{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-} module RMCA.GUI.NoteSettings where import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Array import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.Ratio import Data.ReactiveValue import Data.String import Data.Tuple import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Action) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard hiding (Board) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Reactive import RMCA.Auxiliary.RV import RMCA.GUI.Board import RMCA.Semantics fromMaybeM_ :: (Monad m) => Maybe (m ()) -> m () fromMaybeM_ = fromMaybe (return ()) setNAttr :: NoteAttr -> Action -> Action setNAttr _ Inert = Inert setNAttr _ Absorb = Absorb setNAttr na (Stop _) = Stop na setNAttr na (ChDir b _ dir) = ChDir b na dir setNAttr na (Split _) = Split na getNAttr :: Action -> Maybe NoteAttr getNAttr Inert = Nothing getNAttr Absorb = Nothing getNAttr (Stop na) = Just na getNAttr (ChDir _ na _) = Just na getNAttr (Split na) = Just na symbolString :: [(Duration,String)] symbolString = map (\(_,y,z) -> (z,y)) noteSymbList noteList :: [(String,Duration)] noteList = map (\(x,_,y) -> (x,y)) noteSymbList noteSymbList :: [(String, String, Duration)] noteSymbList = sortBy (comparing (\(_,_,x) -> x)) [ ("♩", "Quarter note", 1 % 4) , ("♪", "Eighth note ", 1 % 8) , ("𝅗𝅥", "Half note", 1 % 2) , ("𝅘𝅥𝅯", "Sixteenth note", 1 % 16) , ("𝅝", "Whole note", 1) ] comboBoxIndexRV :: (ComboBoxClass box) => box -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite IO Int comboBoxIndexRV box = ReactiveFieldReadWrite setter getter notifier where getter = comboBoxGetActive box setter = comboBoxSetActive box notifier = void . on box changed clickHandling :: (ReactiveValueWrite cell GUICell IO) => Array Pos cell -> IOBoard -> VBox -> IO VBox clickHandling pieceArrRV board pieceBox = do naBox <- vBoxNew False 10 boxPackStart pieceBox naBox PackNatural 10 -- Articulation box artCombo <- comboBoxNewText artIndex <- mapM (\art -> do i <- comboBoxAppendText artCombo (fromString $ show art) return (art,i)) [NoAccent ..] comboBoxSetActive artCombo 0 boxPackStart naBox artCombo PackNatural 10 let indexToArt i = case lookup i $ map swap artIndex of Nothing -> error "In indexToArt: failed \ \to find the selected articulation." Just art -> art artToIndex a = case lookup a artIndex of Nothing -> error "In artToIndex: failed \ \to find the correct index for the articulation." Just i -> i artComboRV = bijection (indexToArt,artToIndex) `liftRW` comboBoxIndexRV artCombo -- Slide box slideCombo <- comboBoxNewText slideIndex <- mapM (\sli -> do i <- comboBoxAppendText slideCombo (fromString $ show sli) return (sli,i)) [NoSlide ..] comboBoxSetActive slideCombo 0 boxPackStart naBox slideCombo PackNatural 10 let indexToSlide i = case lookup i $ map swap slideIndex of Nothing -> error "In indexToSlide: failed\ \to find the correct slide for the selected index." Just sli -> sli slideToIndex s = case lookup s slideIndex of Nothing -> error "In slideToIndex: failed\ \to find the correct index for the slide." Just i -> i slideComboRV = bijection (indexToSlide,slideToIndex) `liftRW` comboBoxIndexRV slideCombo -- Note duration box noteDurBox <- hBoxNew False 10 noteDurCombo <- comboBoxNewText noteDurIndex <- mapM (\(str,dur) -> do i <- comboBoxAppendText noteDurCombo (fromString str) return (dur,i)) noteList comboBoxSetActive noteDurCombo 0 let indexToDur i = case lookup i $ map swap noteDurIndex of Nothing -> error "In indexToDur: failed\ \to find the correct duration for the selected index." Just dur -> dur durToIndex d = case lookup d noteDurIndex of Nothing -> error "In durToIndex: failed\ \to find the correct index for the duration." Just i -> i noteDurRV = bijection (indexToDur, durToIndex) `liftRW` comboBoxIndexRV noteDurCombo noteDurLabel <- labelNew =<< (\d -> lookup d symbolString) <$> reactiveValueRead noteDurRV let noteDurLabelRV = labelTextReactive noteDurLabel boxPackStart naBox noteDurBox PackNatural 10 boxPackStart noteDurBox noteDurCombo PackNatural 10 boxPackStart noteDurBox noteDurLabel PackNatural 10 -- Repeat count box rCountAdj <- adjustmentNew 1 0 100 1 1 0 rCount <- spinButtonNew rCountAdj 1 0 boxPackStart pieceBox rCount PackNatural 10 let rCountRV = spinButtonValueIntReactive rCount -- Side RV -- Carries the index of the tile to display and what to display. setRV <- newCBMVarRW ((0,0),inertCell) reactiveValueOnCanRead noteDurRV $ do nDur <- reactiveValueRead noteDurRV (i,oCell) <- reactiveValueRead setRV let nCa :: Maybe NoteAttr nCa = (\na -> na { naDur = nDur }) <$> getNAttr (cellAction oCell) nCell :: GUICell nCell = if isJust nCa then oCell { cellAction = setNAttr (fromJust nCa) (cellAction oCell) } else oCell reactiveValueWrite setRV (i,nCell) fromMaybeM_ $ reactiveValueWrite noteDurLabelRV <$> lookup nDur symbolString reactiveValueWrite (pieceArrRV ! i) nCell reactiveValueOnCanRead rCountRV $ do nRCount <- reactiveValueRead rCountRV (i,oCell) <- reactiveValueRead setRV let nCell = oCell { repeatCount = nRCount } reactiveValueWrite setRV (i,nCell) reactiveValueWrite (pieceArrRV ! i) nCell reactiveValueOnCanRead slideComboRV $ do nSlide <- reactiveValueRead slideComboRV (i,oCell) <- reactiveValueRead setRV let nCa :: Maybe NoteAttr nCa = (\na -> na { naOrn = (naOrn na) { ornSlide = nSlide } }) <$> getNAttr (cellAction oCell) nCell :: GUICell nCell = if isJust nCa then oCell { cellAction = setNAttr (fromJust nCa) (cellAction oCell) } else oCell reactiveValueWrite setRV (i,nCell) reactiveValueWrite (pieceArrRV ! i) nCell reactiveValueOnCanRead artComboRV $ do nArt <- reactiveValueRead artComboRV (i,oCell) <- reactiveValueRead setRV let nCa :: Maybe NoteAttr nCa = (\na -> na { naArt = nArt }) <$> getNAttr (cellAction oCell) nCell :: GUICell nCell = if isJust nCa then oCell { cellAction = setNAttr (fromJust nCa) (cellAction oCell) } else oCell reactiveValueWrite setRV (i,nCell) reactiveValueWrite (pieceArrRV ! i) nCell let hideNa :: IO () hideNa = do widgetHide slideCombo widgetHide artCombo widgetShow rCount widgetHideAll noteDurBox showNa :: IO () showNa = do widgetShow slideCombo widgetShow artCombo widgetShow rCount widgetShowAll noteDurBox updateNaBox :: GUICell -> IO () updateNaBox GUICell { cellAction = act } = case act of Inert -> hideNa Absorb -> hideNa _ -> showNa state <- newEmptyMVar boardOnPress board (\iPos -> liftIO $ do postGUIAsync $ void $ tryPutMVar state iPos return True ) boardOnRelease board (\fPos -> do button <- eventButton liftIO $ postGUIAsync $ do mp <- boardGetPiece fPos board mstate <- tryTakeMVar state when (fPos `elem` validArea && isJust mp) $ do let piece = snd $ fromJust mp when (button == RightButton && maybe False (== fPos) mstate) $ boardSetPiece fPos (BF.second rotateGUICell (Player,piece)) board nmp <- boardGetPiece fPos board --print nmp when (button == LeftButton && isJust nmp) $ do let nC = snd $ fromJust nmp reactiveValueWrite setRV (fPos,nC) fromMaybeM_ $ reactiveValueWrite artComboRV . naArt <$> getNAttr (cellAction nC) fromMaybeM_ $ reactiveValueWrite slideComboRV . ornSlide . naOrn <$> getNAttr (cellAction nC) reactiveValueWrite rCountRV $ repeatCount nC fromMaybeM_ $ reactiveValueWrite noteDurRV . naDur <$> getNAttr (cellAction nC) return True ) reactiveValueOnCanRead setRV (reactiveValueRead setRV >>= updateNaBox . snd) widgetShow pieceBox widgetShow naBox return pieceBox