{ config, pkgs, lib, inputs, hostName, ... }:
imports = [
- ../nixos/profiles/builder.nix
+ ../nixos/profiles/irssi.nix
+ ../nixos/profiles/laptop.nix
+ ../nixos/profiles/radio.nix
- ../nixos/profiles/irssi.nix
+ ../nixos/profiles/bluetooth.nix
+ oignon/nebula.nix
# Lower kernel's security for better performances
- boot.kernelParams = [ "mitigations=off" ];
+ security.kernel.mitigations = "off";
home-manager.users.julm = {
imports = [ ../homes/julm.nix ];
- systemd.services.home-manager-julm.postStart = ''
- ${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-env --delete-generations +1 --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/julm/home-manager
- '';
users.users.root = {
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = map lib.readFile [
# For nix -L run .#oignon.switch
+ "plugdev" # For rtl-sdr
- systemd.services.nix-daemon.serviceConfig.LoadCredentialEncrypted =
- [ ("${hostName}.key:${inputs.self}/hosts/${hostName}/nix/secret-key-files.priv.pem.cred") ];
+ systemd.services.nix-daemon.serviceConfig.LoadCredentialEncrypted = [
+ "${hostName}.key:${builtins.path { path = ./. + "/${hostName}/nix/secret-key-files.priv.pem.cred"; }}"
+ ];
nix = {
extraOptions = ''
secret-key-files = /run/credentials/nix-daemon.service/${hostName}.key
settings = {
- trusted-users = [ config.users.users."julm".name ];
substituters = [
- #"http://nix-localcache.losurdo.wg"
- "ssh://nix-ssh@losurdo.wg?priority=30"
+ #"http://nix-localcache.losurdo.sp"
+ "ssh://nix-ssh@losurdo.sp?priority=30"
trusted-public-keys = map lib.readFile [
services.davfs2.enable = true;
+ systemd.automounts = [
+ { where = "/mnt/aubergine"; automountConfig.TimeoutIdleSec = "5 min"; }
+ ];
fileSystems =
- # Use the user's gpg-agent session to query
- # for the password of the SSH key when auto-mounting.
- sshAsUser = user:
- pkgs.writeScript "sshAsUser-${user}" ''
- exec ${pkgs.sudo}/bin/sudo -i -u ${user} \
+ # Use the user's gpg-agent session to query
+ # for the password of the SSH key when auto-mounting.
+ sshAsUser =
+ pkgs.writeScript "sshAsUser" ''
+ user="$1"; shift
+ exec ${pkgs.sudo}/bin/sudo -i -u "$user" \
${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh "$@"
options =
- "noatime"
- "noexec"
- "nosuid"
+ "exec" # Override "user"'s noexec
+ "noatime"
+ "nosuid"
- "ssh_command=${sshAsUser "julm"}" # "reconnect"
+ "ssh_command=${sshAsUser}\\040julm"
# Disconnect approximately 2*15=30 seconds after a network failure
+ "dir_cache=no"
+ #"reconnect"
"/mnt/aubergine" = {
- device = "${pkgs.sshfs-fuse}/bin/sshfs#julm@aubergine.wg:/";
+ device = "${pkgs.sshfs-fuse}/bin/sshfs#julm@aubergine.sp:/";
fsType = "fuse";
inherit options;
"/mnt/losurdo" = {
- device = "${pkgs.sshfs-fuse}/bin/sshfs#julm@losurdo.wg:/";
+ device = "${pkgs.sshfs-fuse}/bin/sshfs#julm@losurdo.sp:/";
fsType = "fuse";
inherit options;
"/mnt/mermet" = {
- device = "${pkgs.sshfs-fuse}/bin/sshfs#julm@mermet.wg:/";
+ device = "${pkgs.sshfs-fuse}/bin/sshfs#julm@mermet.sp:/";
fsType = "fuse";
inherit options;
services.xserver = {
+ xkb = {
+ layout = "fr,us(altgr-intl)";
+ };
desktopManager = {
session = [
# Let the session be generated by home-manager
- displayManager = {
- defaultSession = "home-manager";
- #defaultSession = "none+xmonad";
- #defaultSession = "mate";
- #defaultSession = "cinnamon";
- autoLogin = {
- user = config.users.users.julm.name;
- };
+ };
+ services.displayManager = {
+ defaultSession = "home-manager";
+ #defaultSession = "none+xmonad";
+ #defaultSession = "mate";
+ #defaultSession = "cinnamon";
+ autoLogin = {
+ user = config.users.users.julm.name;