module Voting.Protocol.Version where import Data.Foldable (any) import Data.List (List) import Data.Eq ((==)) import Voting.Protocol.Arithmetic -- * Type 'Version' -- | Version of the Helios-C protocol. data Version = Version { version_branch :: List Natural , version_tags :: List { tag :: String, tagNum :: Natural } } {- instance IsString Version where fromString = fromJust . readVersion instance Show Version where showsPrec _p Version{..} = List.foldr (.) id (List.intersperse (showChar '.') $ shows <$> version_branch) . List.foldr (.) id ((\(t,n) -> showChar '-' . showString (Text.unpack t) . if n > 0 then shows n else id) <$> version_tags) instance ToJSON Version where toJSON = toJSON . show toEncoding = toEncoding . show instance FromJSON Version where parseJSON (JSON.String s) | Just v <- readVersion (Text.unpack s) = return v parseJSON json = JSON.typeMismatch "Version" json -} hasVersionTag :: Version -> String -> Boolean hasVersionTag (Version v) tag = any (\{tag:t} -> t == tag) v.version_tags {- -- ** Type 'ExperimentalVersion' type ExperimentalVersion = V [1,6] '[ '(VersionTagQuicker,0)] experimentalVersion :: Version experimentalVersion = stableVersion{version_tags = [(versionTagQuicker,0)]} -- ** Type 'StableVersion' type StableVersion = V [1,6] '[] stableVersion :: Version stableVersion = "1.6" -- ** Type 'VersionTagQuicker' type VersionTagQuicker = "quicker" -} versionTagQuicker :: String versionTagQuicker = "quicker" {- readVersion :: String -> Maybe Version readVersion = parseReadP $ do version_branch <- Read.sepBy1 ( <$> Read.munch1 Char.isDigit) (Read.char '.') version_tags <- Read.many $ (,) <$> (Text.pack <$ Read.char '-' <*> Read.munch1 Char.isAlpha) <*> ( <$> Read.munch1 Char.isDigit <|> return 0) return Version{..} -- ** Type 'V' -- | Type-level representation of a specific 'Version'. data V (branch::[Nat]) (tags::[(Symbol,Nat)]) -- | Like a normal 'reflect' but this one takes -- its 'Version' from a type-level 'V'ersion -- instead of a term-level 'Version'. instance (VersionBranchVal branch, VersionTagsVal tags) => Reifies (V branch tags) Version where reflect _ = Version { version_branch = versionBranchVal (Proxy @branch) , version_tags = versionTagsVal (Proxy @tags) } -- *** Class 'VersionBranchVal' class VersionBranchVal a where versionBranchVal :: proxy a -> [Natural] instance KnownNat h => VersionBranchVal '[h] where versionBranchVal _ = [fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy @h))] instance ( KnownNat h , KnownNat hh , VersionBranchVal (hh ':t) ) => VersionBranchVal (h ': hh ': t) where versionBranchVal _ = fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy @h)) : versionBranchVal (Proxy @(hh ':t)) -- *** Class 'VersionTagsVal' class VersionTagsVal a where versionTagsVal :: proxy a -> [(Text,Natural)] instance VersionTagsVal '[] where versionTagsVal _ = [] instance ( KnownSymbol s , KnownNat n , VersionTagsVal t ) => VersionTagsVal ('(s,n) ': t) where versionTagsVal _ = ( Text.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @s)) , fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy @n)) ) : versionTagsVal (Proxy :: Proxy t) -}