{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Array import Data.Array.IO import Data.Array.MArray import Data.Maybe import Data.ReactiveValue import Data.String import Data.Tuple import FRP.Yampa import Game.Board.BasicTurnGame import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.BoardLink import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Layout.BackgroundContainer import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Reactive import Hails.Yampa import RMCA.Auxiliary.Concurrent import RMCA.Auxiliary.RV import RMCA.Global.Clock import RMCA.GUI.Board import RMCA.GUI.Buttons import RMCA.GUI.Settings import RMCA.Layer.Board import RMCA.Layer.Layer import RMCA.Semantics import RMCA.Translator.Jack import RMCA.Translator.Message import RMCA.Translator.Translator floatConv :: (ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m, Real c, Real b, Fractional c, Fractional b) => a -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite m c floatConv = liftRW $ bijection (realToFrac, realToFrac) {- boardRVIO = newCBMVarRW $ makeBoard [((0,0), mkCell (ChDir True na1 NE)), ((1,1), mkCellRpt (ChDir False na1 NW) 3), ((0,1), mkCell (ChDir False na1 S))] {-makeBoard [((0,0), mkCell (ChDir True na1 N)), ((0,2), mkCellRpt (ChDir False na2 SE) 3), ((2,1), mkCell (ChDir False na1 SW)), ((1,1), mkCellRpt (ChDir False na1 N) 0) {- Skipped! -}, ((0,4), mkCellRpt (ChDir True na1 N) (-1)) {- Rpt indef. -}, ((0, -6), mkCell (ChDir True na1 N)), ((0, -2), mkCell (ChDir False na3 S) {- Silent -})]-} na1 = NoteAttr { naArt = Accent13, naDur = 1 % 1, naOrn = Ornaments Nothing [] NoSlide } na2 = NoteAttr { naArt = NoAccent, naDur = 1 % 1, naOrn = Ornaments Nothing [(10, MIDICVRnd)] SlideUp } na3 = NoteAttr { naArt = Accent13, naDur = 0, naOrn = Ornaments Nothing [] NoSlide } bpb :: Int bpb = 4 -} main :: IO () main = do -- GUI initGUI window <- windowNew -- Main box mainBox <- hBoxNew False 10 set window [ windowTitle := "Reactogon" --, windowDefaultWidth := 250 --, windowDefaultHeight := 500 , containerChild := mainBox , containerBorderWidth := 10 ] windowMaximize window settingsBox <- vBoxNew False 0 boxPackEnd mainBox settingsBox PackNatural 0 globalSettingsBox <- vBoxNew False 10 boxPackStart settingsBox globalSettingsBox PackNatural 0 tempoAdj <- adjustmentNew 120 40 200 1 1 1 tempoLabel <- labelNew (Just "Tempo") boxPackStart globalSettingsBox tempoLabel PackNatural 0 tempoScale <- hScaleNew tempoAdj boxPackStart globalSettingsBox tempoScale PackNatural 0 scaleSetDigits tempoScale 0 let tempoRV = bijection (floor, fromIntegral) `liftRW` scaleValueReactive tempoScale globalSep <- hSeparatorNew boxPackStart settingsBox globalSep PackNatural 0 layerSettingsBox <- hBoxNew True 10 boxPackStart settingsBox layerSettingsBox PackNatural 0 layTempoBox <- hBoxNew False 10 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox layTempoBox PackNatural 0 layTempoLabel <- labelNew (Just "Layer tempo") labelSetAngle layTempoLabel 90 boxPackStart layTempoBox layTempoLabel PackNatural 0 layTempoAdj <- adjustmentNew 1 0 2 1 1 1 layTempoScale <- vScaleNew layTempoAdj boxPackStart layTempoBox layTempoScale PackNatural 0 laySep <- hSeparatorNew strBox <- hBoxNew False 10 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox strBox PackNatural 0 strLabel <- labelNew (Just "Strength") labelSetAngle strLabel 90 boxPackStart strBox strLabel PackNatural 0 strAdj <- adjustmentNew 1 0 1 0.01 0.01 0 layStrengthScale <- vScaleNew strAdj boxPackStart strBox layStrengthScale PackNatural 0 bpbBox <- vBoxNew False 10 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox bpbBox PackNatural 0 bpbLabel <- labelNew (Just "Beat per bar") labelSetLineWrap bpbLabel True boxPackStart bpbBox bpbLabel PackNatural 0 bpbAdj <- adjustmentNew 4 1 16 1 1 0 bpbButton <- spinButtonNew bpbAdj 1 0 boxPackStart bpbBox bpbButton PackNatural 0 boxPackStart settingsBox laySep PackNatural 0 layPitchRV <- newCBMVarRW 1 let layTempoRV = floatConv $ scaleValueReactive layTempoScale strengthRV = floatConv $ scaleValueReactive layStrengthScale bpbRV = spinButtonValueIntReactive bpbButton f1 Layer { relTempo = d , relPitch = p , strength = s , beatsPerBar = bpb } = (d,p,s,bpb) f2 (d,p,s,bpb) = Layer { relTempo = d , relPitch = p , strength = s , beatsPerBar = bpb } layerRV = liftRW4 (bijection (f1,f2)) layTempoRV layPitchRV strengthRV bpbRV buttonBox <- hBoxNew True 10 boxPackEnd settingsBox buttonBox PackNatural 0 buttonPlay <- buttonNewFromStock gtkMediaPlay let playRV = buttonActivateField buttonPlay boxPackStart buttonBox buttonPlay PackRepel 0 buttonPause <- buttonNewFromStock gtkMediaPause boxPackStart buttonBox buttonPause PackRepel 0 buttonStop <- buttonNewFromStock gtkMediaStop let stopRV = buttonActivateField buttonStop boxPackStart buttonBox buttonStop PackRepel 0 buttonRecord <- buttonNewFromStock gtkMediaRecord boxPackStart buttonBox buttonRecord PackRepel 0 -- Board boardCont <- backgroundContainerNew game <- initGame guiBoard <- attachGameRules game centerBoard <- alignmentNew 0.5 0.5 0 0 containerAdd centerBoard guiBoard containerAdd boardCont centerBoard boxPackStart mainBox boardCont PackNatural 0 --boxPackStart mainBox boardCont PackNatural 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ boardQueue <- newCBMVarRW [] -- Board setup layer <- reactiveValueRead layerRV tempo <- reactiveValueRead tempoRV (boardRV, pieceArrRV, phRV) <- initBoardRV guiBoard clickHandling guiBoard reactiveValueOnCanRead playRV (reactiveValueRead boardRV >>= reactiveValueWrite phRV . startHeads) reactiveValueOnCanRead stopRV $ reactiveValueWrite phRV [] board <- reactiveValueRead boardRV ph <- reactiveValueRead phRV (inBoard, outBoard) <- yampaReactiveDual (board, layer, ph, tempo) boardSF let inRV = liftR4 id boardRV layerRV phRV tempoRV clock <- mkClockRV 100 --let inRV = onTick clock inRV inRV =:> inBoard reactiveValueOnCanRead outBoard $ do bq <- reactiveValueRead boardQueue ob <- reactiveValueRead $ liftR (event [] id <<< snd <<< splitE) outBoard reactiveValueWrite boardQueue (bq ++ ob) -- This needs to be set last otherwise phRV is written to, so -- inBoard is written to and the notes don't get played. There -- supposedly is no guaranty of order but apparently there is… (fst <$>) <^> outBoard >:> phRV putStrLn "Board started." -- Jack setup forkIO $ jackSetup tempoRV (constR 0) boardQueue widgetShowAll window -- Piece characteristic --pieceBox <- pieceButtons pieceArrRV guiBoard =<< vBoxNew False 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ boxPackStart settingsBox pieceBox PackNatural 10 onDestroy window mainQuit mainGUI