programs.bash = {
enable = mkDefault true;
+ enableCompletion = mkDefault true;
shellAliases = {
+ afk = "xset s activate dpms force off";
black-on-white = "echo -e '\\033]11;black\\007\\033]10;white\\007'";
c = "bat";
cl = "clear";
- eic = "edit-in-commit";
- eigg = "edit-in-git-grep";
+ d = "sudo resolvectl";
+ dust = "dust --bars-on-right --full-paths";
emacs = "emacsclient --create-frame";
- g = "git";
- gg = "git grep";
grep = "grep --color";
j = "sudo journalctl -u";
jb = "sudo journalctl -b";
- ju = "sudo journalctl --user -u";
+ jf = "sudo journalctl -f -u";
+ jf200 = "sudo journalctl -f -n 200 -u";
+ jftoday = "sudo journalctl -f --since today -u";
+ ju = "journalctl --user -u";
l = "ls -alh";
ll = "ls -al";
ls = "ls --color=tty";
+ lst = "ls --sort=time --reverse -1";
md-toc = "grep '^#\\+' --color";
mem = "ps -e -orss=,user=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n";
mem-top = "smem --sort rss --autosize";
mpl = "mplayer";
+ n = "sudo networkctl";
nf = "sudo nft list ruleset | less";
+ nix-du-svg = "nix-du | dot -Tsvg >nix-du.svg";
nixos-clean = "sudo nix-collect-garbage -d";
nixos-history = "sudo nix-env --list-generations --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system";
nixos-rollback = "sudo nixos-rebuild switch --rollback";
+ nt = "sudo networkctl status";
pass-gen = "tr -d -C A-Za-z0-9_- </dev/urandom | head -c";
r = "reset";
rot13 = "tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m";
rot135 = "tr A-Za-z0-9 N-ZA-Mn-za-m5-90-4";
rsync = "rsync --no-inc-recursive --info=progress2 --inplace --partial";
s = "sudo systemctl";
+ sr = "sudo systemctl restart";
+ ssh-unknown = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null";
st = "sudo systemctl status";
+ smt-on = "echo on | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control";
+ smt-off = "echo off | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control";
t = "tmux";
+ t0 = "tmux new -t 0";
+ t1 = "tmux new -t 1";
+ t2 = "tmux new -t 2";
theme-black-on-white = "echo -e '\\033]10;black\\007\\033]11;white\\007'";
theme-white-on-black = "echo -e '\\033]10;white\\007\\033]11;black\\007'";
u = "systemctl --user";
+ ud = "resolvectl";
+ ur = "systemctl --user restart";
ut = "systemctl --user status";
+ w = "watch --color --differences";
w1 = "watch --color --differences --interval 1";
- w5 = "watch --color --differences --interval 5";
w10 = "watch --color --differences --interval 10";
- w = "watch --color --differences";
+ w5 = "watch --color --differences --interval 5";
watch = "watch --color --differences";
+ z = "zfs";
+ ze = "sudo zpool export";
zfs-umount = "zfs-unmount";
+ zi = "sudo zpool import";
+ zl = "zfs list";
+ zlb = "zfs list -t bookmarks";
+ zls = "zfs list -t snap";
+ zm = "zfs-mount";
+ zp = "sudo zpool";
+ zs = "zpool status";
+ zs5 = "w5 zpool status";
+ zu = "zfs-unmount";
+ historyControl = [
+ "erasedups"
+ "ignorespace"
+ ];
+ historyIgnore = [
+ "torify"
+ "mpv"
+ ];
+ historySize = 42000;
sessionVariables = {
- HISTCONTROL = "erasedups:ignorespace";
- HISTSIZE = "42000";
PS1 = ''\[\033[1;32m\]\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]\W\[\033[0m\] \$(e=\$?; if [ \$e != 0 ]; then echo '\[\e[0;91m\]'\$e'\[\e[0m\]'; fi)\$ '';
+ # More throughput than chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com
+ # on hardware with AES acceleration.
+ RSYNC_RSH = "ssh -c aes128-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com";
initExtra = ''
# Alias completion
# Disable ctrl-s/ctrl-q flow control
stty -ixon
+ ffmpeg-audio () {
+ for i in "$@"; do
+ ffmpeg -i "$i" -vn -map 0:a -acodec copy "''${i%.*}".audio-only.mkv
+ done
+ }
+ ffmpeg-opus () {
+ for i in "$@"; do
+ ffmpeg -i "$i" -vn -map 0:a -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -application voip "''${i%.*}".opus
+ done
+ }
+ opusenc-voice () {
+ find "$@" -depth -type f -print0 | sort -n -z |
+ xargs -0 -P "$(lscpu --online -p | grep -v "#" | wc -l)" -I {} bash -c '
+ test -e "''${0%.*}".opus ||
+ nice -n 19 ffmpeg -y -i "$0" -map 0:a -b:a 32k -application voip "''${0%.*}".opus
+ ' {} \;
+ }
ibm-fan () {
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
then sudo tee /proc/acpi/ibm/fan <<<"level $1"
mkpass () {
tr -d -C 'A-Za-z0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c 25 | xclip
- opusenc-voice () {
- find "$@" -depth -type f -print0 | sort -n -z |
- xargs -0 -P "$(lscpu --online -p | grep -v "#" | wc -l)" -I {} bash -c '
- test -e "''${0%.*}".opus ||
- nice -n 19 ffmpeg -y -i "$0" -map 0:a -b:a 32k -application voip "''${0%.*}".opus
- ' {} \;
- }
smartctl-tbw () {
sudo smartctl -A $device |
{ awk '
- $0 ~ /Power_On_Hours/ { poh=$10; printf "%s / %d hours / %d days / %.2f years\n", $2, $10, $10 / 24, $10 / 24 / 365.25 }
+ $0 ~ /Power_On_Hours/ {
+ poh=$10;
+ printf "%s / %d hours / %d days / %.2f years\n", $2, $10, $10 / 24, $10 / 24 / 365.25
+ }
$0 ~ /Total_LBAs_Written/ {
- lbas = $10;
- bytes = $10 * 512;
- mb = bytes / 1024^2;
- gb = bytes / 1024^3;
- tb = bytes / 1024^4;
- printf "%s / %s / %d mb / %.1f gb / %.3f tb\n", $2, $10, mb, gb, tb
- printf "mean writes per hour: / %.2f", mb/poh
+ lbas = $10;
+ bytes = $10 * 512;
+ mb = bytes / 1024^2;
+ gb = bytes / 1024^3;
+ tb = bytes / 1024^4;
+ printf "%s / %s / %d mb / %.1f gb / %.3f tb\n", $2, $10, mb, gb, tb
+ printf "mean writes per hour / %.2f", mb/poh
$0 ~ /Airflow_Temperature_Cel/ { print $2 " / " $10}
$0 ~ /Wear_Leveling_Count/ { printf "%s / %d (%% health)\n", $2, int($4) }
+ $0 ~ /Percentage Used:/ { printf "Percentage_Used / %d\n", int($3) }
'; echo; } |
sed -e 's:/:@:' |
sed -e "s\$^\$$device @ \$" |
done |
sort -nk1,1
- edit-in-commit () { $EDITOR $(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "$@"); }
- edit-in-git-grep () { $EDITOR $(git grep --name-only --recursive "$@"); }
# Recursively mount not-mounted dataset,
# loading their keys if needed.
zfs-mount () {
+ (
+ set -e
for d in $(zfs list -rH -o name "$@"); do
mountpoint /mnt/"$d" 2>/dev/null ||
sudo zfs mount -l "$d"
+ )
# Recursively unmount dataset,
# unloading their keys.
zfs-unmount () { sudo zfs unmount -u "$@"; }
+ # Create bookmarks for all the snapshots of the given datasets.
+ # Bookmarks are only useful on source datasets
+ # But syncoid --create-bookmark only creates
+ # a bookmark for the latest snapshot,
+ # possibly leaving the *_daily or *_monthly snapshots without a bookmark.
+ zfs-fix-bookmarks () {
+ local d
+ local -
+ set -x
+ for d in "$@"; do
+ for s in $(zfs list -Hrpt snapshot -o name "$d"); do
+ sudo zfs bookmark "$s" "''${s//@/#}"
+ done
+ done
+ }
# Restore the inheritance of encryptionroot,
# usually broken by zfs send --raw.
# Note that it needs to decrypt the datasets.
zfs-fix-encryptionroot () {
+ local d
zfs load-key "$1"
- for i in $(zfs list -rHo name "$1" | tail -n +2); do
- echo >&2 "$i"
- test "$(zfs get -Ho value encryptionroot $i)" = "$1" ||
- zfs change-key -li "$i"
+ for d in $(zfs list -rHo name "$1" | tail -n +2); do
+ echo >&2 "$d"
+ test "$(zfs get -Ho value encryptionroot $d)" = "$1" ||
+ sudo zfs change-key -li "$d"
+ # Recursively remove all the snapshots of given datasets
+ zfs-destroy-snapshots () {
+ local d
+ for d in "$@"; do
+ zfs list -t snapshot -rHo name "$d" |
+ sudo xargs --no-run-if-empty -L1 zfs destroy
+ done
+ }
- profileExtra = ''
- '';
+ profileExtra = '''';
- programs.direnv.enableBashIntegration = true;
#programs.broot.enableBashIntegration = true;
programs.readline = {
enable = mkDefault true;
# Up/Down
"\\e[A" = "history-search-backward";
"\\e[B" = "history-search-forward";
+ "\\eOA" = "history-search-backward";
+ "\\eOB" = "history-search-forward";
# Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right
"\\e[1;5C" = "forward-word";