{ lib, config, inputs, hostName, ... }: let inherit (config.networking) domain; inherit (config.services) nginx postgresql; inherit (config.users) users groups; srv = "miniflux"; in { systemd.sockets.miniflux = { listenStreams = [ "/run/miniflux.sock" ]; wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ]; socketConfig.SocketMode = "600"; socketConfig.SocketUser = nginx.user; }; services.miniflux = { enable = true; config = { BASE_URL = "https://${srv}.${domain}"; # Base URL to generate HTML links and base path for cookies. BATCH_SIZE = "3"; # Number of feeds to send to the queue for each interval. CLEANUP_ARCHIVE_UNREAD_DAYS = "60"; CLEANUP_ARCHIVE_READ_DAYS = "30"; #DEBUG = "on"; LISTEN_ADDR = ""; #METRICS_COLLECTOR = "1"; POLLING_FREQUENCY = "180"; POLLING_SCHEDULER = "entry_frequency"; SCHEDULER_ENTRY_FREQUENCY_MAX_INTERVAL = "10080"; # 7*24*60 = 7d WATCHDOG = "1"; WORKER_POOL_SIZE = "2"; }; adminCredentialsFile = "/run/credentials/miniflux.service/credentials"; }; systemd.services.miniflux = { partOf = [ "postgresql.service" ]; # For the socket-activation wantedBy = lib.mkForce [ ]; unitConfig = { RefuseManualStart = true; }; serviceConfig = { LoadCredentialEncrypted = [ "credentials:${miniflux/credentials.cred}" ]; # For postgres auth User = users."miniflux".name; Group = groups."postgres".name; # For the confinement BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "/run/systemd/journal/socket" "/run/postgresql" "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt" "/etc/hosts" ]; Type = "notify"; DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false; UMask = lib.mkForce "0022"; # For the hardening NoNewPrivileges = true; PrivateTmp = true; RemoveIPC = true; #ProtectSystem = true; }; confinement = { enable = true; binSh = null; mode = "chroot-only"; }; }; services.postgresql.identMap = '' # MAPNAME SYSTEM-USERNAME PG-USERNAME user ${users.miniflux.name} ${users.miniflux.name} ''; users.users."miniflux" = { isSystemUser = true; group = groups."postgres".name; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."${srv}.${domain}" = { forceSSL = true; useACMEHost = domain; extraConfig = '' access_log /var/log/nginx/${domain}/${srv}/access.log json buffer=32k; error_log /var/log/nginx/${domain}/${srv}/error.log warn; ''; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/miniflux.sock:/"; }; }; systemd.services.nginx.serviceConfig.LogsDirectory = lib.mkForce [ "nginx/${domain}/${srv}" ]; }