{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, PartialTypeSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module RMCA.Configuration where import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception import Data.Array import qualified Data.IntMap as M import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.ReactiveValue import Graphics.UI.Gtk import RMCA.Auxiliary import RMCA.GUI.Board import RMCA.GUI.MultiBoard import RMCA.Layer.LayerConf import RMCA.Semantics import Text.Read data BoardConf = BoardConf { confLayers :: [(BoardInit,Layer,InstrumentNo)] , confTempo :: Tempo } deriving(Read,Show) newtype BoardInit = BoardInit { toList :: [(Pos,Cell)] } deriving(Show,Read) mkInit :: Board -> BoardInit mkInit = BoardInit . filter (uncurry (&&) . (onBoard *** notDef)) . assocs where notDef (Inert,1) = False notDef _ = True boardInit :: BoardInit -> Board boardInit = makeBoard . toList saveConfiguration :: ( ReactiveValueRead tempo Tempo IO , ReactiveValueRead layer (M.IntMap Layer) IO , ReactiveValueRead board (M.IntMap Board) IO , ReactiveValueRead instr (M.IntMap InstrumentNo) IO) => FilePath -> tempo -> layer -> board -> instr -> IO () saveConfiguration fp t l b i = do tempo <- reactiveValueRead t layers <- M.elems <$> reactiveValueRead l boards <- map mkInit <$> M.elems <$> reactiveValueRead b instrs <- M.elems <$> reactiveValueRead i let bc = BoardConf { confLayers = zip3 boards layers instrs , confTempo = tempo } catch (writeFile fp $ show bc) (\(_ :: IOError) -> errorSave) -- Current solution to delete all existing layers is to write to the -- rm button, which is not that nice. loadConfiguration :: ( ReactiveValueWrite tempo Tempo IO , ReactiveValueWrite layer (M.IntMap Layer) IO , ReactiveValueWrite cell GUICell IO , ReactiveValueWrite instr (M.IntMap InstrumentNo) IO , ReactiveValueWrite addLayer () IO , ReactiveValueWrite rmLayer () IO , ReactiveValueRead boards (M.IntMap (Array Pos cell)) IO) => FilePath -> tempo -> layer -> boards -> instr -> addLayer -> rmLayer -> IO () loadConfiguration fp t l arrs i addLayer rmLayer = do conf <- readMaybe <$> readFile fp if isNothing conf then errorLoad else do let BoardConf { confLayers = cl , confTempo = tempo } = fromJust conf (boards,layers,instrs) = unzip3 cl layNum = length cl sequence_ $ replicate maxLayers $ reactiveValueWrite rmLayer () sequence_ $ replicate layNum $ reactiveValueWrite addLayer () reactiveValueWrite t tempo reactiveValueWrite l $ M.fromList $ zip [1..] layers reactiveValueWrite i $ M.fromList $ zip [1..] instrs cellArrs <- reactiveValueRead arrs mapM_ (\(arr,board) -> do mapM_ (\rv -> catch (reactiveValueWrite rv inertCell) (\(_ :: ErrorCall) -> return ())) $ elems arr mapM_ (\(p,(a,r)) -> reactiveValueWrite (arr ! toGUICoords p) $ inertCell { cellAction = a , repeatCount = r }) board ) $ M.intersectionWith (,) cellArrs $ M.fromList $ zip [1..] $ map (\(BoardInit b) -> b) boards errorLoad :: IO () errorLoad = messageDialogNewWithMarkup Nothing [] MessageError ButtonsClose "Error loading the configuration file!" >>= widgetShow errorSave :: IO () errorSave = messageDialogNewWithMarkup Nothing [] MessageError ButtonsClose "Error saving the configuration file!" >>= widgetShow handleSaveLoad :: ( ReactiveValueReadWrite tempo Tempo IO , ReactiveValueReadWrite layer (M.IntMap Layer) IO , ReactiveValueWrite cell GUICell IO , ReactiveValueReadWrite instr (M.IntMap InstrumentNo) IO , ReactiveValueWrite addLayer () IO , ReactiveValueWrite rmLayer () IO , ReactiveValueRead boards (M.IntMap (Array Pos cell)) IO , ReactiveValueRead load () IO , ReactiveValueRead save () IO , ReactiveValueRead board (M.IntMap Board) IO) => tempo -> board -> layer -> instr -> boards -> addLayer -> rmLayer -> save -> load -> IO () --handleSaveLoad :: _ handleSaveLoad tempoRV boardRV layerRV instrRV pieceArrRV addLayerRV rmLayerRV confSaveRV confLoadRV = do fcs <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Save configuration") Nothing FileChooserActionSave [("Cancel",ResponseCancel),("Ok",ResponseOk)] reactFilt <- fileFilterNew fileFilterAddPattern reactFilt "*.react" fileFilterSetName reactFilt "RMCA conf files." fileChooserAddFilter fcs reactFilt fcl <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Load configuration") Nothing FileChooserActionOpen [("Cancel",ResponseCancel),("Ok",ResponseOk)] fileChooserAddFilter fcl reactFilt reactiveValueOnCanRead confSaveRV $ postGUIAsync $ do widgetShowAll fcs let respHandle ResponseOk = fileChooserGetFilename fcs >>= fromMaybeM_ . fmap (\f -> saveConfiguration f tempoRV layerRV boardRV instrRV) respHandle _ = return () onResponse fcs (\r -> respHandle r >> widgetHide fcs) return () reactiveValueOnCanRead confLoadRV $ postGUIAsync $ do widgetShowAll fcl let respHandle ResponseOk = fileChooserGetFilename fcl >>= fromMaybeM_ . fmap (\f -> loadConfiguration f tempoRV layerRV pieceArrRV instrRV addLayerRV rmLayerRV ) respHandle _ = return () onResponse fcl (\r -> respHandle r >> widgetHide fcl) return ()