]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/DTC/Write/HTML5.hs
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[doclang.git] / Language / DTC / Write / HTML5.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
10 module Language.DTC.Write.HTML5 where
12 -- import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
13 -- import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
14 -- import Data.Sequence (Seq)
15 -- import Data.Set (Set)
16 -- import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
17 -- import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
18 -- import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict as Tree
19 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
20 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), sequence_, forM_, mapM_, when)
21 import Data.Char (Char)
22 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
23 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
24 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), concat)
25 import Data.Function (($), (.), const, flip, on)
26 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
27 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
28 import Data.Int (Int)
29 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
30 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), mapMaybe)
31 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
32 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
33 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
34 import Data.String (String)
35 import Data.Text (Text)
36 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), Trees)
37 import Data.Tuple (snd)
38 import Prelude (Num(..))
39 import System.FilePath (FilePath)
40 import Text.Blaze ((!))
41 import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
42 import Text.Show (Show(..))
43 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
44 import qualified Data.List as List
45 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
46 import qualified Data.Set as Set
47 import qualified Data.Text as Text
48 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
49 import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict.Zipper as Tree
50 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
51 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA
52 import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal as H
54 import Text.Blaze.Utils
55 import Data.Locale hiding (localize, Index)
56 import qualified Data.Locale as Locale
58 import Language.DTC.Document (Document)
59 import Language.DTC.Write.XML ()
60 import Language.XML (XmlName(..), XmlPos(..))
61 import qualified Language.DTC.Document as DTC
62 import qualified Language.DTC.Index as Index
63 -- import Debug.Trace (trace)
65 (<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
66 (<&>) = flip (<$>)
67 infixl 4 <&>
69 -- * Type 'Html5'
70 type Html5 = StateMarkup State ()
72 -- ** Type 'State'
73 data State
74 = State
75 { styles :: Map FilePath CSS
76 , scripts :: Map FilePath Script
77 , localize :: MsgHtml5 -> Html5
78 , indexs :: Map XmlPos ( [[Index.Term]]
79 , Map Index.Term [Index.Ref] )
80 }
81 state :: State
82 state = State
83 { styles = mempty
84 , scripts = mempty
85 , localize = html5ify . show
86 , indexs = mempty
87 }
88 type CSS = Text
89 type Script = Text
91 -- ** Type 'Keys'
92 data Keys
93 = Keys
94 { keys_index :: Map XmlPos [[Index.Term]]
95 } deriving (Show)
97 keys :: Trees DTC.BodyKey DTC.BodyValue -> Keys
98 keys body = foldl' flt (Keys mempty) (Compose body)
99 where
100 flt acc = \case
101 DTC.Index{..} -> acc{keys_index =
102 Map.insert pos terms $ keys_index acc}
103 _ -> acc
105 -- ** Class 'Html5ify'
106 class Html5ify a where
107 html5ify :: a -> Html5
108 instance Html5ify Char where
109 html5ify = html5ify . H.toMarkup
110 instance Html5ify Text where
111 html5ify = html5ify . H.toMarkup
112 instance Html5ify String where
113 html5ify = html5ify . H.toMarkup
114 instance Html5ify H.Markup where
115 html5ify = Compose . return
116 instance Html5ify DTC.Title where
117 html5ify (DTC.Title t) = html5ify t
118 instance Html5ify DTC.Ident where
119 html5ify (DTC.Ident i) = html5ify i
121 html5Document ::
122 Localize ls Html5 MsgHtml5 =>
123 Locales ls =>
124 LocaleIn ls -> Document -> Html
125 html5Document locale doc@DTC.Document{head} = do
126 let Keys{..} = keys $ DTC.body (doc::DTC.Document)
127 let (body,indexs) =
128 let allTerms = foldMap (Set.fromList . concat) $ keys_index in
129 (<$> S.runState
130 (Index.indexify $
131 DTC.body (doc::DTC.Document))
132 Index.state
133 { Index.state_terms = Map.fromSet (const []) allTerms
134 }) $ \Index.State{state_terms} ->
135 (<$> keys_index) $ \terms ->
136 (terms,) $
137 Map.intersection state_terms $
138 Map.fromSet (const ()) $
139 Set.fromList $
140 concat $ terms
141 let (html5Body, State{styles,scripts}) =
142 runStateMarkup state{indexs} $ do
143 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify $ \s -> s{localize = Locale.localize locale}
144 html5ify body
146 H.docType
147 H.html ! HA.lang (attrValue $ countryCode locale) $ do
148 H.head $ do
149 H.meta ! HA.httpEquiv "Content-Type"
150 ! HA.content "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
151 whenSome (DTC.titles $ DTC.about (head :: DTC.Head)) $ \ts ->
152 H.title $
153 H.toMarkup $ plainify $ List.head ts
154 forM_ (DTC.links $ DTC.about (head :: DTC.Head)) $ \DTC.Link{rel, href} ->
155 H.link ! HA.rel (attrValue rel)
156 ! HA.href (attrValue href)
157 H.meta ! HA.name "generator"
158 ! HA.content "tct"
159 let chapters =
160 (`mapMaybe` toList body) $ \case
161 TreeN k@DTC.Section{} _ -> Just k
162 _ -> Nothing
163 forM_ chapters $ \DTC.Section{..} ->
164 H.link ! HA.rel "Chapter"
165 ! HA.title (attrValue $ plainify title)
166 ! HA.href ("#"<>attrValue pos)
167 H.link ! HA.rel "stylesheet"
168 ! HA.type_ "text/css"
169 ! HA.href "style/dtc-html5.css"
170 forM_ styles $ \style ->
171 H.style ! HA.type_ "text/css" $
172 H.toMarkup style
173 forM_ scripts $ \script ->
174 H.script ! HA.type_ "application/javascript" $
175 H.toMarkup script
176 H.body
177 html5Body
179 -- * Type 'BodyCursor'
180 -- | Cursor to navigate within a 'DTC.Body' according to many axis (like in XSLT).
181 type BodyCursor = Tree.Zipper DTC.BodyKey DTC.BodyValue
182 instance Html5ify DTC.Body where
183 html5ify body =
184 forM_ (Tree.zippers body >>= Tree.axis_repeat Tree.axis_following1) $
185 html5ify
187 instance Html5ify BodyCursor where
188 html5ify z =
189 case Tree.current z of
190 TreeN k _ts -> html5BodyKey z k
191 Tree0 v -> html5BodyValue z v
193 html5BodyKey :: BodyCursor -> DTC.BodyKey -> Html5
194 html5BodyKey z = \case
195 DTC.Section{..} ->
196 H.section ! HA.class_ "section"
197 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
198 html5CommonAttrs attrs $
199 H.table ! HA.class_ "section-header" $$
200 H.tbody $$
201 H.tr $$ do
202 H.td ! HA.class_ "section-number" $$ do
203 html5SectionNumber $
204 xmlPosAncestors pos
205 H.td ! HA.class_ "section-title" $$ do
206 html5ify title
207 forM_ (Tree.axis_child z) $
208 html5ify
209 html5BodyValue :: BodyCursor -> DTC.BodyValue -> Html5
210 html5BodyValue z = \case
211 DTC.Vertical v -> do
212 html5ify v
213 DTC.ToC{..} -> do
214 H.nav ! HA.class_ "toc"
215 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
216 H.span ! HA.class_ "toc-name" $$
217 H.a ! HA.href (attrValue pos) $$
218 html5ify MsgHTML5_Table_of_Contents
219 H.ul $$
220 forM_ (Tree.axis_following_sibling z) $
221 html5ToC d
222 where d = case depth of { Just (DTC.Nat n) -> n; _ -> 0 }
223 DTC.ToF{..} -> do
224 H.nav ! HA.class_ "tof"
225 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$
226 H.table ! HA.class_ "tof" $$
227 H.tbody $$
228 forM_ (Tree.axis_preceding z) $
229 html5ToF d
230 where d = case depth of { Just (DTC.Nat n) -> n; _ -> 0 }
231 DTC.Figure{..} ->
232 html5CommonAttrs attrs $
233 H.div ! HA.class_ (attrValue $ "figure-"<>type_)
234 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
235 H.table ! HA.class_ "figure-caption" $$
236 H.tbody $$
237 H.tr $$ do
238 H.td ! HA.class_ "figure-number" $$ do
239 H.a ! HA.href ("#"<>attrValue pos) $$
240 html5ify type_
241 ": "
242 H.td ! HA.class_ "figure-name" $$
243 html5ify title
244 H.div ! HA.class_ "figure-content" $$ do
245 html5ify verts
246 DTC.Index{pos} -> do
247 (allTerms,refsByTerm) <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets $ (Map.! pos) . indexs
248 let chars = Index.aliasesByChar allTerms
249 H.div ! HA.class_ "index"
250 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
251 H.nav ! HA.class_ "index-nav-chars" $$ do
252 forM_ (Map.keys chars) $ \char ->
253 H.a ! HA.href ("#"<>(attrValue pos <> "." <> attrValue char)) $$
254 html5ify char
255 H.dl $$
256 forM_ (Map.toList chars) $ \(char,terms) -> do
257 H.dt $$
258 let i = attrValue pos <> "." <> attrValue char in
259 H.a ! HA.id i
260 ! HA.href ("#"<>i) $$
261 html5ify char
262 H.dd $$
263 H.dl ! HA.class_ "index-char-refs" $$ do
264 forM_ terms $ \aliases -> do
265 H.dt $$
266 forM_ aliases $ \term ->
267 H.ul $$
268 H.li ! HA.id (attrValue Index.Ref{term, count=0, section=def}) $$
269 html5ify term
270 H.dd $$ do
271 let refs =
272 List.sortBy
273 (compare `on` Index.section) $
274 (`foldMap` aliases) $ \term ->
275 refsByTerm Map.! term
276 sequence_ $
277 List.intersperse ", " $
278 (<$> refs) $ \ref@Index.Ref{..} ->
279 H.a ! HA.href ("#"<>attrValue ref) $$
280 html5ify $
281 List.intercalate "." $
282 List.reverse $
283 (<$> xmlPosAncestors section) $ \(_n,c) -> show c
285 html5ToC :: Int -> BodyCursor -> Html5
286 html5ToC depth z =
287 case Tree.current z of
288 TreeN DTC.Section{..} _ts -> do
289 H.li $$ do
290 H.table ! HA.class_ "toc-entry" $$
291 H.tbody $$
292 H.tr $$ do
293 H.td $$
294 html5SectionRef $ xmlPosAncestors pos
295 H.td $$
296 html5ify title
297 when (depth > 0) $
298 H.ul $$
299 forM_ (Tree.axis_child z) $
300 html5ToC (depth - 1)
301 _ -> pure ()
302 html5ToF :: Int -> BodyCursor -> Html5
303 html5ToF depth z =
304 case Tree.current z of
305 Tree0 v ->
306 case v of
307 DTC.Figure{..} ->
308 H.tr $$ do
309 H.td ! HA.class_ "figure-number" $$
310 H.a ! HA.href ("#"<>attrValue pos) $$
311 html5ify type_
312 H.td ! HA.class_ "figure-name" $$
313 html5ify title
314 _ -> pure ()
315 _ -> pure ()
317 instance Html5ify [DTC.Vertical] where
318 html5ify = mapM_ html5ify
319 instance Html5ify DTC.Vertical where
320 html5ify = \case
321 DTC.Para{..} ->
322 html5CommonAttrs attrs $
323 H.div ! HA.class_ "para"
324 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
325 html5ify horis
326 DTC.OL{..} ->
327 html5CommonAttrs attrs $
328 H.ol ! HA.class_ "ol"
329 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
330 forM_ items $ \item ->
331 H.li $$ html5ify item
332 DTC.UL{..} ->
333 html5CommonAttrs attrs $
334 H.ul ! HA.class_ "ul"
335 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
336 forM_ items $ \item ->
337 H.li $$ html5ify item
338 DTC.RL{..} ->
339 html5CommonAttrs attrs $
340 H.div ! HA.class_ "rl"
341 ! HA.id (attrValue pos) $$ do
342 H.table $$
343 forM_ refs html5ify
344 DTC.Comment t ->
345 html5ify $ H.Comment (H.Text t) ()
346 instance Html5ify DTC.Horizontal where
347 html5ify = \case
348 DTC.BR -> html5ify H.br
349 DTC.B hs -> H.strong $$ html5ify hs
350 DTC.Code hs -> H.code $$ html5ify hs
351 DTC.Del hs -> H.del $$ html5ify hs
352 DTC.I hs -> H.i $$ html5ify hs
353 DTC.Note _ -> ""
354 DTC.Q hs ->
355 H.span ! HA.class_ "q" $$ do
356 "« "::Html5
357 H.i $$ html5ify hs
358 " »"
359 DTC.SC hs -> html5ify hs
360 DTC.Sub hs -> H.sub $$ html5ify hs
361 DTC.Sup hs -> H.sup $$ html5ify hs
362 DTC.U hs -> H.span ! HA.class_ "underline" $$ html5ify hs
363 DTC.Eref{..} ->
364 H.a ! HA.class_ "eref"
365 ! HA.href (attrValue href) $$
366 html5ify text
367 DTC.Iref{..} ->
368 H.a ! HA.class_ "iref"
369 ! HA.id (attrValue Index.Ref{term, count, section=def}) $$
370 html5ify text
371 DTC.Ref{..} ->
372 H.a ! HA.class_ "ref"
373 ! HA.href ("#"<>attrValue to) $$
374 if null text
375 then html5ify to
376 else html5ify text
377 DTC.Rref{..} ->
378 H.a ! HA.class_ "rref"
379 ! HA.href (attrValue to) $$
380 html5ify text
381 DTC.Plain t -> Compose $ return $ H.toMarkup t
382 instance AttrValue Index.Ref where
383 attrValue Index.Ref{..} =
384 "iref" <> "." <> attrValue term <>
385 if count > 0
386 then "." <> attrValue count
387 else ""
388 instance Html5ify [DTC.Horizontal] where
389 html5ify = mapM_ html5ify
390 instance Html5ify DTC.About where
391 html5ify DTC.About{..} =
392 forM_ titles $ \(DTC.Title title) ->
393 html5ify $ DTC.Q title
394 instance Html5ify DTC.Reference where
395 html5ify DTC.Reference{..} =
396 H.tr $$ do
397 H.td ! HA.class_ "reference-key" $$
398 html5ify id
399 H.td ! HA.class_ "reference-content" $$
400 html5ify about
402 html5CommonAttrs :: DTC.CommonAttrs -> Html5 -> Html5
403 html5CommonAttrs DTC.CommonAttrs{..} =
404 Compose . (addClass . addId <$>) . getCompose
405 where
406 addClass =
407 case classes of
408 [] -> \x -> x
409 _ -> H.AddCustomAttribute "class" (H.Text $ Text.unwords classes)
410 addId =
411 case id of
412 Nothing -> \x -> x
413 Just (DTC.Ident i) ->
414 H.AddCustomAttribute "id" (H.Text i)
416 html5SectionNumber :: [(XmlName,Int)] -> Html5
417 html5SectionNumber = go [] . List.reverse
418 where
419 go :: [(XmlName,Int)] -> [(XmlName,Int)] -> Html5
420 go _rs [] = pure ()
421 go rs (a@(_n,cnt):as) = do
422 H.a ! HA.href (attrValue $ "#"<>textXmlPosAncestors (a:rs)) $$
423 html5ify $ show cnt
424 html5ify '.'
425 go (a:rs) as
427 html5SectionRef :: [(XmlName,Int)] -> Html5
428 html5SectionRef as =
429 H.a ! HA.href (attrValue $ "#"<>textXmlPosAncestors as) $$
430 case as of
431 [(_n,c)] -> do
432 html5ify $ show c
433 html5ify '.'
434 _ ->
435 html5ify $
436 Text.intercalate "." $
437 Text.pack . show . snd <$> as
439 textXmlPosAncestors :: [(XmlName,Int)] -> Text
440 textXmlPosAncestors =
441 snd . foldr (\(n,c) (nParent,acc) ->
442 (n,
443 (if Text.null acc
444 then acc
445 else acc <> ".") <>
446 Text.pack
447 (if n == nParent
448 then show c
449 else show n<>show c)
450 )
451 )
452 ("","")
454 -- * Class 'Plainify'
455 class Plainify a where
456 plainify :: a -> TL.Text
457 instance Plainify DTC.Horizontal where
458 plainify = \case
459 DTC.BR -> "\n"
460 DTC.B hs -> "*"<>plainify hs<>"*"
461 DTC.Code hs -> "`"<>plainify hs<>"`"
462 DTC.Del hs -> "-"<>plainify hs<>"-"
463 DTC.I hs -> "/"<>plainify hs<>"/"
464 DTC.Note _ -> ""
465 DTC.Q hs -> "« "<>plainify hs<>" »"
466 DTC.SC hs -> plainify hs
467 DTC.Sub hs -> plainify hs
468 DTC.Sup hs -> plainify hs
469 DTC.U hs -> "_"<>plainify hs<>"_"
470 DTC.Eref{..} -> plainify text
471 DTC.Iref{..} -> plainify text
472 DTC.Ref{..} -> plainify text
473 DTC.Rref{..} -> plainify text
474 DTC.Plain t -> TL.fromStrict t
475 instance Plainify [DTC.Horizontal] where
476 plainify = foldMap plainify
477 instance Plainify DTC.Title where
478 plainify (DTC.Title t) = plainify t
480 instance AttrValue XmlPos where
481 attrValue = attrValue . textXmlPosAncestors . xmlPosAncestors
483 -- * Type 'MsgHtml5'
484 data MsgHtml5
485 = MsgHTML5_Table_of_Contents
486 deriving (Show)
487 instance Html5ify MsgHtml5 where
488 html5ify msg = do
489 loc <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets localize
490 loc msg
491 instance LocalizeIn FR Html5 MsgHtml5 where
492 localizeIn _ = \case
493 MsgHTML5_Table_of_Contents -> "Sommaire"
494 instance LocalizeIn EN Html5 MsgHtml5 where
495 localizeIn _ = \case
496 MsgHTML5_Table_of_Contents -> "Summary"