;; Line numbers are pretty slow all around. The performance boost of
;; disabling them outweighs the utility of always keeping them on.
(setq display-line-numbers-type nil)
+(global-visual-line-mode t)
;; Focus new window after splitting
(setq evil-split-window-below t
show-help-function nil
global-prettify-symbols-mode nil
prettify-symbols-mode -1
+ treemacs-position 'right
+ treemacs-project-follow-mode t
lsp-treemacs-errors-position-params `((side . right))
lsp-log-io nil ; Only for debugging
lsp-restart 'auto-restart
; Only load lsp-clients to speed up loading
; See https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode/pull/1498
lsp-client-packages '(lsp-clients)
+ lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions t
;; The modeline is not useful to me in the popup window.
;;(delq! t custom-theme-load-path)
(setq auto-save-default t ; Nobody likes to loose work, I certainly don't
- confirm-kill-emacs nil
+ confirm-kill-emacs t
+ confirm-kill-processes nil
make-backup-files nil
password-cache-expiry nil ; I can trust my computers ... can't I?
scroll-margin 10
split-width-threshold 160
+;; vterm
+(after! vterm
+ (set-popup-rule! "*doom:vterm-popup:*" :side 'right :size 0.33 :vslot -4 :select t :quit nil :ttl 0)
+ (setq vterm-kill-buffer-on-exit t
+ vterm-max-scrollback 10000
+ )
+ )
(after! flycheck
; flycheck-error-list-buffer
- (set-popup-rule! (rx bos "*Flycheck errors*" eos) :side 'right :size 0.45)
+ (set-popup-rule! (rx bos "*Flycheck errors*" eos) :side 'right :size 0.33)
; M-x lsp-ui-flycheck-list
(setq lsp-ui-flycheck-list-position 'right)
(add-hook 'flycheck-error-list-mode-hook
(lambda () (setq tabulated-list-sort-key (list "Level"))))
+ (setq
+ flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-minimum-level 'error
+ flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-show t
+ )
;(add-hook 'flycheck-error-list-after-refresh-hook
; (lambda ()
; ToStudy: https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam-ui
; ToStudy: https://blog.tecosaur.com/tmio/2021-07-31-citations.html
; ToStudy: https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref-cite
-(setq org-directory "~/documents/notes")
+(setq org-directory "~/papers/notes")
(setq org-noter-notes-search-path '("~/notes/path/"))
(after! org
; :defer t
; :hook ((after-init . org-roam-mode))
; :custom
-; (setq org-roam-directory "~/documents/notes/org-roam")
+; (setq org-roam-directory "~/papers/notes/org-roam")
; ;; Let's set up some org-roam capture templates
; (setq org-roam-capture-templates
; :config
; (setq reftex-default-bibliography bibliography-files
; org-ref-default-bibliography bibliography-files
-; org-ref-bibliography-notes "~/documents/notes/org-roam/bibnotes.org" ;; Is this even needed?
-; org-ref-notes-directory "~/documents/notes/org-roam"
+; org-ref-bibliography-notes "~/papers/notes/org-roam/bibnotes.org" ;; Is this even needed?
+; org-ref-notes-directory "~/papers/notes/org-roam"
; org-ref-notes-function 'orb-edit-notes
; ;org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function 'org-ref-get-pdf-filename-helm-bibtex)
; )
;(use-package! bibtex-completion
; :defer t
; :config
-; (setq bibtex-completion-notes-path "~/documents/notes/org-roam/"
+; (setq bibtex-completion-notes-path "~/papers/notes/org-roam/"
; bibtex-completion-pdf-field "file"
; bibtex-completion-bibliography bibliography-files
; )
;(use-package! org-noter
; :after (:any org pdf-view)
; :config
-; (setq org-noter-notes-search-path '("~/documents/notes/org-roam")
+; (setq org-noter-notes-search-path '("~/papers/notes/org-roam")
; org-noter-always-create-frame nil
; )
; )
(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")
(defun swiper-all/search-word-at-point ()
- (swiper-all (format "%s" (thing-at-point 'word))))
+ (swiper-all (format "\\_<%s\\_>" (thing-at-point 'word))))
; Highlight without jumping to the next match
; See: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/52411/evil-star-visualstar-without-moving-the-cursor
(defun search-word-at-point ()
(evil-search (progn (evil-ex-search-unbounded-word-forward)
-(setq ivy-case-fold-search-default nil ; case-sensitive search by default
- )
+(after! (ivy swiper)
+ (setq case-fold-search nil ; case-sensitive search by default
+ ivy-case-fold-search-default nil ; case-sensitive search by default
+ ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) "
+ ivy-height 10
+ ;; Press C-p and Enter to select current input as candidate
+ ;; https://oremacs.com/2017/11/30/ivy-0.10.0/
+ ivy-use-selectable-prompt t
+ ivy-use-virtual-buffers t
+ )
+ (add-to-list 'ivy-re-builders-alist `(swiper . ivy--regex))
+ (add-to-list 'ivy-re-builders-alist `(swiper-all . ivy--regex))
+ (add-to-list 'ivy-re-builders-alist `(read-file-name-internal . ivy--regex-fuzzy))
+ )
(after! evil
+ (setq which-key-min-display-lines 15
+ ; https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/issues/5622#issuecomment-946760888
+ which-key-allow-imprecise-window-fit nil
+ )
;(general-define-key "C-s" '(counsel-grep-or-swiper :which-key "search"))
;(general-define-key :keymaps '(swiper-map) "C-u" '(lambda () (interactive) (kill-line 0)))
;(general-nvmap "/" '(counsel-grep-or-swiper :which-key "search in buffer"))
-;; Edition
+;; Editing
(after! evil
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t
(evil-define-key 'normal global-map
(kbd "C-d") 'set-selective-display/at-point)
-;; Navigation
+;; Navigating
;; DOC: https://github.com/noctuid/evil-guide
(after! evil
(setq evil-cross-lines t
+ evil-ex-search-case 'sensitive
evil-move-cursor-back nil
evil-search-wrap nil
evil-want-C-i-jump nil
(evil-define-key 'motion 'global
(kbd "<C-i>") 'evil-prev-buffer ; Does not work without the angles ('<' and '>')
(kbd "C-k") 'evil-next-buffer
+ (kbd "C-x k") 'kill-current-buffer
+ (kbd "C-m") 'counsel-switch-buffer
;(define-key evil-normal-state-map [tab] 'evil-prev-buffer)
(kbd "C-u") 'better-jumper-jump-backward
(kbd "C-o") 'better-jumper-jump-forward
+ ;; Jumping
+ ;(evil-define-key '(motion normal visual) 'global
+ ;(kbd "C--") 'doom/decrease-font-size
+ ;(kbd "C-=") 'doom/increase-font-size
+ ; )
;; Moving with ijkl (instead of hjkl)
(evil-define-key '(motion normal visual) 'global