]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/TCT/Write/DTC.hs
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[doclang.git] / Language / TCT / Write / DTC.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
5 -- | Render a TCT file in DTC.
6 module Language.TCT.Write.DTC where
8 import Control.Arrow (first)
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), (=<<), forM_, when)
10 import Data.Bool
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Foldable (foldr, null, foldMap, foldl', any)
13 import Data.Function (($), (.), flip, id)
14 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
15 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
18 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
19 import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..), ViewR(..), (<|), (|>))
20 import Data.String (String)
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import GHC.Exts (toList)
23 import Text.Blaze ((!))
24 import Text.Show (Show(..))
25 import qualified Data.Char as Char
26 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
27 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
28 import qualified Data.Text as Text
29 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
30 import qualified Text.Blaze as B
31 import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal as B
33 import Language.TCT.Tree
34 import Language.TCT.Token
35 import Language.TCT.Elem hiding (trac,dbg)
36 import qualified Language.TCT.Write.Text as Write
37 import Text.Blaze.Utils
38 import Text.Blaze.DTC (DTC)
39 import qualified Text.Blaze.DTC as D
40 import qualified Text.Blaze.DTC.Attributes as DA
42 import Debug.Trace (trace)
43 trac :: String -> a -> a
44 trac _m x = x
45 -- trac m x = trace m x
46 dbg :: Show a => String -> a -> a
47 dbg m x = trac (m <> ": " <> show x) x
49 -- * Type 'Inh_DTC'
50 data Inh_DTC
51 = Inh_DTC
52 { inh_dtc_para :: DTC -> DTC
53 , inh_dtc_figure :: Bool
54 }
55 inh_dtc :: Inh_DTC
56 inh_dtc = Inh_DTC
57 { inh_dtc_para = id
58 , inh_dtc_figure = False
59 }
61 mimetype :: Text -> Maybe Text
62 mimetype "sh" = Just "text/x-shellscript"
63 mimetype "shell" = Just "text/x-shellscript"
64 mimetype "shellscript" = Just "text/x-shellscript"
65 mimetype _ = Nothing
67 dtc :: Trees Key Tokens -> DTC
68 dtc ts = do
69 let lang = "fr"
70 D.xmlModel "./schema/dtc.rnc"
71 D.xmlStylesheet $ "./xsl/document.html5."<>lang<>".xsl"
72 D.html5Stylesheet $ "./xsl/document.html5."<>lang<>".xsl"
73 D.atomStylesheet $ "./xsl/document.atom."<>lang<>".xsl"
74 D.document $
75 case Seq.viewl ts of
76 TreeN KeySection{}
77 (Seq.viewl -> Tree0 (Write.t_Tokens -> TL.toStrict -> title) :< head)
78 :< body -> do
79 d_Trees inh_dtc (mangleHead title head)
80 d_Trees
81 inh_dtc { inh_dtc_figure = True }
82 body
83 _ ->
84 d_Trees
85 inh_dtc { inh_dtc_figure = True }
86 ts
87 where
88 mangleHead ::
89 Text ->
90 Trees Key Tokens ->
91 Trees Key Tokens
92 mangleHead title head =
93 let mi =
94 (`Seq.findIndexL` head) $ \case
95 TreeN (KeyColon "about" _) _ -> True
96 _ -> False in
97 case mi of
98 Nothing ->
99 TreeN (KeyColon "about" "")
100 (Seq.fromList names)
101 <| head
102 Just i -> Seq.adjust f i head
103 where
104 f (TreeN c about) = TreeN c $ Seq.fromList names <> about
105 f t = t
106 where
107 names = name <$> Text.splitOn "\n" title
108 name =
109 TreeN (KeyColon "name" "") .
110 Seq.singleton . Tree0 .
111 tokens1 . TokenPlain
113 d_Trees :: Inh_DTC -> Trees Key Tokens -> DTC
114 d_Trees inh ts =
115 case Seq.viewl ts of
116 TreeN (KeyBar n _) _ :< _
117 | (content,ts') <- gatherBar n ts -> do
118 D.artwork !?? (mimetype n, DA.type_ . attrValue) $
119 d_Trees inh{inh_dtc_para=id} content
120 d_Trees inh ts'
122 TreeN KeyBrackets{} _ :< _
123 | (refs,ts') <- gatherBrackets ts, not (null refs) -> do
124 D.references $
125 forM_ refs $ d_Tree inh
126 d_Trees inh ts'
128 TreeN key@(KeyColon n _) cs :< ts'
129 | (cs',ts'') <- gatherColon n ts'
130 , not (null cs') ->
131 d_Trees inh $ TreeN key (cs<>cs') <| ts''
133 _ | (ul,ts') <- gatherLI (==KeyDash) ts, not (null ul) -> do
134 D.ul ! DA.style "format —" $
135 forM_ ul $ d_Tree inh
136 d_Trees inh ts'
138 _ | (ol,ts') <- gatherLI (\case KeyDot{} -> True; _ -> False) ts, not (null ol) -> do
139 D.ol $ forM_ ol $ d_Tree inh
140 d_Trees inh ts'
142 t:<ts' -> do
143 d_Tree inh t
144 d_Trees inh ts'
146 _ ->
147 return ()
149 gatherBar :: Name -> Trees Key Tokens -> (Trees Key Tokens, Trees Key Tokens)
150 gatherBar name = first unKeyBar . spanBar
151 where
152 unKeyBar :: Trees Key Tokens -> Trees Key Tokens
153 unKeyBar = (=<<) $ \case
154 TreeN KeyBar{} ts -> ts
155 _ -> mempty
156 spanBar =
157 Seq.spanl $ \case
158 TreeN (KeyBar n _) _ | n == name -> True
159 _ -> False
161 gatherColon :: Name -> Trees Key Tokens -> (Trees Key Tokens, Trees Key Tokens)
162 gatherColon name =
163 Seq.spanl $ \case
164 TreeN (KeyBar n _) _ -> n == name
165 TreeN (KeyGreat n _) _ -> n == name
166 _ -> False
168 gatherBrackets :: Trees Key Tokens -> (Trees Key Tokens, Trees Key Tokens)
169 gatherBrackets =
170 Seq.spanl $ \case
171 TreeN KeyBrackets{} _ -> True
172 _ -> False
174 gatherLI ::
175 (Key -> Bool) ->
176 Trees Key Tokens ->
177 (Trees Key Tokens, Trees Key Tokens)
178 gatherLI liKey ts =
179 let (lis, ts') = spanLIs ts in
180 foldl' accumLIs (mempty,ts') lis
181 where
182 spanLIs = Seq.spanl $ \case
183 TreeN (liKey -> True) _ -> True
184 Tree0 (Tokens toks) ->
185 (`any` toks) $ \case
186 TokenPair (PairElem "li" _) _ -> True
187 _ -> False
188 _ -> False
189 accumLIs acc@(oks,kos) t =
190 case t of
191 TreeN (liKey -> True) _ -> (oks|>t,kos)
192 Tree0 (Tokens toks) ->
193 let mk = Tree0 . Tokens in
194 let (ok,ko) =
195 (`Seq.spanl` toks) $ \case
196 TokenPair (PairElem "li" _) _ -> True
197 TokenPlain txt -> Char.isSpace`Text.all`txt
198 _ -> False in
199 ( if null ok then oks else oks|>mk (rmTokenPlain ok)
200 , if null ko then kos else mk ko<|kos )
201 _ -> acc
202 rmTokenPlain =
203 Seq.filter $ \case
204 TokenPlain{} -> False
205 _ -> True
207 gatherName ::
208 Trees Key Tokens ->
209 (Name, Tokens, Attributes, Trees Key Tokens)
210 gatherName ts = dbg "gatherName" $
211 case Seq.viewl children of
212 Tree0 (toList -> [TokenPlain name]) :< body ->
213 case Text.splitOn "\n" name of
214 n:[] -> (n,mempty,attrs,body)
215 n:ns -> (n,tokens [TokenPlain $ Text.intercalate "\n" ns],attrs,body)
216 [] -> (name,mempty,attrs,body)
217 Tree0 name :< body -> ("",name,attrs,body)
218 _ -> ("",mempty,attrs,children)
219 where
220 (attrs,children) = partitionAttributesChildren ts
222 d_Tree :: Inh_DTC -> Tree Key Tokens -> DTC
223 d_Tree inh (TreeN KeySection{} ts) =
224 let inh' = inh
225 { inh_dtc_para = D.para
226 } in
227 case gatherName ts of
228 ("",Tokens (null->True),attrs,body) ->
229 d_Attributes attrs $
230 D.section $ d_Trees inh' body
231 ("",names,attrs,body) ->
232 d_Attributes (setAttrId (TL.toStrict $ Write.t_Tokens names) attrs) $
233 D.section $ do
234 D.name $ d_Tokens names
235 d_Trees inh' body
236 (name,names,attrs,body) ->
237 d_Attributes (setAttrId name attrs) $
238 D.section ! DA.name (attrValue name) $ do
239 when (not $ null $ unTokens names) $
240 D.name $ d_Tokens names
241 d_Trees inh' body
242 d_Tree inh (TreeN key@(KeyColon typ _) ts) =
243 if inh_dtc_figure inh
244 then
245 case gatherName ts of
246 ("",names,attrs,body) ->
247 d_Attributes attrs $
248 D.figure ! DA.type_ (attrValue typ) $ do
249 when (not $ null $ unTokens names) $
250 D.name $ d_Tokens names
251 d_Trees inh body
252 (name,names,attrs,body) ->
253 d_Attributes attrs $
254 D.figure ! DA.type_ (attrValue typ)
255 ! DA.name (attrValue name) $ do
256 when (not $ null $ unTokens names) $
257 D.name $ d_Tokens names
258 d_Trees inh body
259 else
260 let (attrs,body) = partitionAttributesChildren ts in
261 d_Attributes attrs $
262 d_Key inh key body
263 d_Tree path (TreeN key ts) = d_Key path key ts
264 d_Tree inh (Tree0 ts) =
265 case ts of
266 (toList -> [TokenPair PairElem{} _ts]) -> d_Tokens ts
267 _ -> inh_dtc_para inh $ d_Tokens ts
269 setAttrId :: Text -> Attributes -> Attributes
270 setAttrId = Map.insertWith (\_new old -> old) "id"
272 d_Key :: Inh_DTC -> Key -> Trees Key Tokens -> DTC
273 d_Key inh key ts = do
274 case key of
275 KeyColon n _wh -> d_key n
276 KeyGreat n _wh -> d_key n
277 KeyEqual n _wh -> d_key n
278 KeyBar n _wh -> d_key n
279 KeyDot _n -> D.li $ d_Trees inh ts
280 KeyDash -> D.li $ d_Trees inh ts
281 KeyDashDash -> B.Comment (B.Text $ TL.toStrict com) ()
282 where
283 com =
284 Write.text Write.config_text $
285 mapTreeKey cell1 (\_path -> cell1) <$> ts
286 KeyLower n as ->
287 D.artwork $ d_Trees inh{inh_dtc_para = id} ts
288 KeyBrackets n ->
289 case gatherName ts of
290 ("",Tokens (null->True),attrs,body) ->
291 d_Attributes (setAttrId n attrs) $
292 D.reference $ d_Trees inh body
293 ("",names,attrs,body) ->
294 d_Attributes (setAttrId n attrs) $
295 D.reference $ do
296 D.name $ d_Tokens names
297 d_Trees inh body
298 (name,names,attrs,body) ->
299 d_Attributes (setAttrId n attrs) $
300 D.reference ! DA.name (attrValue name) $ do
301 when (not $ null $ unTokens names) $
302 D.name $ d_Tokens names
303 d_Trees inh body
304 where
305 d_key :: Text -> DTC
306 d_key name | null ts =
307 B.CustomLeaf (B.Text name) True mempty
308 d_key name =
309 B.CustomParent (B.Text name) $
310 d_Trees inh ts
312 d_Tokens :: Tokens -> DTC
313 d_Tokens tok = goTokens tok
314 where
315 -- indent = Text.replicate (columnPos pos - 1) " "
316 go :: Token -> DTC
317 go (TokenPlain t) = B.toMarkup t
318 go (TokenTag t) = D.ref mempty ! DA.to (attrValue t)
319 go (TokenEscape c) = B.toMarkup c
320 go (TokenLink lnk) = D.eref (B.toMarkup lnk) ! DA.to (attrValue lnk)
321 go (TokenPair PairBracket ts)
322 | to <- Write.t_Tokens ts
323 , TL.all (\c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || Char.isSymbol c) to =
324 D.rref ! DA.to (attrValue $ TL.toStrict to) $ mempty
325 go (TokenPair PairStar ts) = D.b $ goTokens ts
326 go (TokenPair PairSlash ts) = D.i $ goTokens ts
327 go (TokenPair PairBackquote ts) = D.code $ goTokens ts
328 go (TokenPair PairFrenchquote toks@(Tokens ts)) =
329 D.q $
330 case ts of
331 (Seq.viewl -> TokenPlain l :< ls) ->
332 case Seq.viewr ls of
333 m :> TokenPlain r ->
334 goTokens $ Tokens $
335 TokenPlain (Text.dropWhile Char.isSpace l)
336 <|(m|>TokenPlain (Text.dropWhileEnd Char.isSpace r))
337 _ ->
338 goTokens $ Tokens $
339 TokenPlain (Text.dropAround Char.isSpace l) <| ls
340 (Seq.viewr -> rs :> TokenPlain r) ->
341 goTokens $ Tokens $
342 rs |> TokenPlain (Text.dropAround Char.isSpace r)
343 _ -> goTokens toks
344 go (TokenPair PairHash (toList -> [TokenPlain ts])) =
345 D.ref mempty ! DA.to (attrValue ts)
346 go (TokenPair (PairElem name attrs) ts) =
347 d_Attrs attrs $
348 case ts of
349 Tokens s | Seq.null s ->
350 B.CustomLeaf (B.Text name) True mempty
351 _ -> B.CustomParent (B.Text name) $ goTokens ts
352 go (TokenPair p ts) = do
353 let (o,c) = pairBorders p ts
354 B.toMarkup o
355 goTokens ts
356 B.toMarkup c
357 goTokens :: Tokens -> DTC
358 goTokens (Tokens toks) =
359 case Seq.viewl toks of
360 TokenPair PairParen b :< (Seq.viewl -> TokenPair PairBracket p :< ts) -> do
361 case p of
362 Tokens (toList -> [TokenLink lnk]) ->
363 D.eref ! DA.to (attrValue lnk) $ goTokens b
364 _ -> D.rref ! DA.to (attrValue $ TL.toStrict $ Write.t_Tokens p) $ goTokens b
365 goTokens (Tokens ts)
366 t :< ts -> go t <> goTokens (Tokens ts)
367 Seq.EmptyL -> mempty
369 d_Attrs :: Attrs -> DTC -> DTC
370 d_Attrs = flip $ foldl' d_Attr
372 d_Attr :: DTC -> (Text,Attr) -> DTC
373 d_Attr acc (_,Attr{..}) =
374 B.AddCustomAttribute
375 (B.Text attr_name)
376 (B.Text attr_value)
377 acc
379 -- attr_id :: Text -> [(Text,Text)] -> [(Text,Text)]
380 -- attr_id title = ("id",title)
382 -- * Type 'Attributes'
383 type Attributes = Map Name Text
385 d_Attributes :: Attributes -> DTC -> DTC
386 d_Attributes = flip $ Map.foldrWithKey $ \n v ->
387 B.AddCustomAttribute (B.Text n) (B.Text v)
389 partitionAttributesChildren ::
390 Trees Key Tokens ->
391 (Attributes, Trees Key Tokens)
392 partitionAttributesChildren ts = (attrs,children)
393 where
394 attrs :: Attributes
395 attrs =
396 foldr (\t acc ->
397 case t of
398 Tree0{} -> acc
399 TreeN (KeyEqual n _wh) a -> Map.insert n v acc
400 where
401 v = TL.toStrict $
402 Write.text Write.config_text{Write.config_text_escape = False} $
403 mapTreeKey cell1 (\_path -> cell1) <$> a
404 -- Write.treeRackUpLeft <$> a
405 TreeN{} -> acc
406 ) mempty ts
407 children = Seq.filter (\t ->
408 case t of
409 Tree0{} -> True
410 TreeN KeyEqual{} _cs -> False
411 TreeN{} -> True
412 ) ts