]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - src/RMCA/GUI/LayerSettings.hs
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / src / RMCA / GUI / LayerSettings.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TupleSections #-}
3 module RMCA.GUI.LayerSettings where
5 import qualified Data.IntMap as M
6 import Data.Maybe
7 import Data.ReactiveValue
8 import Data.String
9 import Data.Tuple
10 import Graphics.UI.Gtk
11 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Reactive
12 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Reactive.ToggleButton
13 import RMCA.Auxiliary
14 import RMCA.GUI.NoteSettings
15 import RMCA.Layer.LayerConf
16 import RMCA.MCBMVar
17 import RMCA.Semantics
18 import RMCA.Translator.Instruments
19 import RMCA.Translator.Message
21 floatConv :: (ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m,
22 Real c, Real b, Fractional c, Fractional b) =>
23 a -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite m c
24 floatConv = liftRW $ bijection (realToFrac, realToFrac)
26 mkVScale :: String -> Adjustment -> IO (HBox,VScale)
27 mkVScale s adj = do
28 hBox <- hBoxNew False 10
29 boxLabel <- labelNew (Just s)
30 labelSetAngle boxLabel 90
31 boxPackStart hBox boxLabel PackNatural 0
32 boxScale <- vScaleNew adj
33 boxPackStart hBox boxScale PackNatural 0
34 return (hBox,boxScale)
36 layerSettings :: IO ( VBox
37 , MCBMVar StaticLayerConf
38 , MCBMVar DynLayerConf
39 , MCBMVar SynthConf
40 )
41 layerSettings = do
42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 -- GUI Boxes
44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 layerSettingsVBox <- vBoxNew True 10
46 layerSettingsBox <- hBoxNew True 10
47 boxPackStart layerSettingsVBox layerSettingsBox PackNatural 0
50 layBeatBox <- hBoxNew False 10
51 layBeatCombo <- comboBoxNewText
52 layBeatIndex <- mapM (\(str,dur) -> do i <- comboBoxAppendText layBeatCombo
53 (fromString str)
54 return (dur,i)) noteList'
55 comboBoxSetActive layBeatCombo 0
56 let indexToDur i =
57 fromMaybe (error "In indexToDur: failed \
58 \to find the correct \
59 \ duration for the \
60 \selected index.") $ lookup i $ map swap layBeatIndex
61 durToIndex d =
62 fromMaybe (error "In durToIndex: \
63 \failed to find \
64 \the correct index \
65 \for the duration.") $ lookup d layBeatIndex
66 layBeatRV = bijection (indexToDur, durToIndex) `liftRW`
67 comboBoxIndexRV layBeatCombo
68 layBeatLabel <- labelNew (Just "Layer beat"){-=<<
69 (`lookup` symbolString) <$> reactiveValueRead layBeatRV-}
70 --labelSetAngle layBeatLabel 90
71 labelSetLineWrap layBeatLabel True
72 let layBeatLabelRV = labelTextReactive layBeatLabel
73 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox layBeatBox PackNatural 0
74 auxLayBeatBox <- vBoxNew False 0
75 boxPackEnd layBeatBox auxLayBeatBox PackRepel 0
76 boxPackStart auxLayBeatBox layBeatLabel PackRepel 0
77 boxPackStart auxLayBeatBox layBeatCombo PackNatural 0
79 layVolumeAdj <- adjustmentNew 100 0 100 1 1 1
80 (layVolumeBox,layVolumeScale) <- mkVScale "Volume" layVolumeAdj
81 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox layVolumeBox PackNatural 0
82 (Requisition layVolW layVolH) <- widgetSizeRequest layVolumeScale
83 widgetSetSizeRequest layerSettingsBox layVolW (max layVolH 100)
84 scaleSetDigits layVolumeScale 0
85 {-
86 layTempoAdj <- adjustmentNew 1 0 2 0.1 0.1 1
87 (layTempoBox, layTempoScale) <- mkVScale "Layer tempo" layTempoAdj
88 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox layTempoBox PackNatural 0
89 -}
90 strAdj <- adjustmentNew 0.8 0 2 0.1 0.1 0
91 (strBox, layStrengthScale) <- mkVScale "Strength" strAdj
92 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox strBox PackNatural 0
94 bpbBox <- vBoxNew False 0
95 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox bpbBox PackNatural 0
96 bpbLabel <- labelNew (Just "Beat per bar")
97 labelSetLineWrap bpbLabel True
98 bpbAdj <- adjustmentNew 4 1 16 1 1 0
99 bpbButton <- spinButtonNew bpbAdj 1 0
100 auxBpbBox <- vBoxNew False 0
101 centerAl <- alignmentNew 0.5 0.5 0 0
102 containerAdd auxBpbBox centerAl
103 boxPackStart bpbBox auxBpbBox PackRepel 0
104 boxPackStart auxBpbBox bpbLabel PackGrow 0
105 boxPackStart auxBpbBox bpbButton PackGrow 0
107 repeatBox <- vBoxNew False 0
108 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox repeatBox PackNatural 0
109 repeatLabel <- labelNew (Just "Repeat count")
110 labelSetLineWrap repeatLabel True
111 repeatAdj <- adjustmentNew 0 0 100 1 1 0
112 repeatButton <- spinButtonNew repeatAdj 1 0
113 auxRepeatBox <- vBoxNew False 0
114 centerAl' <- alignmentNew 0.5 0.5 0 0
115 containerAdd auxRepeatBox centerAl'
116 boxPackStart repeatBox auxRepeatBox PackRepel 0
117 boxPackStart auxRepeatBox repeatLabel PackGrow 0
118 boxPackStart auxRepeatBox repeatButton PackGrow 0
119 repeatCheckButton <- checkButtonNewWithLabel "Unable repeat count"
120 boxPackStart auxRepeatBox repeatCheckButton PackGrow 0
122 instrumentCombo <- comboBoxNewText
123 instrumentIndex <- mapM (\(ind,ins) ->
124 do i <- comboBoxAppendText instrumentCombo $
125 fromString ins
126 return (i, ind)) instrumentList
127 comboBoxSetActive instrumentCombo 0
128 boxPackStart layerSettingsVBox instrumentCombo PackNatural 10
129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- RVs
131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 let indexToInstr i = fromMaybe (error "Can't get the selected instrument.") $
133 lookup i instrumentIndex
134 instrToIndex ins =
135 fromMaybe (error "Can't retrieve the index for the instrument.") $
136 lookup ins $ map swap instrumentIndex
137 instrumentComboRV = bijection (indexToInstr, instrToIndex) `liftRW`
138 comboBoxIndexRV instrumentCombo
139 layVolumeRV = liftRW (bijection (floor, fromIntegral)) $
140 scaleValueReactive layVolumeScale
142 synthMCBMVar <- newMCBMVar
143 =<< reactiveValueRead (liftR2 SynthConf layVolumeRV instrumentComboRV)
145 layPitchRV <- newCBMVarRW 1
146 let strengthRV = floatConv $ scaleValueReactive layStrengthScale
148 dynMCBMVar <- newMCBMVar
149 =<< reactiveValueRead (liftR3 DynLayerConf layBeatRV layPitchRV strengthRV)
151 let bpbRV = spinButtonValueIntReactive bpbButton
152 repeatCheckRV = toggleButtonActiveReactive repeatCheckButton
153 repeatRV' = spinButtonValueIntReactive repeatButton
154 repeatRV = liftR2 (\act r -> if act then Just r else Nothing)
155 repeatCheckRV repeatRV'
156 reactiveValueWrite repeatCheckRV False
157 --reactiveValueOnCanRead repeatCheckRV $ do
159 statMCBMVar <- newMCBMVar
160 =<< reactiveValueRead (liftR2 StaticLayerConf bpbRV repeatRV)
162 reactiveValueOnCanRead dynMCBMVar $ postGUIAsync $ do
163 nDyn <- reactiveValueRead dynMCBMVar
164 reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq layBeatRV $ layerBeat nDyn
165 reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq layPitchRV $ relPitch nDyn
166 reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq strengthRV $ strength nDyn
168 reactiveValueOnCanRead statMCBMVar $ postGUIAsync $ do
169 nStat <- reactiveValueRead statMCBMVar
170 reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq bpbRV $ beatsPerBar nStat
172 reactiveValueOnCanRead synthMCBMVar $ do
173 nSynth <- reactiveValueRead synthMCBMVar
174 reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq layVolumeRV $ volume nSynth
175 reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq instrumentComboRV $ instrument nSynth
177 syncRightOnLeftWithBoth (\nt ol -> ol { layerBeat = nt })
178 layBeatRV dynMCBMVar
179 syncRightOnLeftWithBoth (\np ol -> ol { relPitch = np })
180 layPitchRV dynMCBMVar
181 syncRightOnLeftWithBoth (\ns ol -> ol { strength = ns })
182 strengthRV dynMCBMVar
183 syncRightOnLeftWithBoth (\nb ol -> ol { beatsPerBar = nb})
184 bpbRV statMCBMVar
185 syncRightOnLeftWithBoth (\nv ol -> ol { volume = nv })
186 layVolumeRV synthMCBMVar
187 syncRightOnLeftWithBoth (\ni ol -> ol { instrument = ni })
188 instrumentComboRV synthMCBMVar
190 {-
191 reactiveValueOnCanRead layVolumeRV $ do
192 vol <- reactiveValueRead layVolumeRV
193 chan <- reactiveValueRead chanRV
194 let vol' = floor ((fromIntegral vol / 100) * 127)
195 reactiveValueAppend boardQueue ([],[Volume (mkChannel chan) vol'])
196 -}
197 return (layerSettingsVBox, statMCBMVar, dynMCBMVar, synthMCBMVar)