles/essential.nix ../home-manager/profiles/vim.nix ../home-manager/options.nix julm/mutt.nix (import (julm/hosts + "/${hostName}.nix")) ]; programs.bash.shellAliases = { firefox-calyx = "sudo systemd-run -P -p JoinsNamespaceOf=netns-calyx.service -p PrivateNetwork=true -p BindReadOnlyPaths=/etc/netns/calyx/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf -E DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -p User=julm -E DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS -E LANG=$LANG -E LOCALE_ARCHIVE=$LOCALE_ARCHIVE -E PATH=$PATH -- firefox -P calyx"; }; programs.browserpass.enable = config.programs.firefox.enable; programs.firefox.profiles = let defaultProfile = { settings = { "browser.bookmarks.showMobileBookmarks" = true; "browser.compactmode.show" = true; "browser.search.isUS" = false; "browser.search.region" = "FR"; "distribution.searchplugins.defaultLocale" = "fr-FR"; "dom.security.https_first" = true; "dom.security.https_only_mode" = true; "general.useragent.locale" = "fr-FR"; "privacy.globalprivacycontrol.enabled" = true; "privacy.globalprivacycontrol.functionality.enabled" = true; "security.identityblock.show_extended_validation" = true; "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" = true; #"privacy.firstparty.isolate" = true; }; userChrome = lib.readFile ../home-manager/profiles/firefox/userChrome.css; }; in { "0yplujgj.2022" = lib.mkMerge [ defaultProfile { id = 0; name = "2022"; settings = { "browser.startup.homepage" = "https://democracynow.org"; }; } ]; "8y3d28fa.tor" = lib.mkMerge [ defaultProfile { id = 1; name = "tor"; settings = { "browser.startup.homepage" = "https://check.torproject.org"; "privacy.firstparty.isolate" = true; }; } ]; "zqa1ck7d.calyx" = lib.mkMerge [ defaultProfile { id = 2; name = "calyx"; settings = { "browser.startup.homepage" = "https://icanhazip.com"; "privacy.firstparty.isolate" = true; }; } ]; }; home.file."${config.programs.gpg.homedir}/gpg.conf".text = '' # julm@autogeree.net trusted-key 0xD15AF7F467E8299B # julm@sourcephile.fr (2021-08-12) trusted-key 0xA58CD81C3863926F ''; services.gpg-agent.sshKeys = [ # julm@autogeree.net "D275EBA09C7E1FFBFB47F6EEF164E6D56FB24AB2" # julm@sourcephile.fr (2021-08-12) "3D94D14514F1EA2B6D62F1275D888897B082415D" # Ed25519 key added on: 2021-10-31 06:48:49 # Fingerprints: MD5:fe:fe:81:79:d8:7f:e4:ff:64:ac:f3:1c:bd:65:24:3a # SHA256:bCfwfC8MQTjm6c1HcMLtzvGpnWRdqLwe/bvbh2jsNaA "F6CCA60CF05FADAE911CFBEC0BCDED22F40A19FD" # Radicle key added on 2024-05-21 23:24:10 # Fingerprints: SHA256:yhSIWvGFqN0oM/oTE1hMhEdhlSSEeCMcp/g/3TdNKYY "1D6AF2BF857201D98413475AE022F8A4CFC34BF0" ]; programs.irssi.extraConfig = lib.readFile julm/irssi/irssi.conf; xdg.configFile."doom/config.el".text = lib.readFile julm/emacs/config.el; home.file.".irssi/passwd" = lib.mkIf config.programs.irssi.enable { text = '' FreeNode : ${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass freenode.net/irc/julm GeekNode : ${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass geeknode.org/irc/julm IndyMedia : ${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass indymedia.org/irc/julm Libera : ${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass libera.chat/irc/julm OFTC : ${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass oftc.net/irc/julm ToileLibre : ${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass toile-libre.org/irc/julm ''; }; programs.ssh.matchBlocks = { "aubergine.sp" = { #compression = true; # Helps to get a better framerate with forwardX11 forwardAgent = true; forwardX11 = true; forwardX11Trusted = true; serverAliveInterval = 15; extraOptions = { Ciphers = "aes128-gcm@openssh.com"; }; }; "patate.sp" = { user = "sevy"; }; "courge.sp" = { user = "mo"; }; } // lib.genAttrs [ "lan.losurdo.sourcephile.fr" "losurdo.sp" ] (_: { compression = true; # Helps to get a better framerate with forwardX11 forwardX11 = true; forwardX11Trusted = true; serverAliveInterval = 15; }); programs.git = { userName = "Julien Moutinho"; userEmail = "julm@sourcephile.fr"; signing.key = "0x4FE467034C11017B429BAC53A58CD81C3863926F"; signing.signByDefault = false; extraConfig = { sendemail.smtpEncryption = "ssl"; # Yes, "ssl", not "tls" which does not work because it expects STARTTLS. sendemail.smtpServer = "mail.sourcephile.fr"; sendemail.smtpServerPort = "465"; sendemail.smtpUser = "julm@sourcephile.fr"; }; }; }