{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- | Auxiliary functions used throughout the code. module RMCA.Auxiliary where import Control.Monad import Data.CBMVar import Data.Fixed import Data.Maybe import Data.ReactiveValue import FRP.Yampa -- |= General functions -- | Reversed version of '(\<$\>)'. (<$$>) :: (Functor f) => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b (<$$>) = flip (<$>) -- | Reversed version of '(<$)'. ($>) :: (Functor f) => f a -> b -> f b ($>) = flip (<$) -- | @bound (min,max)@ behaves like identity if the supplied value is between @min@ and @max@, otherwise it is replaced either by @min@ or by @max@. bound :: (Ord a) => (a, a) -> a -> a bound (min, max) x | x < min = min | x > max = max | otherwise = x fromMaybeM_ :: (Monad m) => Maybe (m ()) -> m () fromMaybeM_ = fromMaybe (return ()) safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a safeHead [] = Nothing safeHead (x:_) = Just x safeTail :: [a] -> [a] safeTail [] = [] safeTail (_:xs) = xs maybeToEvent :: Maybe a -> Event a maybeToEvent Nothing = NoEvent maybeToEvent (Just x) = Event x eventToMaybe :: Event a -> Maybe a eventToMaybe NoEvent = Nothing eventToMaybe (Event x) = Just x eventToList :: Event [a] -> [a] eventToList NoEvent = [] eventToList (Event x) = x -- | Generates an 'Event' if the given condition is 'True'. eventIf :: Bool -> Event () eventIf b = if b then Event () else NoEvent -- | Generates a 'Just' value if the given condition is 'True'. maybeIf :: Bool -> Maybe () maybeIf b = if b then Just () else Nothing -- | = Yampa -- | 'stepBack' contains its previous argument as its output. Because it's hard to define it at time 0, it's wrapped up in a 'Maybe'. stepBack :: SF a (Maybe a) stepBack = sscan f (Nothing, Nothing) >>^ snd where f :: (Maybe a, Maybe a) -> a -> (Maybe a, Maybe a) f (Nothing,_) x' = (Just x', Nothing) f (Just x, _) x' = (Just x', Just x) -- | Like 'stepBack' but the output value is always defined and is equal to the input at time 0. stepBack' :: SF a a stepBack' = proc x -> do x' <- stepBack -< x returnA -< fromMaybe x x' -- | Throws an 'Event' when the incoming signal change. The 'Event' is tagged with the new value. onChange :: (Eq a) => SF a (Event a) onChange = proc x -> do x' <- stepBack -< x let makeEvent x x' | isNothing x' = NoEvent | otherwise = let x'' = fromJust x' in if x'' == x then NoEvent else Event x returnA -< makeEvent x x' -- | Similar to 'onChange' but contains its initial value in the first -- event. onChange' :: (Eq a) => SF a (Event a) onChange' = proc x -> do x' <- stepBack -< x -- If it's the first value, throw an Event, else behave like onChange. let makeEvent x x' | isNothing x' = Event x | otherwise = let x'' = fromJust x' in if x'' == x then NoEvent else Event x returnA -< makeEvent x x' -- | Generates a sine function whose period is given as a varying input. varFreqSine :: SF DTime Double varFreqSine = sin ^<< (2*pi*) ^<< integral <<^ (1/) -- | Generates an 'Event' at a regular frequency, which is given as an input to the signal function. repeatedlyS :: a -> SF DTime (Event a) repeatedlyS x = edgeBy (\a b -> maybeIf (a * b < 0) $> x) 0 <<< varFreqSine <<^ (2*) -- | -- = Auxiliary functions for manipulating reactive values -- | Creates a new 'CBMVar' wrapped into a reactive field. newCBMVarRW :: a -> IO (ReactiveFieldReadWrite IO a) newCBMVarRW val = do mvar <- newCBMVar val let getter = readCBMVar mvar setter = writeCBMVar mvar notifier = installCallbackCBMVar mvar return $ ReactiveFieldReadWrite setter getter notifier -- | Appends a value to a reactive value. reactiveValueAppend :: (Monoid b, ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m) => a -> b -> m () reactiveValueAppend rv v = do ov <- reactiveValueRead rv reactiveValueWrite rv (ov `mappend` v) -- | Writes 'mempty' to a reactive value containing a 'Monoid'. reactiveValueEmpty :: (Monoid b, ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m) => a -> m () reactiveValueEmpty rv = reactiveValueWrite rv mempty -- | Writes a value to a reactive value if the value is different from the one already in the reactive value. reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq :: ( Eq b , ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m) => a -> b -> m () reactiveValueWriteOnNotEq rv nv = do ov <- reactiveValueRead rv when (ov /= nv) $ reactiveValueWrite rv nv -- | Relation that will update when the value is an 'Event'. (>:>) :: (ReactiveValueRead a (Event b) IO, ReactiveValueWrite c b IO) => a -> c -> IO () eventRV >:> rv = reactiveValueOnCanRead eventRV syncOnEvent where syncOnEvent = do erv <- reactiveValueRead eventRV when (isEvent erv) $ reactiveValueWrite rv $ fromEvent erv -- | When the reactive value on the left changes, the value on the right is updated using the value it contains and the value on the left with the provided function. syncRightOnLeftWithBoth :: ( ReactiveValueRead a b m , ReactiveValueReadWrite c d m ) => (b -> d -> d) -> a -> c -> m () syncRightOnLeftWithBoth f l r = reactiveValueOnCanRead l $ do nl <- reactiveValueRead l or <- reactiveValueRead r reactiveValueWrite r (f nl or) -- | Forces to update an reactive value by writing to it with the value it contains. updateRV :: (ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m) => a -> m () updateRV rv = reactiveValueRead rv >>= reactiveValueWrite rv liftW3 :: ( Monad m , ReactiveValueWrite a b m , ReactiveValueWrite c d m , ReactiveValueWrite e f m) => (i -> (b,d,f)) -> a -> c -> e -> ReactiveFieldWrite m i liftW3 f a b c = ReactiveFieldWrite setter where setter x = do let (x1,x2,x3) = f x reactiveValueWrite a x1 reactiveValueWrite b x2 reactiveValueWrite c x3 liftRW3 :: ( ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m , ReactiveValueReadWrite c d m , ReactiveValueReadWrite e f m) => BijectiveFunc i (b,d,f) -> a -> c -> e -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite m i liftRW3 bij a b c = ReactiveFieldReadWrite setter getter notifier where ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier = liftR3 (curry3 f2) a b c ReactiveFieldWrite setter = liftW3 f1 a b c (f1, f2) = (direct bij, inverse bij) liftR4 :: ( ReactiveValueRead a b m , ReactiveValueRead c d m , ReactiveValueRead e f m , ReactiveValueRead g h m) => (b -> d -> f -> h -> i) -> a -> c -> e -> g -> ReactiveFieldRead m i liftR4 f a b c d = ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier where getter = do x1 <- reactiveValueRead a x2 <- reactiveValueRead b x3 <- reactiveValueRead c x4 <- reactiveValueRead d return $ f x1 x2 x3 x4 notifier p = do reactiveValueOnCanRead a p reactiveValueOnCanRead b p reactiveValueOnCanRead c p reactiveValueOnCanRead d p liftW4 :: ( Monad m , ReactiveValueWrite a b m , ReactiveValueWrite c d m , ReactiveValueWrite e f m , ReactiveValueWrite g h m) => (i -> (b,d,f,h)) -> a -> c -> e -> g -> ReactiveFieldWrite m i liftW4 f a b c d = ReactiveFieldWrite setter where setter x = do let (x1,x2,x3,x4) = f x reactiveValueWrite a x1 reactiveValueWrite b x2 reactiveValueWrite c x3 reactiveValueWrite d x4 liftRW4 :: ( ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m , ReactiveValueReadWrite c d m , ReactiveValueReadWrite e f m , ReactiveValueReadWrite g h m) => BijectiveFunc i (b,d,f,h) -> a -> c -> e -> g -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite m i liftRW4 bij a b c d = ReactiveFieldReadWrite setter getter notifier where ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier = liftR4 (curry4 f2) a b c d ReactiveFieldWrite setter = liftW4 f1 a b c d (f1, f2) = (direct bij, inverse bij) liftR5 :: ( ReactiveValueRead a b m , ReactiveValueRead c d m , ReactiveValueRead e f m , ReactiveValueRead g h m , ReactiveValueRead i j m) => (b -> d -> f -> h -> j -> k) -> a -> c -> e -> g -> i -> ReactiveFieldRead m k liftR5 f a b c d e = ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier where getter = do x1 <- reactiveValueRead a x2 <- reactiveValueRead b x3 <- reactiveValueRead c x4 <- reactiveValueRead d x5 <- reactiveValueRead e return $ f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 notifier p = do reactiveValueOnCanRead a p reactiveValueOnCanRead b p reactiveValueOnCanRead c p reactiveValueOnCanRead d p reactiveValueOnCanRead e p liftW5 :: ( Monad m , ReactiveValueWrite a b m , ReactiveValueWrite c d m , ReactiveValueWrite e f m , ReactiveValueWrite g h m , ReactiveValueWrite i j m) => (k -> (b,d,f,h,j)) -> a -> c -> e -> g -> i -> ReactiveFieldWrite m k liftW5 f a b c d e = ReactiveFieldWrite setter where setter x = do let (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) = f x reactiveValueWrite a x1 reactiveValueWrite b x2 reactiveValueWrite c x3 reactiveValueWrite d x4 reactiveValueWrite e x5 liftRW5 :: ( ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m , ReactiveValueReadWrite c d m , ReactiveValueReadWrite e f m , ReactiveValueReadWrite g h m , ReactiveValueReadWrite i j m) => BijectiveFunc k (b,d,f,h,j) -> a -> c -> e -> g -> i -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite m k liftRW5 bij a b c d e = ReactiveFieldReadWrite setter getter notifier where ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier = liftR5 (curry5 f2) a b c d e ReactiveFieldWrite setter = liftW5 f1 a b c d e (f1, f2) = (direct bij, inverse bij) -- | -- = Curry and uncurry functions curry3 :: ((a,b,c) -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d curry3 f a b c = f (a,b,c) uncurry3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a,b,c) -> d uncurry3 f (a,b,c) = f a b c curry4 :: ((a,b,c,d) -> e) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e curry4 f a b c d = f (a,b,c,d) uncurry4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (a,b,c,d) -> e uncurry4 f (a,b,c,d) = f a b c d curry5 :: ((a,b,c,d,e) -> f) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f curry5 f a b c d e = f (a,b,c,d,e) uncurry5 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> (a,b,c,d,e) -> f uncurry5 f (a,b,c,d,e) = f a b c d e