]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - test/QuickCheck.hs
Fix majorityValue: update the middlemost correctly.
[majurity.git] / test / QuickCheck.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 module QuickCheck where
6 import Test.QuickCheck
7 import Test.Tasty
8 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
10 import Control.Arrow (first)
11 import Control.Monad (replicateM)
12 import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
13 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
14 import Data.Ratio
15 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
16 import Prelude
17 import System.Random (Random(..))
18 import qualified Data.Set as Set
20 import Majority.Judgment
21 import Types
23 quickchecks :: TestTree
24 quickchecks =
25 testGroup "QuickCheck"
26 [ testProperty "arbitraryMerits" $ \(SameLength (Merit x::Merit G6,Merit y::Merit G6)) ->
27 Map.keys x == Map.keys y &&
28 sum x == sum y
29 , testGroup "MajorityValue"
30 [ testProperty "compare" $ \(SameLength (x::MajorityValue G6,y)) ->
31 expandValue x`compare` expandValue y == x`compare`y
32 ]
33 {-
34 , testProperty "majorityGauge and majorityValue consistency" $
35 \(SameLength (x@(Merit xs)::Merit G6,y@(Merit ys))) ->
36 not (all (==0) xs || all (==0) ys) ==>
37 case majorityGauge x`compare`majorityGauge y of
38 LT -> majorityValue x < majorityValue y
39 GT -> majorityValue x > majorityValue y
40 EQ -> True
41 -}
42 ]
44 -- | Decompress a 'MajorityValue'.
45 expandValue :: MajorityValue a -> [a]
46 expandValue (MajorityValue ms) =
47 let d = foldr lcm 1 (denominator . middleShare <$> ms) in
48 go $ (\m -> (numerator (middleShare m) * d, lowGrade m, highGrade m)) <$> ms
49 where
50 go [] = []
51 go ((s,l,h):xs) = concat (replicate (fromIntegral s) [l, h]) ++ go xs
53 -- | @arbitraryMerits n@ arbitrarily generates 'n' lists of 'Merit'
54 -- for the same arbitrary grades,
55 -- and with the same total 'Share' of individual judgments.
56 arbitraryMerits :: forall g. (Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g) => Int -> Gen [Merit g]
57 arbitraryMerits n = sized $ \shareSum -> do
58 minG <- choose (fromEnum(minBound::g), fromEnum(maxBound::g))
59 maxG <- choose (minG, fromEnum(maxBound::g))
60 let gs::[g] = toEnum minG`enumFromTo`toEnum maxG
61 let lenGrades = maxG - minG + 1
62 replicateM n $ do
63 shares <- resize shareSum $ arbitrarySizedPositiveRationalSum lenGrades
64 shares' :: [Share] <- arbitraryPad (lenGrades - length shares) (return 0) shares
65 return $ Merit $ fromList $ zip gs shares'
67 -- | @arbitrarySizedNaturalSum maxLen@
68 -- arbitrarily chooses a list of 'length' at most 'maxLen',
69 -- containing 'Int's summing up to 'sized'.
70 arbitrarySizedNaturalSum :: Int -> Gen [Int]
71 arbitrarySizedNaturalSum maxLen = sized (go maxLen)
72 where
73 go :: Int -> Int -> Gen [Int]
74 go len tot | len <= 0 = return []
75 | len == 1 = return [tot]
76 | tot <= 0 = return [tot]
77 go len tot = do
78 d <- choose (0, tot)
79 (d:) <$> go (len-1) (tot - d)
81 -- | @arbitrarySizedPositiveRationalSum maxLen@
82 -- arbitrarily chooses a list of 'length' at most 'maxLen',
83 -- containing positive 'Rational's summing up to 'sized'.
84 arbitrarySizedPositiveRationalSum :: Int -> Gen [Rational]
85 arbitrarySizedPositiveRationalSum maxLen = sized (go maxLen . fromIntegral)
86 where
87 go :: Int -> Rational -> Gen [Rational]
88 go len tot | len <= 0 = return []
89 | len == 1 = return [tot]
90 | tot <= 0 = return [tot]
91 go len tot = do
92 d <- choose (0, tot)
93 (d:) <$> go (len-1) (tot - d)
95 instance Random Rational where
96 randomR (minR, maxR) g =
97 if d - b == 0
98 then first (% b) $ randomR (a, c) g
99 else first (bd2ac . nat2bd) $ randomR (0, toInteger (maxBound::Int)) g
100 where
101 a = numerator minR
102 b = denominator minR
103 c = numerator maxR
104 d = denominator maxR
105 nat2bd x = ((d - b) % toInteger (maxBound::Int)) * (x%1) + (b%1)
106 bd2ac x = alpha * x + beta
107 where
108 alpha = (c-a) % (d-b)
109 beta = (a%1) - alpha * (b%1)
111 random = randomR (toInteger (minBound::Int)%1, toInteger (maxBound::Int)%1)
113 -- | @arbitraryPad n pad xs@
114 -- arbitrarily grows list 'xs' with 'pad' elements
115 -- up to length 'n'.
116 arbitraryPad :: (Num i, Integral i) => i -> Gen a -> [a] -> Gen [a]
117 arbitraryPad n pad [] = replicateM (fromIntegral n) pad
118 arbitraryPad n pad xs = do
119 (r, xs') <- go n xs
120 if r > 0
121 then arbitraryPad r pad xs'
122 else return xs'
123 where
124 go r xs' | r <= 0 = return (0,xs')
125 go r [] = arbitrary >>= \b ->
126 if b then pad >>= \p -> ((p:)<$>) <$> go (r-1) []
127 else return (r,[])
128 go r (x:xs') = arbitrary >>= \b ->
129 if b then pad >>= \p -> (([p,x]++)<$>) <$> go (r-1) xs'
130 else ((x:)<$>) <$> go r xs'
132 -- | Like 'nub', but O(n * log n).
133 nubList :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
134 nubList = go Set.empty where
135 go _ [] = []
136 go s (x:xs) | x`Set.member`s = go s xs
137 | otherwise = x:go (Set.insert x s) xs
139 instance Arbitrary G6 where
140 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
141 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g, Show g) => Arbitrary (Merit g) where
142 arbitrary = head <$> arbitraryMerits 1
143 shrink (Merit m) = Merit <$> shrink m
144 instance
145 ( Arbitrary c, Bounded c, Enum c, Eq c, Hashable c, Show c
146 , Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g, Show g
147 ) => Arbitrary (MeritByChoice c g) where
148 arbitrary = do
149 minP <- choose (fromEnum(minBound::c), fromEnum(maxBound::c))
150 maxP <- choose (minP, fromEnum(maxBound::c))
151 let ps = toEnum minP`enumFromTo`toEnum maxP
152 let ms = arbitraryMerits (maxP - minP + 1)
153 fromList . zip ps <$> ms
154 instance (Bounded g, Eq g, Integral g, Arbitrary g) => Arbitrary (MajorityValue g) where
155 arbitrary = head . (majorityValue <$>) <$> arbitraryMerits 1
156 shrink (MajorityValue vs) = MajorityValue <$> shrink vs
157 instance (Bounded g, Enum g) => Arbitrary (Middle g) where
158 arbitrary = do
159 lowG <- choose (fromEnum(minBound::g), fromEnum(maxBound::g))
160 highG <- choose (lowG, fromEnum(maxBound::g))
161 share <- choose (0, 1)
162 return $ Middle share (toEnum lowG) (toEnum highG)
164 -- * Type 'SameLength'
165 newtype SameLength a = SameLength a
166 deriving (Eq, Show)
167 instance Functor SameLength where
168 fmap f (SameLength x) = SameLength (f x)
169 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g) => Arbitrary (SameLength (MajorityValue g, MajorityValue g)) where
170 arbitrary = do
171 SameLength (x,y) <- arbitrary
172 return $ SameLength (MajorityValue x, MajorityValue y)
173 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g) => Arbitrary (SameLength (Merit g, Merit g)) where
174 arbitrary = do
175 vs <- arbitraryMerits 2
176 case vs of
177 [x,y] -> return $ SameLength (x,y)
178 _ -> undefined
179 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g) => Arbitrary (SameLength ([Middle g], [Middle g])) where
180 arbitrary = do
181 SameLength (m0, m1) <- arbitrary
182 return $ SameLength
183 ( unMajorityValue $ majorityValue m0
184 , unMajorityValue $ majorityValue m1 )