{ inputs, pkgs, ... }: let # Configuration of shell/modules/ # to expand shellHook and buildInputs of this shell.nix shellConfig = {config, ...}: { imports = [ shell/gnupg.nix ]; nix = { nixConf = '' auto-optimise-store = true experimental-features nix-command flake ''; }; gnupg = { enable = true; gnupgHome = "../sec/gnupg"; gpgExtraConf = '' # julm@sourcephile.fr trusted-key 0xB2450D97085B7B8C ''; gpgAgentExtraConf = '' #pretend-request-origin remote #extra-socket ${toString ./.}/S.gpg-agent.extra #log-file ${toString ./.}/gpg-agent.log #no-grab #debug-level expert #allow-loopback-pinentry ''; }; /* openssl = { enable = true; opensslHome = "../sec/openssl"; certificates = import shell/x509.nix; }; */ openssh = { enable = true; sshConf = '' Ciphers aes256-gcm@openssh.com,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-ctr Compression no #CompressionLevel 4 ControlMaster auto ControlPath .ssh-%h-%p-%r.socket HashKnownHosts no #SSAPIAuthentication no SendEnv LANG LC_* StrictHostKeyChecking yes UserKnownHostsFile ${inputs.secrets + "/ssh/known_hosts"} ''; }; virtualbox = { enable = false; }; }; # Using modules enables to separate specific configurations # from reusable code in shell/modules.nix and shell/modules/ # which may find its way in another git repository one day. shell = (pkgs.lib.evalModules { modules = [ shellConfig ] ++ map import (pkgs.lib.findFiles ".*\\.nix" (inputs.shell + "/modules")); args = { inherit inputs pkgs; }; }).config; pwd = toString (./. + ""); sourcephile-shred-tmp = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "sourcephile-shred-tmp" '' # This is done when entering the nix-shell # because direnv already hooks trap EXIT. cd "${pwd}" test ! -e sec/tmp || { find sec/tmp -type f -exec shred -fu {} + rm -rf sec/tmp } ''; in pkgs.mkShell { name = "sourcephile-nix"; src = null; #preferLocalBuild = true; #allowSubstitutes = false; buildInputs = shell.nix-shell.buildInputs ++ [ sourcephile-shred-tmp (pkgs.nixos []).nixos-generate-config (pkgs.nixos []).nixos-install (pkgs.nixos []).nixos-enter #pkgs.binutils pkgs.coreutils pkgs.cryptsetup pkgs.curl #pkgs.direnv pkgs.dnsutils #pkgs.dropbear pkgs.e2fsprogs pkgs.git pkgs.glibcLocales pkgs.gnumake pkgs.gnupg pkgs.htop #pkgs.inetutils pkgs.ipcalc #pkgs.iputils pkgs.less pkgs.libfaketime pkgs.ldns #pkgs.ldns.examples #pkgs.mailutils pkgs.man pkgs.mdadm pkgs.gptfdisk pkgs.ncdu pkgs.ncurses #pkgs.nixops #pkgs.openssl pkgs.pass pkgs.procps pkgs.rsync #pkgs.rxvt_unicode.terminfo #pkgs.sqlite pkgs.sqlite #pkgs.sudo pkgs.tig pkgs.time #pkgs.tmux pkgs.tree pkgs.utillinux #pkgs.vim #pkgs.virtualbox pkgs.which pkgs.xdg_utils pkgs.fio pkgs.strace pkgs.utillinux #pkgs.zfstools pkgs.linuxPackages.perf #pkgs.go2nix pkgs.wireguard pkgs.stun pkgs.mkpasswd #pkgs.hydra-unstable ]; #enableParallelBuilding = true; PASSWORD_STORE_DIR = "pass"; PATH = "$NIX_SHELL_PATH:$PATH"; NIX_PATH = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep ":" [ "nixpkgs=${pkgs.path}" ("nixpkgs-overlays=" + pkgs.writeText "overlays.nix" '' import ${inputs.self + "/nixpkgs/overlays.nix"} ++ import ${inputs.julm-nix + "/nixpkgs/overlays.nix"} '') ]; shellHook = '' echo >&2 "nix: running shellHook" # Since the .envrc calls this shellHook # the EXIT trap cannot be freely used # because it's already used by direnv, # hence shred at startup, which is not ideal. sourcephile-shred-tmp ${shell.nix-shell.shellHook} # gpg export GPG_TTY=$(tty) gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye >/dev/null ''; }