# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Julien Moutinho # License: GNU GPLv3 (or later, at your choice) from __future__ import unicode_literals from functools import reduce import datetime import os import random import shutil import uno from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX, INFOBOX, WARNINGBOX, ERRORBOX, QUERYBOX from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons import BUTTONS_OK, BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, BUTTONS_YES_NO, BUTTONS_YES_NO_CANCEL, BUTTONS_RETRY_CANCEL, BUTTONS_ABORT_IGNORE_RETRY from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxResults import OK, YES, NO, CANCEL from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue from com.sun.star.sheet import CellFlags if 'XSCRIPTCONTEXT' in globals(): def getModel(): return (XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument(), XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()) def debug(msg): return else: from connect_to_libre_office import getModel def debug(msg): print(msg) def MakeBallots(*args): (model, context) = getModel() FunctionAccess = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess", context) today = datetime.date.today() ballotSheet = model.Sheets[0] ballotsSheet = model.Sheets[1] ballotDate = today.strftime("%Y-%m") ballotIDCell = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("bulletinID") gradesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("mentions") choicesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("choix") # Number of ballots ballots = intOfCell(ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0).Value) if not (ballots > 0): MsgBox(ERRORBOX, BUTTONS_OK, "MakeBallots", \ "ERROR: set $"+ballotsSheet.Name+"$A$1 to the number of ballots.") return -1 # Set bulletins NamedRange ballotsRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 4, 0, 4 + ballots - 1) model.NamedRanges.removeByName("bulletins") model.NamedRanges.addNewByName \ ( "bulletins" , ballotsRange.AbsoluteName , ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0).CellAddress , 0 ) grades = gradesRange.DataArray[0] choices = choicesRange.DataArray ballotsHeaderGrades = ["Mentions :"] + list(grades * len(choices)) ballotsHeaderChoices = [ballots] + ([""] * (len(ballotsHeaderGrades) - 1)) ballotsHeaderSumByChoice = ["Somme par choix :"] + ([""] * (len(ballotsHeaderGrades) - 1)) ballotsHeaderSumByGrade = ["Somme par mention :"] + ([""] * (len(ballotsHeaderGrades) - 1)) for choice in range(len(choices)): ballotsHeaderChoices[1 + choice * len(grades)] = choices[choice][0] ballotsHeader = \ [ ballotsHeaderChoices , ballotsHeaderSumByChoice , ballotsHeaderSumByGrade , ballotsHeaderGrades ] ballotsList = [] ballotDir = "./bulletins" rm(ballotDir) mkdir(ballotDir) IDdigits = 8 randomIDs = random.sample(range(0, 10 ** IDdigits - 1), ballots) for i in range(1,ballots+1): ballot = randomIDs.pop() ballotID = "SS-"+ballotDate+"-"+("%0*i" % (IDdigits, ballot)) ballotIDCell.String = ballotID ballotsList.append([ballotID] + [""] * len(grades) * len(choices)) debug("ballotID:"+str(ballotID)) exportPDF(model, ballotSheet, os.getcwd()+"/"+ballotDir+"/"+("%0*i" % (IDdigits, ballot))+".pdf") ballotsList.sort(key=lambda data: data[0]) ballotIDCell.String = "" clearSheet(ballotsSheet) ballotsData = ballotsHeader + ballotsList ballotsRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ ( 0, 0, len(ballotsData[0]) - 1, len(ballotsData) - 1 ) ballotsRange.DataArray = ballotsData # ballotsSheet headers headerCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0) headerCell.HoriJustify = 2 for header in range(1,4): headerCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, header) headerCell.HoriJustify = 3 for choice in range(len(choices)): # Merge choice title choiceCellOrig = choicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice) choiceRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ ( 1 + choice * len(grades), 0 , 1 + choice * len(grades) + len(grades) - 1, 0 ) choiceRange.merge(True) choiceRange.CellBackColor = choiceCellOrig.CellBackColor choiceRange.CharWeight = choiceCellOrig.CharWeight choiceRange.HoriJustify = 1 choiceRange.VertJustify = 1 # Merge SUM() by choice startSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [3, 2 + choice * len(grades), 4]) endSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [3, 2 + choice * len(grades) + len(grades) - 1, 4]) sumByGradeCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition \ ( 1 + choice * len(grades), 1 ) sumByGradeCell.Formula = "=SUM(%s:%s)" % (startSum, endSum) sumByChoiceRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ ( 1 + choice * len(grades), 1 , 1 + choice * len(grades) + len(grades) - 1, 1 ) sumByChoiceRange.merge(True) for grade in range(len(grades)): # Copy grade color gradeCellOrig = gradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0) gradeCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition \ ( 1 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 3 ) gradeCell.CellBackColor = gradeCellOrig.CellBackColor gradeCell.CharWeight = gradeCellOrig.CharWeight # Write SUM() by grade startSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [5, 2 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 4]) endSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [5 + len(ballotsList) - 1, 2 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 4]) sumByGradeCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition \ ( 1 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 2 ) sumByGradeCell.Formula = "=SUM(%s:%s)" % (startSum, endSum) def MakeResults(*args): (model, context) = getModel() ballotSheet = model.Sheets[0] ballotsSheet = model.Sheets[1] valueSheet = model.Sheets[2] rankingSheet = model.Sheets[3] gradesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("mentions") choicesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("choix") ballotsRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByName("bulletins") grades = gradesRange.DataArray[0] choices = list(map(lambda x: x[0], choicesRange.DataArray)) ballots = list(map(lambda x: x[0], ballotsRange.DataArray)) lenGrades = len(grades) lenChoices = len(choices) lenBallots = len(ballots) sumByChoice = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ (1, 1, lenChoices * lenGrades, 1).DataArray[0] sumByGrade = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ (1, 2, lenChoices * lenGrades, 2).DataArray[0] debug("sumByChoice:"+str(sumByChoice)) debug("sumByGrade:"+str(sumByGrade)) clearSheet(valueSheet) clearSheet(rankingSheet) valueData = [] sumByGradeByChoice = [] for choice in range(lenChoices): debug("choice:"+str(choices[choice])) choiceGrades = list(map(intOfCell, sumByGrade[choice*lenGrades:choice*lenGrades + lenGrades])) sumByGradeByChoice.append([choices[choice]] + choiceGrades.copy()) debug(" choiceGrades:"+str(choiceGrades)) choiceBallots = int(sumByChoice[choice*lenGrades]) debug(" choiceBallots:"+str(choiceBallots)) # Check ballots counting consistency if choiceBallots != lenBallots: MsgBox(ERRORBOX, BUTTONS_OK, "MakeResults", \ "Choice "+str(choices[choice])+" has "+str(int(choiceBallots))+" ballots" \ + "\nbut the total number of ballots is "+str(lenBallots)+"." \ + "\nAborting. Fix the ballots counting and retry.") return -1 # Seek medianGrade nJudgesLower = 0 medianGrade = -1 while nJudgesLower*2 < lenBallots: medianGrade = medianGrade + 1 nJudgesLower = nJudgesLower + intOfCell(choiceGrades[medianGrade]) debug(" medianGrade:"+str(medianGrade)) # Extend choiceValue with the overflow of the lower judgments choiceValue = [choices[choice]] ballot = 1 lowerMedianGrade = medianGrade higherMedianGrade = medianGrade + 1 nJudgesHigher = lenBallots - nJudgesLower while nJudgesLower > nJudgesHigher: while intOfCell(choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade]) == 0: lowerMedianGrade -= 1 choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade] -= 1 choiceValue.append(lowerMedianGrade) nJudgesLower -= 1 ballot += 1 # Extend choiceValue by alterning between lower and higher judgments while ballot < lenBallots: ballot += 2 while lowerMedianGrade > 0 and intOfCell(choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade]) == 0: lowerMedianGrade -= 1 while higherMedianGrade < lenGrades - 1 and intOfCell(choiceGrades[higherMedianGrade]) == 0: higherMedianGrade += 1 choiceValue.append(lowerMedianGrade) choiceValue.append(higherMedianGrade) choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade] -= 1 choiceGrades[higherMedianGrade] -= 1 # Fill valueData valueData.append(choiceValue) # Rank rankingData = list(zip(sumByGradeByChoice, valueData)) rankingData.sort(key=lambda data: data[1][1:lenBallots+1]) rankingData.reverse() valueData = list(map(lambda data: data[1], rankingData)) rankingData = [[""] + list(grades)] + list(map(lambda data: \ map(lambda c: "" if c == 0 else c, data[0]), rankingData)) rankingRange = rankingSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ ( 0, 0, len(rankingData[0]) - 1, len(rankingData) - 1 ) rankingRange.DataArray = rankingData # rankingHeader: choices rankingChoicesRange = rankingSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, 0, lenChoices) for choice in range(lenChoices): rankingChoiceCell = rankingChoicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice) choiceCell = choicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice) rankingChoiceCell.CellBackColor = choiceCell.CellBackColor rankingChoiceCell.CharWeight = choiceCell.CharWeight rankingChoiceCell.HoriJustify = 1 rankingChoiceCell.VertJustify = 1 # rankingHeader: grades rankingGradesRange = rankingSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(1, 0, lenGrades, 0) for grade in range(lenGrades): rankingGradeCell = rankingGradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0) choiceCell = gradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0) rankingGradeCell.CellBackColor = choiceCell.CellBackColor rankingGradeCell.CharWeight = choiceCell.CharWeight rankingGradeCell.HoriJustify = 1 rankingGradeCell.VertJustify = 1 # Color values valueDataRange = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(2, 1, 2 + lenBallots - 1, lenChoices) for choice in range(lenChoices): for ballot in range(lenBallots): grade = valueData[choice][1+ballot] valueCell = valueDataRange.getCellByPosition(ballot, choice) gradeCell = gradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0) valueCell.CellBackColor = gradeCell.CellBackColor # Compute rank for value in valueData: base = lenGrades debug("base:"+str(base)) digits = list(map(lambda v: v, value[1:lenBallots+1])) rank = inBase(base, digits) # FIXME: this algorithm is completely wrong, # see https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hjugement- rankMax = base ** lenBallots - 1 debug("digits:"+str(digits)) debug("rank:"+str(rank)) debug("rankMax:"+str(rankMax)) value.insert(1, rank / rankMax) valueRange = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ ( 0, 1, len(valueData[0]) - 1, len(valueData) ) valueRange.DataArray = valueData # valueHeader: choice valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0) valueHeader.HoriJustify = 2 valueHeader.CharWeight = 150 valueHeader.String = "Choix" # valueHeader: choices valueChoicesRange = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, 0, lenChoices) for choice in range(lenChoices): valueChoiceCell = valueChoicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice) choiceCell = choicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice) valueChoiceCell.CellBackColor = choiceCell.CellBackColor valueChoiceCell.CharWeight = choiceCell.CharWeight valueChoiceCell.HoriJustify = 1 valueChoiceCell.VertJustify = 1 # valueHeader: rank valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 0) valueHeader.HoriJustify = 2 valueHeader.CharWeight = 150 valueHeader.String = "Rang" # valueHeader: values valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(2, 0, 2 + lenBallots - 1, 0) valueHeader.merge(True) valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 0) valueHeader.HoriJustify = 2 valueHeader.CharWeight = 150 valueHeader.String = "Valeur" def inBase(base, digits): acc = 0 for digit in digits: acc = digit + (base * acc) return acc def intOfCell(cell): return int(cell) if cell != '' else 0 def sumCells(cells): return reduce(lambda x,y: intOfCell(x) + intOfCell(y), cells) def getUsedArea(sheet): cursor = sheet.createCursor() cursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False) cursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True) return cursor def clearSheet(sheet): cursor = sheet.createCursor() cursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False) cursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True) rangeAddress = cursor.RangeAddress range = sheet.getCellRangeByPosition \ ( rangeAddress.StartColumn , rangeAddress.StartRow , rangeAddress.EndColumn , rangeAddress.EndRow ) flags = CellFlags.VALUE | \ CellFlags.DATETIME | \ CellFlags.STRING | \ CellFlags.ANNOTATION | \ CellFlags.FORMULA | \ CellFlags.HARDATTR | \ CellFlags.STYLES | \ CellFlags.OBJECTS | \ CellFlags.EDITATTR range.clearContents(flags) def MsgBox(msgtype, buttons, title, message): (model, context) = getModel() parentwin = model.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow toolkit = parentwin.getToolkit() msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(parentwin, msgtype, buttons, title, message) ret = msgbox.execute() msgbox.dispose() return ret def rm(path): if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) def mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def exportPDF(model, ballotSheet, ballotOutput): # DOC: https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/API/Tutorials/PDF_export model.storeToURL \ ( "file://"+ballotOutput , ( PropertyValue("FilterName", 0, "calc_pdf_Export", 0) , PropertyValue \ ( "FilterData", 0 , uno.Any( "[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" \ , ( PropertyValue \ ( "Selection", 0 , ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("bulletin"), 0 ) , ) ) , 0 ) , PropertyValue("Overwrite", 0, True, 0) , PropertyValue("SelectPdfVersion", 0, 0, 0) # PDF 1.4 ) ) g_exportedScripts = MakeBallots, MakeResults