--- title: Projects lang: en --- I maintain the following projects: ### haskell-taskwarrior You can find the [taskwarrior](https://taskwarrior.org/) Haskell library on [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/taskwarrior) and on [GitHub](https://github.com/maralorn/haskell-taskwarrior) --- ### nix-output-monitor A nifty little tool written in Haskell for making `nix-build` output more informative. It’s packaged in [nixpkgs](https://search.nixos.org/packages?query=nix-output-monitor) and you can contribute on [GitHub](https://github.com/maralorn/nix-output-monitor) or see the code [on my git server.](https://git.maralorn.de/nix-output-monitor/about) --- ### nixos-config I have a fairly extensive and intricate [config for nixos and home-manager](https://git.maralorn.de/nixos-config) on all my systems. --- ### blog You can find the source to this statically generated blog using Haskell and [Ema](https://ema.srid.ca/) on [my git server](https://git.maralorn.de/blog). --- ### kassandra A taskwarrior frontend written in Haskell with the frp-library [reflex-dom](https://reflex-frp.org/) currently only for my personal use. [My git server](https://git.maralorn.de/kassandra2/about), [GitHub Mirror](https://github.com/maralorn/kassandra) --- ### nixpkgs.haskellPackages I am one of (thankfully) several co-maintainers of the [Haskell packages](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#haskell) for [nixos](https://nixos.org). ---