{ pkgs, lib, config, hostName, ... }: with lib; { environment.systemPackages = [ #pkgs.cudatoolkit ]; hardware.nvidia.prime = { sync.enable = true; #offload.enable = true; intelBusId = "PCI:0:2:0"; nvidiaBusId = "PCI:1:0:0"; }; # Load nvidia driver for Xorg and Wayland #services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [ "nouveau" ]; hardware.nvidia = { # Modesetting is required. modesetting.enable = true; # Nvidia power management. Experimental, and can cause sleep/suspend to fail. powerManagement.enable = false; # Fine-grained power management. Turns off GPU when not in use. # Experimental and only works on modern Nvidia GPUs (Turing or newer). powerManagement.finegrained = false; # Use the NVidia open source kernel module (not to be confused with the # independent third-party "nouveau" open source driver). # Support is limited to the Turing and later architectures. Full list of # supported GPUs is at: # https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules#compatible-gpus # Only available from driver 515.43.04+ # Currently alpha-quality/buggy, so false is currently the recommended setting. open = false; # Enable the Nvidia settings menu, # accessible via `nvidia-settings`. nvidiaSettings = true; # Optionally, you may need to select the appropriate driver version for your specific GPU. package = config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages.stable; }; }