#set dotlock_program="/usr/bin/mutt_dotlock" #charset-hook ^iso-8859-1$ utf-8 #macro index,pager S "|sa-learn --ham -" "Flag message as ham" #macro index,pager s "|sa-learn --spam -" "Flag message as spam" #set alias_file=$HOME/var/lib/mutt/aliases.dat #set crypt_use_pka #set locale="fr_FR.UTF-8" #set new_mail_command="notify-send 'New Email' '%n new messages, %u unread.' &" #set pgp_mime_signature_description="Signature digitale OpenPGP" #set pgp_mime_signature_filename=msg.sig.gpg #set sendmail="/usr/sbin/ssmtp -C$HOME/.mutt/ssmtp/ssmtp.cfg" #set wrapmargin=3 #source $alias_file alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text text/html auto_view application/octet-stream auto_view text/html bind attach i previous-entry bind attach k next-entry bind browser i previous-entry bind browser j noop bind browser k next-entry bind browser r check-new bind browser R check-stats bind generic i previous-line bind generic j exit bind generic k next-line bind generic l select-entry bind index previous-new-then-unread bind index next-new-then-unread bind index L list-reply bind index N search-opposite bind index \; tag-prefix-cond # apply the next function ONLY to tagged messages bind index h limit bind index i previous-entry bind index j collapse-thread bind index k next-entry bind index l display-message bind index r reply bind index,pager M save-message bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next bind index,pager \Co sidebar-open bind index,pager \Cp sidebar-prev bind pager < exit bind pager exit bind pager previous-new-then-unread bind pager next-new-then-unread bind pager L list-reply bind pager i previous-line bind pager j exit bind pager k next-line bind pager l next-entry bind pager r reply bind pager,index V check-traditional-pgp # object foreground background [regex] color body cyan default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+ # e-mail addresses color body magenta default "(ftp|git|http|https|irc|mailto|news|rsync|ssh|svn|xmpp)://[^ >]+" # point out URL color header brightblack default ^Content-Type: color header brightblack default ^Date: color header brightblack default ^List-ID: color header magenta default ^Message-ID: color header brightblack default ^Old-To: color header brightblack default ^Open(PGP|pgp): color header brightblack default ^Reply-To: color header brightblack default ^User-Agent: color header brightblack default ^X-Mailer: color header brightblack default ^X-Operating-System: color header brightblack default ^X-PGP-Key-FingerPrint: color header brightblack default ^X-PGP-Key: color header brightblack default ^X-Spam-Status: color header cyan default ^(Bcc|BCC): color header cyan default ^(Cc|CC): color header cyan default ^From: color header cyan default ^To: color header red default ^Disposition-Notification-To: color header red default ^Return-Receipt-To: color header brightwhite yellow ^Subject: color index yellow default '~F' # Flagged color indicator white red color normal white default color quoted brightblack default color search white red color status white blue color tree magenta default macro browser q "" #macro browser y "\t" macro compose \CP "Fgpg --clearsign\ny" macro index , "^" # Reload current folder macro index "rm -rf ~/.mu/results; mu-find -o l -l ~/.mu/results " "mu-find" macro index "~/.mu/results\n" "display mu-find results" macro index q "?" #macro index y "c?\t" macro index,browser L "unset wait_keyread -p 'search: ' x; echo \$x >~/.cache/mutt/terms~i \"\`notmuch search --output=messages \$(cat ~/.cache/mutt/terms) | head -n 600 | perl -le '@a=<>;chomp@a;s/\^id:// for@a;$,=\"|\";print@a'\`\"" "Limit through a notmuch search" macro index,browser \cL "all\n" "show all messages (undo limit)" macro index,generic \CF "!echo SIGHUP gpg-agent so it forgets the passphrase.; pkill -SIGHUP gpg-agent\n" "SIGHUP gpg-agent so it forgets the passphrase" macro index,pager A "abook --add-email" "add the sender address to abook" macro index,pager u |urlview\n macro index,pager,generic a "abook" "launch abook" unmime_lookup * mime_lookup application/octet-stream ignore * unignore From Date Subject To Cc Message-ID unignore x-mailer unignore x-spam-status unignore x-spam-report set ask_follow_up = no set ask_x_comment_to = no set askcc = no set assumed_charset = UTF-8 set attribution = "Le %d, %n a écrit :" set auto_tag = yes set browser_abbreviate_mailboxes #set browser_sticky_cursor set catchup_newsgroup = no set charset = UTF-8 set check_mbox_size # This variable should happen before any "mailboxes" directive set collapse_unread = no set config_charset = UTF-8 set crypt_replyencrypt set crypt_replysign set crypt_replysignencrypted set crypt_use_gpgme = no set crypt_verify_sig set date_format = "%a %d %b %Y %Hh%M %Z" set edit_headers set editor = "sh -c 'vim -f -c \"set ft=mail tw=64\" -c \":0/^\$\" \"$0\"; echo -ne \"\\033kmutt\\033\\134\"; echo -ne \"\\033]0;TERM: mutt: \$PWD\\007\"' " set envelope_from_address = "" set folder_format = "%N%t [%3n/%3m] %f %> %s %D" set followup_to set followup_to_poster = ask-yes set group_index_format = '%4C %M%N %5s %-45.45f %d' set hdrs set header_cache = "~/.cache/mutt/headers" set honor_followup_to set hostname = "localhost" set imap_check_subscribed set imap_delim_chars = "/.+" set imap_idle set imap_keepalive = 300 set imap_list_subscribed set imap_passive = yes set implicit_autoview set include = ask-yes set indent_string = "> " set index_format = "%Z %-18.18L %?M?%3M >>>? %s%> %5cB %D" set inews = '' set mail_check = 60 set mail_check_stats set mailcap_path = "~/.mutt/mailcap" set message_cachedir = "~/.cache/mutt/bodies" set metoo = no set mime_forward = no set mime_forward_rest set mime_subject = yes set net_inc = 5 set news_cache_dir = '~/.cache/mutt/news' set newsgroups_charset = utf-8 set newsrc = '~/.var/mutt/newsrc.%s' set nntp_authenticators = '' set nntp_context = 1000 set nntp_listgroup = yes set nntp_load_description = yes set nntp_pass = '' set nntp_poll = 60 set nntp_user = '' set nomark_old # Non read messages not marked as old set pager = "builtin" set pager_context = 2 # Number of lines to be shown when doing next-page set pager_index_lines = 9 set pager_stop # When looking at the end of a message dont jump to the beginning of the next one set pgp_auto_decode set pgp_autoinline = no set pgp_check_exit set pgp_clearsign_command = "gpg --batch --output - --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?--local-user %a? <%f" set pgp_decode_command = "gpg --batch --output - --use-agent --decrypt %f" set pgp_decrypt_command = "gpg --batch --output - --use-agent --status-fd 2 --decrypt %f" set pgp_encrypt_only_command = "pgpewrap gpg --batch --output - --use-agent --always-trust --textmode --armor --encrypt -- --recipient %r <%f" set pgp_encrypt_sign_command = "pgpewrap gpg --batch --output - --use-agent --always-trust --textmode --armor %?a?--local-user %a? --sign --encrypt -- --recipient %r <%f" set pgp_entry_format = "%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u" set pgp_export_command = "pgpewrap gpg --batch --export --armor -- '' %r" set pgp_good_sign = "^gpg : bonne signature de" set pgp_ignore_subkeys set pgp_import_command = "gpg --batch --import --verbose %f" set pgp_list_pubring_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --list-keys %r" set pgp_list_secring_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --list-secret-keys %r" set pgp_mime_auto set pgp_replyinline set pgp_self_encrypt set pgp_show_unusable set pgp_sign_command = "gpg --batch --output - --use-agent --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?--local-user %a? <%f" set pgp_sort_keys = address set pgp_strict_enc set pgp_timeout = 10 set pgp_use_gpg_agent set pgp_verify_command = "gpg --batch --output - --verify %s %f" set pgp_verify_key_command = "gpg --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r" set pop_checkinterval = 60 set pop_delete = no set pop_reconnect set post_moderated = ask-yes set postpone_encrypt = yes set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'" set quote_regexp = "^([ \t]*[|>:}#])+" set reverse_alias set reverse_name set reverse_realname = no set save_unsubscribed = yes set send_charset = UTF-8 set sendmail = "sendmail -oem -oi" set show_new_news = yes set show_only_unread = no set sidebar_delim_chars = "/.+" set sidebar_folder_indent set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S" set sidebar_indent_string = ".." set sidebar_visible = no set signature = "~/.mutt/signature" set sort = threads set sort_alias = alias set sort_aux = reverse-last-date set sort_browser = reverse-date set ssl_force_tls set ssl_starttls = no set strict_threads # Use In-Reply-To: header to build threads set timeout = 30 set tmpdir = "~/.cache/mutt" set to_chars = " +TCFL" set uncollapse_jump = yes set uncollapse_new = yes set use_envelope_from set use_envelope_from set use_from set user_agent = no set x_comment_to = no unset allow_8bit unset beep unset crypt_autoencrypt unset mark_old # When leaving a box don't mark new messages old unset markers unset meta_key unset move # Do not move read mails unset pgp_autosign unset pgp_retainable_sigs unset preconnect account-hook . ' \ unset imap_user; \ unset imap_pass; \ unset tunnel \ ' # Use very high $read_inc to speed up reading hcache'd maildirs folder-hook . 'set read_inc=1000' # Use lower value for reading slower remote IMAP folders folder-hook (^imap) 'set read_inc=100' # Use even lower value for reading even slower remote POP folders folder-hook (^pop) 'set read_inc=1' # vim: ft=muttrc