-- Contains function for scheduling and filtering events given the -- correct informations. module Reactogon.Translator.Filter where import Data.Bifunctor as BF import Data.List (group, sortBy) import Data.Ord import FRP.Yampa import Reactogon.Semantics import Reactogon.Translator.Message import Sound.JACK (NFrames (NFrames)) -- Takes a list of time stamped "things", a sample rate and a buffer -- size. The function argument is a function that needs to tell which -- arguments are kept in the case where two would come into -- contact. On the left are the events that can be thrown into the -- buffer, on the right are the events that will need to wait. Both -- list are sorted. -- -- /!\ The time is relative. A preprocessing operation removing all -- events too soon to be happening and shifting them is necessary. schedule :: (Eq a) => SampleRate -> NFrames -> [(Time, a)] -> ([(NFrames,a)], [(Time,a)]) schedule sr (NFrames size) = BF.first convertTime . break ((>= maxTime) . fst) . sortBy (comparing fst) where srd = fromIntegral sr maxTime = fromIntegral size / srd convertTime :: (Eq a) => [(Time, a)] -> [(NFrames, a)] convertTime = map (BF.first (NFrames . floor . (srd *))) -- The function choose between the event in case two are in conflict. -- -- /!\ That functional argument is a bit unsatisfying, it would be -- probably better if we'd try to push events to the next frame if -- they conflict and only remove them if it's impossible to do -- otherwise. nubDuplicate :: (Eq a) => ([a] -> a) -> [(NFrames, a)] -> [(NFrames, a)] nubDuplicate f = map (BF.second f) . map (\l@((n,_):_) -> (n,map snd l)) . group chooseDuplicate :: [a] -> a chooseDuplicate = undefined