]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/ObserveSharing.hs
bug: a ref outside its def must be supported
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / ObserveSharing.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.ObserveSharing
3 ( module Symantic.Univariant.Letable
4 , module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.ObserveSharing
5 ) where
7 import Control.Monad (mapM)
8 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
9 import Data.Function (($), (.))
10 import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt)
11 import Text.Show (Show(..))
12 import qualified Control.Applicative as Functor
14 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators
15 import Symantic.Univariant.Letable hiding (observeSharing)
16 import qualified Symantic.Univariant.Letable as Letable
17 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
18 import qualified Symantic.Univariant.Trans as Sym
20 -- | Like 'Letable.observeSharing'
21 -- but type-binding @(letName)@ to 'TH.Name'
22 -- to avoid the trouble to always set it.
23 observeSharing :: ObserveSharing TH.Name repr a -> repr a
24 observeSharing = Letable.observeSharing
26 -- | Needed by 'observeSharing'.
27 instance Hashable TH.Name where
28 hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . show
30 -- Combinators semantics for the 'ObserveSharing' interpreter.
31 instance
32 ( Letable letName repr
33 , MakeLetName letName
34 , Eq letName
35 , Hashable letName
36 , Show letName
37 , Satisfiable tok repr
38 ) => Satisfiable tok (ObserveSharing letName repr)
39 instance
40 ( Letable letName repr
41 , MakeLetName letName
42 , Eq letName
43 , Hashable letName
44 , Show letName
45 , Alternable repr
46 ) => Alternable (ObserveSharing letName repr)
47 instance
48 ( Letable letName repr
49 , MakeLetName letName
50 , Eq letName
51 , Hashable letName
52 , Show letName
53 , Applicable repr
54 ) => Applicable (ObserveSharing letName repr)
55 instance
56 ( Letable letName repr
57 , MakeLetName letName
58 , Eq letName
59 , Hashable letName
60 , Show letName
61 , Selectable repr
62 ) => Selectable (ObserveSharing letName repr)
63 instance
64 ( Letable letName repr
65 , MakeLetName letName
66 , Eq letName
67 , Hashable letName
68 , Show letName
69 , Matchable repr
70 ) => Matchable (ObserveSharing letName repr) where
71 -- Here the default definition does not fit
72 -- since there is no lift* for the type of 'conditional'
73 -- and its default definition does not handles 'bs'
74 -- as needed by the 'ObserveSharing' transformation.
75 conditional a cs bs b = observeSharingNode $ ObserveSharing $
76 conditional
77 Functor.<$> unObserveSharing a
78 Functor.<*> Functor.pure cs
79 Functor.<*> mapM unObserveSharing bs
80 Functor.<*> unObserveSharing b
81 instance
82 ( Letable letName repr
83 , MakeLetName letName
84 , Eq letName
85 , Hashable letName
86 , Show letName
87 , Foldable repr
88 {- TODO: the following constraints are for the current Foldable,
89 - they will have to be removed when Foldable will have Sym.lift2 as defaults
90 -}
91 , Applicable repr
92 , Alternable repr
93 ) => Foldable (ObserveSharing letName repr)
94 instance
95 ( Letable letName repr
96 , MakeLetName letName
97 , Eq letName
98 , Hashable letName
99 , Show letName
100 , Lookable repr
101 ) => Lookable (ObserveSharing letName repr)
103 -- Combinators semantics for the 'CleanDefs' interpreter.
104 instance Applicable repr => Applicable (CleanDefs letName repr)
105 instance Alternable repr => Alternable (CleanDefs letName repr)
106 instance Satisfiable tok repr => Satisfiable tok (CleanDefs letName repr)
107 instance Selectable repr => Selectable (CleanDefs letName repr)
108 instance Matchable repr => Matchable (CleanDefs letName repr) where
109 conditional a cs bs b = CleanDefs $
110 conditional
111 Functor.<$> unCleanDefs a
112 Functor.<*> Functor.pure cs
113 Functor.<*> mapM unCleanDefs bs
114 Functor.<*> unCleanDefs b
115 instance Lookable repr => Lookable (CleanDefs letName repr)
116 instance Foldable repr => Foldable (CleanDefs letName repr) where
117 chainPre = Sym.lift2 chainPre
118 chainPost = Sym.lift2 chainPost