{ pkgs, lib, config, nixosConfig, ... }: { imports = [ ./redshift.nix ]; home.packages = [ pkgs.arandr pkgs.glib.bin pkgs.glxinfo pkgs.dconf-editor pkgs.hicolor-icon-theme pkgs.pavucontrol pkgs.qpwgraph pkgs.x2goclient pkgs.xclip pkgs.xorg.xkill ]; #services.gnome.at-spi2-core.enable = true; home.sessionVariables = lib.mkIf (!nixosConfig.services.gnome.at-spi2-core.enable) { NO_AT_BRIDGE = "1"; }; # keycode = _ _ _ _" home.file.".Xmodmap".text = '' ! — (tiret insécable) with AltGr+Shift+- keycode 15 = minus 6 bar fiveeighths bar U2011 ! — (tiret cadratin) with AltGr+Shift+_ keycode 17 = underscore 8 bar fiveeighths backslash emdash ! œ with AltGr+o ! Œ with AltGr+Shift+o keycode 32 = o O o O oe OE ! … (ellipsis) with AltGr+; keycode 59 = semicolon period comma less ellipsis multiply ccedilla Ccedilla !   (nbsp) with AltGr+space and   (narrow nbsp) with AltGr+Shift+space keycode 65 = space space NoSymbol NoSymbol nobreakspace U202F ! Use Caps Lock button for compose key keysym Caps_Lock = Multi_key Caps_Lock ! Remove shift lock functionality clear Lock ''; systemd.user.services.setxkbmap.Service.ExecStartPost = "${pkgs.xorg.xmodmap}/bin/xmodmap ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.Xmodmap"; programs.bash = { initExtra = '' gtk-theme () { case $1 in dark) dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/color-scheme "'prefer-dark'" echo 'Net/ThemeName "Adwaita-dark"' > ~/.xsettingsd systemctl --user kill -s HUP xsettingsd.service ;; light) dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/color-scheme "'prefer-light'" echo 'Net/ThemeName "Adwaita"' > ~/.xsettingsd systemctl --user kill -s HUP xsettingsd.service ;; *) echo "Usage: dark-mode ";; esac } ''; }; # Required for gtk-theme to work. services.xsettingsd.enable = true; dconf.settings = { "org/gnome/desktop/interface" = { color-scheme = lib.mkDefault "prefer-dark"; }; }; gtk = { enable = lib.mkDefault true; theme.name = "Adwaita"; theme.package = pkgs.gnome-themes-extra; iconTheme.package = pkgs.adwaita-icon-theme; iconTheme.name = "Adwaita"; gtk2.configLocation = "${config.xdg.configHome}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"; gtk3 = { bookmarks = lib.mkDefault [ ]; }; }; }