{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) types; inherit (config.services) knot; inherit (config.users) users groups; in { imports = [ knot/autogeree.net.nix knot/sourcephile.fr.nix ]; options.services.knot = { zones = lib.mkOption { default = {}; type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule ({name, ...}: { #config.domain = lib.mkDefault name; options = { conf = lib.mkOption { type = types.lines; }; data = lib.mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.lines; }; }; })); }; }; config = { systemd.services.knot.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = lib.mapAttrsToList (domain: {data, ...}: '' +${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/install -D -o ${users."knot".name} -g ${groups."knot".name} -m 700 \ ${pkgs.writeText "${domain}.zone" data} \ /var/lib/knot/zones/${domain}.zone '') knot.zones; /* systemd.services.knot.postStart = lib.mkAfter '' PATH="/run/current-system/sw/bin:$PATH" knotc zone-freeze ${domain}. while ! knotc zone-status ${domain}. +freeze | grep -q 'freeze: yes'; do sleep 1; done knotc zone-flush ${domain}. install -o knot -g knot -m 700 ${zone} /var/lib/knot/signed/${domain}.zone knotc zone-reload ${domain}. knotc zone-thaw ${domain}. ''; */ networking.nftables.ruleset = '' # for knot to notify ns6.gandi.net add rule inet filter fw2net ip daddr udp dport 53 counter accept comment "DNS" add rule inet filter fw2net ip daddr tcp dport 53 counter accept comment "DNS" # for knot to notify ns0.muarf.org add rule inet filter fw2net ip daddr udp dport 53 counter accept comment "DNS" add rule inet filter fw2net ip daddr tcp dport 53 counter accept comment "DNS" # for knot to receive queries add rule inet filter net2fw udp dport 53 counter accept comment "DNS" add rule inet filter net2fw tcp dport 53 counter accept comment "DNS" ''; services.knot = { enable = true; extraArgs = [ "-v" ]; # https://www.knot-dns.cz/docs/2.6/html/reference.html extraConfig = '' server : # Listen on localhost to allow only there # dynamic updates for ACME challenges. listen: mod-rrl: - id: default rate-limit: 200 slip: 2 template: - id: default dnssec-signing: off # move databases below the state directory, because they need to be writable storage: /var/lib/knot/zones # Input-only zone files # https://www.knot-dns.cz/docs/2.8/html/operation.html#example-3 # prevents modification of the zonefiles, since the zonefiles are immutable #zonefile-sync: -1 zonefile-load: difference journal-content: changes global-module: mod-rrl/default database: journal-db: /var/lib/knot/journal kasp-db: /var/lib/knot/kasp timer-db: /var/lib/knot/timer log: - target: syslog any: info remote: - id: local_resolver address: - id: secondary_gandi address: - id: secondary_muarf address: submission: - id: dnssec_validating_resolver parent: local_resolver policy: - id: rsa single-type-signing: false ksk-shared: false algorithm: RSASHA256 ksk-size: 4096 zsk-size: 2048 zsk-lifetime: 30d ksk-lifetime: 365d ksk-submission: dnssec_validating_resolver - id: ed25519 single-type-signing: false ksk-shared: false algorithm: ED25519 ksk-size: 256 zsk-size: 256 zsk-lifetime: 30d ksk-lifetime: 365d cds-cdnskey-publish: always ksk-submission: dnssec_validating_resolver acl: # DOC: https://docs.gandi.net/en/domain_names/advanced_users/secondary_nameserver.html - id: acl_gandi address: action: transfer - id: acl_muarf address: action: transfer '' + lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (domain: {conf, ...}: conf) knot.zones); }; }; }