]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Hdoc/TCT/Write/XML.hs
XML: use symantic-xml
[doclang.git] / Hdoc / TCT / Write / XML.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module Hdoc.TCT.Write.XML where
8 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
9 import Data.Bool
10 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
13 import Data.Function (($), (.))
14 import Data.Functor ((<$>), (<$), ($>))
15 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
19 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
20 import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL(..), ViewR(..), (<|), (|>))
21 import Data.Set (Set)
22 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
23 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), tree0)
24 import Language.Symantic.XML (XML, XMLs)
25 import Prelude (Num(..), undefined)
26 import qualified Data.Char as Char
27 import qualified Data.List as List
28 import qualified Data.Set as Set
29 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
30 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
31 import qualified Hdoc.TCT.Write.Plain as Plain
32 import qualified Language.Symantic.XML as XML
34 -- import Hdoc.TCT.Debug
35 import Hdoc.TCT as TCT hiding (Parser)
36 import Hdoc.TCT.Utils
37 import Text.Blaze.DTC (xmlns_dtc)
38 import Text.Blaze.XML ()
40 -- | Main entry point
41 --
42 -- NOTE: 'XmlNode' are still annotated with 'Sourced',
43 -- but nothing is done to preserve any ordering amongst them,
44 -- because 'Node's sometimes need to be reordered
45 -- (eg. about/title may have a title from the section before,
46 -- hence outside of about).
47 writeXML :: Roots -> XMLs
48 writeXML (tn@(Tree (Sourced src (NodeHeader (HeaderSection 1))) _ts) Seq.:<| rs) =
49 element src "head" (xmlifySection def tn) <|
50 xmlify def rs
51 writeXML roots = xmlify def roots
53 -- | Generate the content of <section> or <head>.
54 xmlifySection :: Inh -> Root -> XMLs
55 xmlifySection inh tn@(Tree (Sourced src _nt) _ts) =
56 about <>
57 xmlify inh' body
58 where
59 inh' = inh
60 { inh_para = List.repeat elementPara
61 , inh_figure = True
62 }
63 (titles, content) = partitionSection tn
64 (attrs, body) = partitionAttrs content
65 about =
66 case Seq.viewl titles of
67 EmptyL -> mempty
68 title@(unTree -> src_title) :< subtitles ->
69 (xmlAttrs (attrs `defaultAttr` (src_title $> (fromString "id", getAttrId title))) <>) $
70 Seq.singleton $
71 element src "about" $
72 xmlify inh{inh_para=List.repeat elementTitle} title <>
73 aliases
74 where
75 aliases =
76 subtitles >>= \subtitle@(unTree -> Sourced src_subtitle _) ->
77 return $
78 element src_subtitle "alias" $
79 xmlAttrs [src_title $> (fromString "id", getAttrId subtitle)] <>
80 xmlify inh{inh_para=List.repeat elementTitle} subtitle
82 -- * Type 'Inh'
83 data Inh
84 = Inh
85 { inh_figure :: Bool
86 , inh_para :: [Inh -> Root -> XML]
87 }
88 instance Default Inh where
89 def = Inh
90 { inh_figure = False
91 , inh_para = List.repeat elementPara
92 }
94 -- ** 'inh_para'
95 elementPara :: Inh -> Root -> XML
96 elementPara inh (Tree (Sourced src _) ts) = element src "para" $ xmlify inh ts
98 elementTitle :: Inh -> Root -> XML
99 elementTitle inh (Tree (Sourced src _) ts) =
100 element src "title" $
101 xmlify inh ts
103 elementTitleWith :: Attrs -> Inh -> Root -> XML
104 elementTitleWith attrs inh (Tree (Sourced src _) ts) =
105 element src "title" $
106 xmlAttrs attrs <> xmlify inh ts
108 elementName :: Inh -> Root -> XML
109 elementName inh (Tree (Sourced src _) ts) =
110 element src "name" $
111 xmlify inh ts
113 attributeName :: Inh -> Root -> XML
114 attributeName _inh (Tree (Sourced src _) ts) =
115 Tree (Sourced src $ XML.NodeAttr $ XML.qName $ fromString "name") $
116 return $ tree0 $ Sourced src $
117 XML.NodeText $ XML.escapeText $ Plain.writePlain ts
119 attributeId :: Inh -> Root -> XML
120 attributeId _inh (Tree (Sourced src _) ts) =
121 element src "id" $
122 return $ tree0 $ Sourced src $
123 XML.NodeText $ XML.escapeText $ Plain.writePlain ts
125 -- * Class 'Xmlify'
126 class Xmlify a where
127 xmlify :: Inh -> a -> XMLs
128 instance Xmlify Roots where
129 xmlify inh roots =
130 case Seq.viewl roots of
131 EmptyL -> mempty
132 r@(Tree cr@(Sourced src nr) ts) :< rs ->
133 case nr of
134 ----------------------
135 -- NOTE: HeaderColon becomes parent
136 -- of any continuous following-sibling HeaderBar or HeaderGreat
137 NodeHeader (HeaderColon n _wh)
138 | (span, rest) <- spanlHeaderColon rs
139 , not $ null span ->
140 xmlify inh (Tree cr (ts<>span)) <>
141 xmlify inh rest
142 where
143 spanlHeaderColon :: Roots -> (Roots, Roots)
144 spanlHeaderColon =
145 Seq.spanl $ \case
146 Tree (unSourced -> NodeHeader (HeaderBar m _)) _ -> m == n
147 Tree (unSourced -> NodeHeader (HeaderGreat m _)) _ -> m == n
148 _ -> False
149 ----------------------
150 -- NOTE: gather HeaderBrackets
151 NodeHeader HeaderBrackets{}
152 | (span,rest) <- spanlBrackets roots
153 , not (null span) ->
154 (<| xmlify inh rest) $
155 element src "references" $
156 span >>= xmlify inh
157 where
158 spanlBrackets :: Roots -> (Roots, Roots)
159 spanlBrackets =
160 Seq.spanl $ \case
161 Tree (unSourced -> NodeHeader HeaderBrackets{}) _ -> True
162 _ -> False
163 ----------------------
164 -- NOTE: merge adjacent NodeText-s, shouldn't be needed, but just in case.
165 NodeText x
166 | Tree (cy@(unSourced -> NodeText y)) ys :< rs' <- Seq.viewl rs ->
167 xmlify inh $ Tree (NodeText <$> (x <$ cr) <> (y <$ cy)) (ts <> ys) <| rs'
168 ----------------------
169 -- NOTE: detect (some text)[http://some.url] or (some text)[SomeRef]
170 NodePair PairParen
171 | Tree (Sourced sb (NodePair PairBracket)) bracket :< rs' <- Seq.viewl rs ->
172 (<| xmlify inh rs') $
173 case bracket of
174 (toList -> [unTree -> Sourced sl (NodeToken (TokenLink lnk))]) ->
175 element src "eref" $
176 xmlAttrs [Sourced sl (fromString "to", lnk)] <>
177 xmlify inh ts
178 _ ->
179 element src "ref" $
180 xmlAttrs [Sourced sb (fromString "to", Plain.writePlain bracket)] <>
181 if null ts -- NOTE: preserve empty parens
182 then Seq.singleton $ tree0 (XML.NodeText mempty <$ cr)
183 else xmlify inh ts
184 ----------------------
185 -- NOTE: gather HeaderDash
186 _ | (span, rest) <- spanlItems (==HeaderDash) roots
187 , not $ null span ->
188 (<| xmlify inh rest) $
189 element src "ul" $
190 span >>= xmlify inh{inh_para=List.repeat elementPara}
191 ----------------------
192 -- NOTE: gather HeaderDot
193 | (span,rest) <- spanlItems (\case HeaderDot{} -> True; _ -> False) roots
194 , not $ null span ->
195 (<| xmlify inh rest) $
196 element src "ol" $
197 span >>= xmlify inh{inh_para=List.repeat elementPara}
198 where
199 spanlItems :: (Header -> Bool) -> Roots -> (Roots, Roots)
200 spanlItems liHeader =
201 Seq.spanl $ \(unTree -> (unSourced -> nod)) ->
202 case nod of
203 NodeHeader (HeaderColon (Just (XML.NCName (TL.unpack -> "li"))) _wh) -> True
204 NodeHeader hdr -> liHeader hdr
205 NodePair (PairElem (XML.NCName (TL.unpack -> "li")) _as) -> True
206 _ -> False
207 ----------------------
208 NodePara | para:inh_para <- inh_para inh ->
209 para inh r <|
210 xmlify inh{inh_para} rs
211 ----------------------
212 -- NOTE: context-free Root
213 _ ->
214 xmlify inh r `XML.union`
215 xmlify inh rs
216 instance Xmlify Root where
217 xmlify inh tn@(Tree (Sourced src@(sn:|ssn) nod) ts) =
218 case nod of
219 ----------------------
220 NodePara ->
221 case inh_para inh of
222 [] -> xmlify inh ts
223 para:_ -> Seq.singleton $ para inh tn
224 ----------------------
225 NodeHeader hdr ->
226 case hdr of
227 --
228 HeaderSection{} ->
229 Seq.singleton $
230 element src "section" $
231 xmlifySection inh tn
232 --
233 HeaderColon localName _wh ->
234 let (attrs, body) = partitionAttrs ts in
235 case name of
236 -- NOTE: disable 'inh_figure'
237 "about" ->
238 Seq.singleton $
239 element src "about" $
240 xmlAttrs attrs <>
241 xmlify inh'{inh_figure=False} body
242 -- NOTE: handle judgment
243 _ | Just lName <- localName
244 , lName`List.elem`elemsJudgment -> -- FIXME: not a special case so far.
245 Seq.singleton $
246 element src name $
247 xmlAttrs attrs <>
248 xmlify inh'' body
249 where
250 inh'' = inh'
251 { inh_para =
252 case name of
253 "grades" -> List.repeat attributeId
254 "judges" -> List.repeat attributeId
255 _ -> List.repeat elementTitle
256 }
257 -- NOTE: in <figure> mode, unreserved elements become <figure>
258 _ | Just lName <- localName
259 , inh_figure inh
260 && lName`List.notElem`elems || null name ->
261 Seq.singleton $
262 element src "figure" $
263 -- xmlAttrs (setAttr (Sourced en en ("type", XML.unNCName lName)) attrs) <>
264 xmlAttrs
265 (attrs `defaultAttr` Sourced (sn{fileRange_end=fileRange_begin sn}:|ssn)
266 (fromString "type", XML.unNCName lName)) <>
267 case toList body of
268 [Tree0{}] -> xmlify inh'{inh_para = List.repeat elementPara} body
269 _ -> xmlify inh'{inh_para = elementTitle : List.repeat elementPara} body
270 -- NOTE: reserved elements
271 _ ->
272 Seq.singleton $
273 element src name $
274 xmlAttrs attrs <>
275 xmlify inh' body
276 where
277 name = maybe mempty (TL.unpack . XML.unNCName) localName
278 inh' = inh
279 { inh_para =
280 case name of
281 "about" -> List.repeat elementTitle
282 "reference" -> List.repeat elementTitle
283 "serie" -> List.repeat attributeName
284 "author" -> List.repeat attributeName
285 "editor" -> List.repeat attributeName
286 "org" -> List.repeat attributeName
287 "note" -> List.repeat elementPara
288 _ -> []
289 }
290 --
291 HeaderBar localName wh ->
292 case localName of
293 Just lName
294 | inh_figure inh && lName`List.notElem`elems ->
295 xmlify inh $
296 Tree (Sourced src $ NodeHeader $ HeaderColon localName wh) ts
297 _ ->
298 Seq.singleton $
299 element src "artwork" $
300 xmlAttrs
301 (Seq.singleton $ Sourced (sn{fileRange_end=fileRange_end sn}:|ssn)
302 (fromString "type", maybe mempty XML.unNCName localName)) <>
303 xmlify inh{inh_para=[]} ts
304 --
305 HeaderGreat localName _wh ->
306 let (attrs,body) = partitionAttrs ts in
307 Seq.singleton $
308 element src "quote" $
309 xmlAttrs
310 (attrs `defaultAttr` Sourced (sn{fileRange_end=fileRange_end sn}:|ssn)
311 (fromString "type", maybe mempty XML.unNCName localName)) <>
312 xmlify inh{inh_para=List.repeat elementPara} body
313 --
314 HeaderEqual localName _wh ->
315 Seq.singleton $
316 Tree (Sourced src $ XML.NodeAttr (XML.qName localName)) $
317 return $ tree0 $ Sourced src $ XML.NodeText $
318 XML.escapeText $
319 Plain.text (Plain.setStart ts def{Plain.state_escape = False}) ts
320 --
321 HeaderDot n ->
322 Seq.singleton $
323 element src "li" $
324 let fileRange_end =
325 (fileRange_begin sn)
326 { filePos_column=
327 filePos_column (fileRange_begin sn) +
328 int (TL.length n) } in
329 xmlAttrs
330 (Seq.singleton $ Sourced (sn{fileRange_end}:|ssn)
331 (fromString "name", n)) <>
332 xmlify inh ts
333 --
334 HeaderDash -> Seq.singleton $ element src "li" $ xmlify inh ts
335 --
336 HeaderDashDash ->
337 Seq.singleton $ Tree0 $ Sourced src $
338 XML.NodeComment $ Plain.writePlain ts
339 --
340 HeaderBrackets ident ->
341 let (attrs, body) = partitionAttrs ts in
342 Seq.singleton $
343 element src "reference" $
344 xmlAttrs
345 (setAttr (Sourced (sn{fileRange_end=fileRange_end sn}:|ssn)
346 (fromString "id",ident)) attrs) |>
347 element src "about" (
348 xmlify inh'{inh_para = List.repeat elementTitle} body
349 )
350 where
351 inh' = inh{inh_figure = False}
352 --
353 HeaderDotSlash _file -> xmlify inh ts
354 ----------------------
355 NodePair pair ->
356 case pair of
357 PairBracket | to <- Plain.writePlain ts
358 , TL.all (\c -> c/='[' && c/=']' && Char.isPrint c && not (Char.isSpace c)) to ->
359 Seq.singleton $
360 element src "ref" $
361 xmlAttrs [Sourced src (fromString "to",to)]
362 PairStar -> Seq.singleton $ element src "b" $ xmlify inh ts
363 PairDash -> Seq.singleton $ element src "del" $ xmlify inh ts
364 PairUnderscore -> Seq.singleton $ element src "u" $ xmlify inh ts
365 PairSlash -> Seq.singleton $ element src "i" $ xmlify inh ts
366 PairBackquote -> Seq.singleton $ element src "code" $ xmlify inh ts
367 PairFrenchquote ->
368 Seq.singleton $
369 element src "q" $
370 case ts of
371 (Seq.viewl -> Tree0 (Sourced sl (NodeToken (TokenText l))) :< ls) ->
372 case Seq.viewr ls of
373 m :> Tree0 (Sourced sr (NodeToken (TokenText r))) ->
374 xmlify inh $
375 Tree0 (Sourced sl (NodeToken (TokenText (TL.dropWhile Char.isSpace l))))
376 Seq.<|(m Seq.|>Tree0 (Sourced sr (NodeToken (TokenText (TL.dropWhileEnd Char.isSpace r)))))
377 _ ->
378 xmlify inh $
379 Tree0 (Sourced sl (NodeToken (TokenText (TL.dropAround Char.isSpace l)))) Seq.<| ls
380 (Seq.viewr -> rs :> Tree0 (Sourced sr (NodeToken (TokenText r)))) ->
381 xmlify inh $
382 rs Seq.|> Tree0 (Sourced sr (NodeToken (TokenText (TL.dropAround Char.isSpace r))))
383 _ -> xmlify inh ts
384 PairTag isBackref ->
385 Seq.singleton $
386 element src (if isBackref then "tag-back" else "tag") $
387 xmlAttrs [Sourced src (fromString "to", Plain.writePlain ts)]
388 -- xmlAttrs [Sourced src ("to",to)]
389 -- xmlify inh{inh_para=[]} ts
390 -- xmlAttrs [Sourced src ("to",Plain.writePlain ts)]
391 PairAt isBackref ->
392 Seq.singleton $
393 element src (if isBackref then "at-back" else "at") $
394 xmlAttrs [Sourced src (fromString "to", Plain.writePlain ts)]
395 PairElem n attrs ->
396 Seq.singleton $
397 Tree (Sourced src $ XML.NodeElem $ XML.QName xmlns_dtc n) $
398 xmlAttrs (Seq.fromList $ (\(_wh, ElemAttr{..}) ->
399 Sourced src (elemAttr_name, elemAttr_value)) <$> attrs) <>
400 xmlify inh ts
401 _ ->
402 Seq.singleton (Tree0 $ Sourced (sn{fileRange_end=bn'}:|ssn) $
403 XML.NodeText [XML.EscapedPlain open]) `XML.union`
404 xmlify inh ts `XML.union`
405 Seq.singleton (Tree0 $ Sourced (sn{fileRange_begin=en'}:|ssn) $
406 XML.NodeText [XML.EscapedPlain close])
407 where
408 (open, close) = pairBorders pair ts
409 bn' = (fileRange_begin sn){filePos_column=filePos_column (fileRange_begin sn) + int (TL.length open)}
410 en' = (fileRange_end sn){filePos_column=filePos_column (fileRange_end sn) - int (TL.length close)}
411 ----------------------
412 NodeText t -> Seq.singleton $ Tree0 $ Sourced src $ XML.NodeText $ XML.escapeText t
413 ----------------------
414 NodeToken tok ->
415 case tok of
416 TokenEscape c -> Seq.singleton $ Tree0 $ Sourced src $ XML.NodeText [XML.escapeChar c]
417 TokenText t -> Seq.singleton $ Tree0 $ Sourced src $ XML.NodeText $ XML.escapeText t
418 TokenAt b to -> Seq.singleton $ element src (if b then "at-back" else "at") $
419 xmlAttrs [Sourced src (fromString "to", to)]
420 -- Seq.singleton $ Tree0 $ Sourced src $ XML.NodeText to
421 TokenTag b to -> Seq.singleton $ element src (if b then "tag-back" else "tag") $
422 xmlAttrs [Sourced src (fromString "to", to)]
423 -- Seq.singleton $ Tree0 $ Sourced src $ XML.NodeText to
424 TokenLink lnk -> Seq.singleton $ element src "eref" $
425 xmlAttrs [Sourced src (fromString "to", lnk)]
426 ----------------------
427 NodeLower n as ->
428 Seq.singleton $
429 element src "artwork" $
430 xmlify inh ts
431 {-
432 instance Xmlify (Seq (Cell (XML.QName,TL.Text))) where
433 xmlify _inh = xmlAttrs
434 -}
436 -- * Elements
438 element :: XML.FileSource -> String -> XMLs -> XML
439 element src n = Tree (Sourced src $ XML.NodeElem $ XML.QName xmlns_dtc $ fromString n)
441 -- | Reserved elements' name
442 elems :: Set ElemName -- TODO: use a @data@ or maybe a @data family@ instead of 'TL.Text'
443 elems = Set.fromList $ fromString <$>
444 [ "about"
445 , "abstract"
446 , "address"
447 , "alias"
448 , "annotation"
449 , "area"
450 , "artwork"
451 , "aside"
452 , "at"
453 , "at-back"
454 , "audio"
455 , "author"
456 , "authors"
457 , "bcp14"
458 , "br"
459 , "break"
460 , "call"
461 , "city"
462 , "code"
463 , "comment"
464 , "comments"
465 , "country"
466 , "date"
467 , "dd"
468 , "default"
469 , "define"
470 , "del"
471 , "div"
472 , "dl"
473 , "document"
474 , "dt"
475 , "editor"
476 , "email"
477 , "embed"
478 , "eref"
479 , "fax"
480 , "feed"
481 , "feedback"
482 , "figure"
483 , "filter"
484 , "format"
485 , "from"
486 , "h"
487 , "head"
488 , "hi"
489 , "html5"
490 , "i"
491 , "index"
492 , "iref"
493 , "keyword"
494 , "li"
495 , "link"
496 , "name"
497 , "note"
498 , "ol"
499 , "organization"
500 , "para"
501 , "postamble"
502 , "preamble"
503 , "q"
504 , "ref"
505 , "reference"
506 , "references"
507 , "refs"
508 , "region"
509 , "sc"
510 , "section"
511 , "serie"
512 , "source"
513 , "span"
514 , "street"
515 , "style"
516 , "sub"
517 , "sup"
518 , "table"
519 , "tag"
520 , "tag-back"
521 , "tbody"
522 , "td"
523 , "tel"
524 , "tfoot"
525 , "th"
526 , "thead"
527 , "title"
528 , "toc"
529 , "tof"
530 , "tr"
531 , "tt"
532 , "u"
533 , "ul"
534 , "uri"
535 , "version"
536 , "video"
537 , "workgroup"
538 , "xml"
539 , "zipcode"
540 ]
542 elemsJudgment :: Set ElemName
543 elemsJudgment = Set.fromList $ fromString <$>
544 [ "choice"
545 , "grade"
546 , "grades"
547 , "judge"
548 , "judges"
549 , "judgment"
550 , "opinion"
551 ]
553 -- * Attributes
554 type Attrs = Seq (Cell (XML.NCName, TL.Text))
556 -- | Convenient alias, forcing the types
557 xmlAttrs :: Attrs -> XMLs
558 xmlAttrs =
559 (<$>) $ \(Sourced src (n, v)) ->
560 Tree (Sourced src $ XML.NodeAttr (XML.qName n)) $
561 Seq.singleton $ tree0 $
562 Sourced src $
563 XML.NodeText $ XML.escapeText v
565 -- | Extract section titles
566 partitionSection :: Root -> (Roots, Roots)
567 partitionSection (Tree (unSourced -> NodeHeader (HeaderSection lvlPar)) body) =
568 case Seq.viewl body of
569 EmptyL -> mempty
570 title@(unTree -> Sourced (FileRange{fileRange_end=et}:|_) NodePara) :< rest ->
571 let (subtitles, content) = spanlSubtitles et rest in
572 (title <| (subtitles >>= subTrees), content)
573 where
574 spanlSubtitles ep ts =
575 case Seq.viewl ts of
576 sub@(unTree -> Sourced (FileRange{..}:|_) (NodeHeader (HeaderSection lvlSub))) :< rs
577 | lvlSub <= lvlPar
578 , filePos_line fileRange_begin - filePos_line ep <= 1 ->
579 let (subs, ts') = spanlSubtitles fileRange_end rs in
580 (sub <| subs, ts')
581 _ -> (mempty, ts)
582 _ -> (mempty, body)
583 partitionSection _ = mempty
585 -- | Extract attributes
586 partitionAttrs :: Roots -> (Attrs, Roots)
587 partitionAttrs ts = (attrs, cs)
588 where
589 (as,cs) = (`Seq.partition` ts) $ \case
590 Tree (unSourced -> NodeHeader (HeaderEqual (XML.NCName n) _wh)) _cs -> not $ TL.null n
591 _ -> False
592 attrs = attr <$> as
593 attr = \case
594 Tree (Sourced loc (NodeHeader (HeaderEqual n _wh))) a ->
595 Sourced loc (n, v)
596 where v = Plain.text (Plain.setStart a def{Plain.state_escape = False}) a
597 _ -> undefined
599 getAttrId :: Root -> TL.Text
600 getAttrId = Plain.writePlain . Seq.singleton
602 setAttr :: Cell (XML.NCName, TL.Text) -> Attrs -> Attrs
603 setAttr a@(unSourced -> (k, _v)) as =
604 case Seq.findIndexL (\(unSourced -> (n,_v)) -> n == k) as of
605 Just idx -> Seq.update idx a as
606 Nothing -> a <| as
608 defaultAttr :: Attrs -> Cell (XML.NCName, TL.Text) -> Attrs
609 defaultAttr as a@(unSourced -> (k, _v)) =
610 case Seq.findIndexL (\(unSourced -> (n,_v)) -> n == k) as of
611 Just _idx -> as
612 Nothing -> a <| as