{ db, owner ? db, ... }: { pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let sql = pkgs.fetchzip { url = "https://www.openconcerto.org/fr/telechargement/1.6/OpenConcerto-1.6.3.sql.zip"; sha256 = "02h35ni9xknzrjsra56c3zhlhs0ji9qc61kcgi7vgcpylqjw0s6n"; }; inherit (config.security) gnupg; inherit (config.users) users groups; inherit (config) networking; # Example of ~/.config/OpenConcerto/main.properties # DOC: https://code.openconcerto.org/filedetails.php?repname=OpenConcerto&path=%2Ftrunk%2FOpenConcerto%2Fsrc%2Forg%2Fopenconcerto%2Fsql%2FPropsConfiguration.java # DOC: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/connect.html "main.properties" = '' base.root=Common customer=Gestion_Default jdbc.connection.ssl=true jdbc.connection.sslmode=require server.driver=postgresql server.ip=openconcerto.${networking.domain}\:5432 server.login=${owner} server.password=TheSecretPassword systemRoot=${db} ''; # To be used in postStart when resetting the database drop = '' $PSQL -d template1 -AqtX --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -f - <<EOF DROP OWNED BY ${owner}; DROP DATABASE ${db}; DROP ROLE ${owner}; EOF ''; in { services.postgresql = { authentication = lib.mkForce '' # CONNECTION DATABASE USER AUTH OPTIONS # FIXME: using scram-sha-256 instead of md5 requires postfix >= 11 hostssl ${db} ${owner} all md5 ''; identMap = '' # MAPNAME SYSTEM-USERNAME PG-USERNAME user root ${owner} user ${owner} ${db} ''; }; security.gnupg.secrets."postgresql/pass/${owner}" = { }; systemd.services.postgresql = { after = [ gnupg.secrets."postgresql/pass/${owner}".service ]; wants = [ gnupg.secrets."postgresql/pass/${owner}".service ]; postStart = lib.mkAfter '' sed -e 's/ \(TO\|FROM\) \+openconcerto/ \1 ${owner}/g' \ ${sql}/OpenConcerto-1.6.3.sql | connection_limit=64 \ encoding=UTF8 \ lc_collate=fr_FR.UTF-8 \ lc_type=fr_FR.UTF-8 \ owner=${owner} \ pass=$(cat ${gnupg.secrets."postgresql/pass/${owner}".path}) \ pg_createdb ${db} >/dev/null $PSQL -d "${db}" -AqtX --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -f - <<EOF -- Reallow this to avoid the error: -- "Couldn't refresh the graph" -- when testing the connexion to the database -- in OpenConcerto-Configuration.sh GRANT SELECT ON pg_catalog.pg_settings TO ${owner}; -- Reallow this to allow pg_dump GRANT SELECT ON pg_catalog.pg_database TO ${owner}; GRANT SELECT ON pg_catalog.pg_roles TO ${owner}; GRANT SELECT ON pg_catalog.pg_tablespace TO ${owner}; -- Reallow this to allow pgadmin3 GRANT SELECT ON pg_catalog.pg_user TO ${owner}; -- Enable PL/PGSQL CREATE OR REPLACE LANGUAGE plpgsql; EOF ''; }; }