-{ pkgs, lib, config, hosts, ... }:
+{ pkgs, lib, config, inputs, ... }:
- inherit (builtins) hasAttr removeAttrs;
inherit (config.security) gnupg;
inherit (config.boot) initrd;
iface = "wg-intra";
wg = config.networking.wireguard.interfaces.${iface};
- relay =
- hosts.mermet.extraArgs //
- hosts.mermet.config.networking.wireguard.interfaces.${iface} //
- lib.head (lib.filter (peer:
- peer.endpoint != null &&
- builtins.match "^\(.*\):[0-9]*$" peer.endpoint ==
- [hosts.mermet.extraArgs.ipv4])
- wg.peers);
+ wg-intra-peers = import (inputs.julm-nix + "/nixos/profiles/wireguard/wg-intra/peers.nix");
+ relay = wg-intra-peers.mermet;
imports = [
- ../../../../networking/wireguard/wg-intra.nix
+ (inputs.julm-nix + "/nixos/profiles/wireguard/wg-intra.nix")
-config = {
+networking.wireguard.${iface}.peers = {
+ mermet.enable = true;
+ oignon.enable = true;
+ patate.enable = true;
networking.wireguard.interfaces.${iface} = {
privateKeyFile = gnupg.secrets."wireguard/${iface}/privateKey".path;
networking.nftables.ruleset = ''
# Allow initiating connection to and from other peers
- add rule inet filter fw2net udp sport ${toString wg.listenPort} counter accept comment "${iface} output to peers"
- add rule inet filter net2fw udp dport ${toString wg.listenPort} counter accept comment "${iface} input from peers"
+ add rule inet filter fw2net udp sport ${toString wg.listenPort} counter accept comment "WireGuard ${iface} output to peers"
+ add rule inet filter net2fw udp dport ${toString wg.listenPort} counter accept comment "WireGuard ${iface} input from peers"
# Hook ${iface} into relevant chains
add rule inet filter input iifname "${iface}" jump intra2fw
# This enables to send the disk password to the initrd, like that:
# ssh -J mermet.sourcephile.fr root@losurdo.wg -p 2222
boot.initrd.secrets."/root/initrd/${iface}.key" = "/root/initrd/${iface}.key";
-installer.ssh-nixos.script = ''
- # Send the wireguard key of the initrd
- gpg --decrypt '${gnupg.store}/wireguard/${iface}/privateKey.gpg' |
- ssh '${config.installer.ssh-nixos.target}' \
- install -D -m 400 -o root -g root /dev/stdin /root/initrd/${iface}.key
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "wireguard" ];
boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands = ''
#copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.wireguard-tools}/bin/wg
'') wg.ips}
wg set ${iface} private-key /root/initrd/${iface}.key \
listen-port ${toString wg.listenPort}
- ip link set up dev ${iface}
- wg set ${iface} peer ${relay.publicKey} \
+ ip link set up dev ${iface} mtu 1280
+ wg set ${iface} peer ${relay.peer.publicKey} \
endpoint ${relay.ipv4}:${toString relay.listenPort} \
allowed-ips ${relay.ipv4}/32 \
persistent-keepalive 5
boot.initrd.postMountCommands = lib.mkIf initrd.network.flushBeforeStage2 ''
ip link del dev ${iface}