# ldapsearch -LLL -D cn=admin,cn=config -Y EXTERNAL -b 'olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config' -s sub dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config olcDatabase: {1}mdb objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig objectClass: olcMdbConfig # Checkpoint the database periodically in case of system # failure and to speed slapd shutdown. olcDbCheckpoint: 512 30 # Database max size is 1G olcDbMaxSize: 1073741824 olcLastMod: TRUE olcSuffix: dc=commonsoft olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap # Database superuser. Needed for syncrepl. olcRootDN: cn=admin,dc=commonsoft # superuser password, generated with slappasswd -s SECRET #olcRootPW: e1NTSEF9dXRrNkF0NjZZc29RNWVCcGpwMmZUUW1NWGNwemVwTFg= olcDbIndex: objectClass eq olcDbIndex: cn,uid eq olcDbIndex: uidNumber,gidNumber eq olcDbIndex: member,memberUid eq olcAccess: to attrs=userPassword by self write by anonymous auth by * none olcAccess: to attrs=shadowLastChange by self write by * read olcAccess: to dn.sub="dc=commonsoft" by dn="gidNumber=154+uidNumber=146,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" read by dn="gidNumber=1000+uidNumber=1000,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" read olcAccess: to * by self read by * none