-{ pkgs, lib, config, hostName, ... }:
+{ pkgs, lib, hostName, ... }:
-# none is the recommended elevator with ZFS (which has its own I/O scheduler)
-# and/or for SSD, whereas HDD could use mq-deadline.
-services.udev.extraRules = ''
- # set none scheduler for non-rotating disks
- ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="0", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="none"
- ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="nvme[0-9]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="0", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="none"
-boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
-boot.initrd.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
-boot.zfs.requestEncryptionCredentials = lib.mkDefault [ hostName ];
-# Using ZFS together with hibernation (suspend to disk)
-# may cause filesystem corruption.
-# See https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/260
-boot.kernelParams = [ "nohibernate" ];
-# Ensure extra safeguards are active that zfs uses to protect zfs pools.
-boot.zfs.forceImportAll = false;
-boot.zfs.forceImportRoot = false;
-boot.zfs.enableUnstable = false;
-# Enables periodic scrubbing of ZFS pools.
-services.zfs.autoScrub.enable = true;
-# According to zpool(8), for consumer hardware
-# periodic manual TRIM is preferred over the automatic TRIM
-# that ZFS implements.
-services.zfs.trim.enable = true;
-environment.systemPackages = [
- pkgs.sanoid
+ # none is the recommended elevator with ZFS (which has its own I/O scheduler)
+ services.udev.extraRules = ''
+ ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]*[0-9]*|mmcblk[0-9]*p[0-9]*|nvme[0-9]*n[0-9]*p[0-9]*", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="zfs_member", ATTR{../queue/scheduler}="none"
+ '';
+ boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
+ boot.initrd.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
+ boot.kernelParams = [
+ # Disabled because the zfs kernel module is not signed
+ "module.sig_enforce=0"
+ ];
+ # Using ZFS together with hibernation (suspend to disk)
+ # may cause filesystem corruption.
+ # See https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/260
+ boot.zfs.allowHibernation = false;
+ # Stable enough, clearer, and faster than the default /dev/disk/by-id
+ boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel";
+ # Not useful so far.
+ # See also https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/62644#issuecomment-1479523469
+ boot.zfs.forceImportAll = false;
+ # More resilient for remote hosts,
+ # though it may call zpool clear.
+ boot.zfs.forceImportRoot = true;
+ boot.zfs.requestEncryptionCredentials = lib.mkDefault [ "${hostName}/root" ];
+ #boot.zfs.package = pkgs.zfs_unstable;
+ # Enables periodic scrubbing of ZFS pools.
+ services.zfs.autoScrub.enable = true;
+ services.zfs.autoScrub.interval = "Sun *-*-08..14 00:15:00";
+ # According to zpool(8), for consumer hardware
+ # periodic manual TRIM is preferred over the automatic TRIM
+ # that ZFS implements.
+ services.zfs.trim.enable = true;
+ services.zfs.trim.interval = "Sun *-*-01..07 00:15:00";
+ # Hide ZFS mountpoints from gio, hence nautilus or caja
+ systemd.services.zfs-mount.postStart = ''
+ /run/wrappers/bin/mount -t zfs | cut -f 1 -d ' ' |
+ xargs -n 1 -r -t /run/wrappers/bin/mount -o remount,x-gvfs-hide || true
+ '';
+ environment.systemPackages = [
+ pkgs.lzop # For remote syncoid
+ pkgs.mbuffer # For remote syncoid
+ pkgs.sanoid
+ ];
+ # Force zpool import, even if the disk has not been exported,
+ # (ie. still imported onto another computer).
+ systemd.services."zfs-import@" = {
+ description = "ZFS import pool: %I";
+ unitConfig = {
+ ConditionPathIsDirectory = "/sys/module/zfs";
+ StartLimitIntervalSec = 0;
+ };
+ after = [ "systemd-modules-load.service" ];
+ path = lib.mkBefore [ "/run/booted-system/sw" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ RemainAfterExit = true;
+ PrivateTmp = true;
+ SyslogIdentifier = "zfs-import@%i";
+ Restart = "no";
+ ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "zfs-import" ''
+ pool="$1"
+ set -eux
+ zpool status "$pool" ||
+ zpool import -lFd /dev/disk/by-id/ -o cachefile=none "$pool" ||
+ zpool reopen "$pool" ||
+ zpool import -lfd /dev/disk/by-id/ -o cachefile=none "$pool" ||
+ zpool clear -nFX "$pool"
+ ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl restart zfs-mount.service
+ '' + " %I";
+ };
+ };