]> Git — Sourcephile - julm/english.git/blob - idioms.txt
[julm/english.git] / idioms.txt
1 A cunning ploy: Un stratagème astucieux
2 A fug of grief: Une gueule de chagrin
3 A white lie: Un pieux mensonge
4 After a good deal of practice
5 And I hardly need add
6 Anew: À nouveau
7 As you see fit: Comme bon vous semble
8 At point blank: À bout portant
9 Attagirl/Attaboy: Bravo
10 Behold!
11 Bummer: Dommage
12 But of course
13 Calm down
14 Can I speak plainer?
15 Capital offense
16 Cheerfully: Gaiement
17 Don't get ahead of yourself: Ne t'emballe pas, Ne mets pas la charrue avant les bœufs
18 For all intents and purposes
19 Getting one's hands dirty: Mettre ses mains dans le cambouis
20 I am all astonishment
21 I am quite determined
22 I beg you would excuse me
23 I don’t want no <something>
24 I have an ace up my sleeve: J'ai un as dans ma manche
25 I reckon it will come back to me
26 I shall trespass on your time no longer
27 I take my leave
28 I'm fully aware
29 I'm much exceedingly obliged
30 If you can help it: Si tu peux
31 In broad dailight : En plein jour
32 In shambles : En pagaille
33 In your stead: À ta/votre place
34 It cannot be helped
35 It's a piece of cake: Facile
36 It's raining cats and dogs: Un temps de chien
37 Keenly: Vivement
38 Kill two birds with one stone: D'une pierre deux coups
39 Last I checked
40 Let the cat out of the bag: Vendre la mèche
41 Make haste!
42 Mind your own business
43 Much obliged: Infiniment reconnaissant
44 My own better judgment
45 Neither of us
46 No please, don't trouble yourself
47 Nohow: Aucunement
48 None better
49 On a whim: Sur un coup de tête
50 Please convey my regards to
51 Save your breath
52 Seldom: Jamais
53 Somewhat: Quelque peu
54 Still waters: Eaux calmes
55 Sweetheart, sweetie
56 The blue book: Le bottin mondain
57 The charges levelled against someone: Les charges portées contre quelqu'un
58 The task will fall on you
59 Thither: Là
60 To arise chiefly
61 To ask after someone: Demander des nouvelles de quelqu'un.e
62 To be ill qualified
63 To be in the know for
64 To be off-limit
65 To be on par with
66 To be out of one's wits
67 To be shacked up: Cohabiter
68 To be torn over something
69 To be up to speed with
70 To be witty: Être spirituel
71 To behove: Être bon
72 To break stride: Ralentir un élan
73 To cut to the chase
74 To feel blue
75 To flog a dead horse: S'acharner, Perdre son temps
76 To get a word in edgewise: Arriver à placer un mot
77 To give somebody the heave-ho: To take someone's job away from them, usually because that person has done something wrong
78 To go astray: S'égarer
79 To go out of one's wits: Perdre la raison
80 To have a will of iron
81 To intrude upon your privacy
82 To keep down the fluff
83 To let off the hook: Laisser partir
84 To make something easy on someone
85 To sow the seeds of discord: Semer la discorde
86 To stand idly by
87 To take a rain check: Remettre une rencontre à plus tard
88 To take delight in something
89 To tear asunder: Déchirer en morceaux
90 To think ill of you
91 To wriggle out of something: To avoid doing something that you do not want to do
92 Unwillingly: Contre son gré
93 Utterly: Tout à fait
94 What about him?
95 What's on your plate?
96 Whilst: Tandis que
97 With all due respect
98 Would you be so kind as to
99 You did good
100 You got a mouth on you boy