]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/TCT/Read/Tree.hs
Fix HeaderGreat parsing.
[doclang.git] / Language / TCT / Read / Tree.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
8 module Language.TCT.Read.Tree where
10 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
11 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), void)
12 import Data.Bool
13 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
14 import Data.Function (($), (.))
15 import Data.Functor ((<$>), ($>), (<$))
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
18 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
19 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), Trees)
20 import qualified Data.List as List
21 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
22 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
23 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
24 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
26 import Language.TCT.Debug
27 import Language.TCT.Cell
28 import Language.TCT.Tree
29 import Language.TCT.Read.Cell
30 import Language.TCT.Read.Elem
31 import Language.TCT.Read.Token
33 p_CellHeader :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Row -> Parser e s Row
34 p_CellHeader row = debugParser "CellHeader" $ do
35 P.skipMany $ P.char ' '
36 pos <- p_Position
37 header <- debugParser "Header" $
38 P.choice $
39 [ P.try $ P.char '-' >>
40 P.char ' ' $> HeaderDash <|>
41 P.string "- " $> HeaderDashDash
42 , P.try $ HeaderDot
43 <$> p_Digits
44 <* P.char '.'
45 <* P.lookAhead (P.try $ P.eof <|> void (P.satisfy $ \c -> c=='\n'||c==' '))
46 , P.try $ P.some (P.char '#') <* P.lookAhead (P.try $ P.char ' ') >>= \hs ->
47 return $ HeaderSection $ List.length hs
48 , P.try $
49 HeaderBrackets
50 <$> P.between (P.string "[") (P.string "]") p_Name
51 <* P.lookAhead (P.try $ P.eof <|> void (P.satisfy (=='\n')))
52 , P.try $
53 (\f -> HeaderDotSlash $ "./"<>f)
54 <$ P.string "./"
55 <*> P.many (P.satisfy (/='\n'))
56 , do
57 name <- p_Name
58 wh <- p_HSpaces
59 P.choice
60 [ P.try $ HeaderColon name wh
61 <$ P.char ':'
62 <* P.lookAhead (P.try $ P.eof <|> void (P.satisfy $ \c -> c=='\n'||c==' '))
63 , P.char '>' $> HeaderGreat name wh
64 , P.char '=' $> HeaderEqual name wh
65 , P.char '|' $> HeaderBar name wh
66 ]
67 ]
68 posEnd <- p_Position
69 let row' = Tree (Cell pos posEnd $ NodeHeader header) mempty : row
70 case header of
71 HeaderSection{} -> p_CellEnd row'
72 HeaderDash{} -> p_Row row'
73 HeaderDashDash{} -> p_CellRaw row'
74 HeaderDot{} -> p_Row row'
75 HeaderColon{} -> p_Row row'
76 HeaderBrackets{} -> p_Row row'
77 HeaderGreat{} -> p_Row row'
78 HeaderEqual{} -> p_CellRaw row'
79 HeaderBar{} -> p_CellRaw row'
80 HeaderDotSlash{} -> p_CellEnd row'
81 -- HeaderLower{} -> undefined -- NOTE: handled in 'p_CellLower'
82 -- TODO: move to a NodeLower
83 -- HeaderPara -> undefined -- NOTE: only introduced later in 'appendRow'
85 p_Name :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Parser e s Name
86 p_Name = p_AlphaNums
87 {-
88 (\h t -> Text.pack (h:t))
89 <$> (P.satisfy $ \c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c=='_')
90 <*> P.takeWhile1P (P.satisfy $ \c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c=='-' || c=='_')
91 -}
93 p_Line :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Parser e s TL.Text
94 p_Line = P.takeWhileP (Just "Line") (/='\n')
96 p_Line1 :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Parser e s TL.Text
97 p_Line1 = P.takeWhile1P (Just "Line") (/='\n')
99 p_CellLower :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Row -> Parser e s Row
100 p_CellLower row = debugParser "CellLower" $ do
101 indent <- p_HSpaces
102 pos <- p_Position
103 void $ P.char '<'
104 name <- p_Name
105 attrs <- p_ElemAttrs
106 posClose <- p_Position
107 let treeHere =
108 Tree (Cell pos posClose $ NodeLower name attrs) .
109 Seq.singleton . Tree0 . (NodeText <$>)
110 let treeElem hasContent nod (Cell _ p t) =
111 let (o,_) = bs $ PairElem name attrs in
112 Tree0 $ Cell pos p $ nod $ o<>t
113 where
114 bs | hasContent = pairBordersDouble
115 | otherwise = pairBordersSingle
116 cel <-
117 P.try (P.char '>' >> treeElem True NodeText <$> p_CellLinesUntilElemEnd indent name) <|>
118 P.try (P.char '\n' >> P.tokens (==) indent >> treeHere <$> p_CellLines indent) <|>
119 P.try (P.tokens (==) "/>" >> treeElem False NodeText <$> p_CellLine) <|>
120 (P.eof $> treeHere (Cell posClose posClose ""))
121 return $ cel : row
122 where
123 p_CellLine :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Parser e s (Cell TL.Text)
124 p_CellLine = p_Cell p_Line
125 p_CellLines :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => P.Tokens TL.Text -> Parser e s (Cell TL.Text)
126 p_CellLines indent =
127 -- TODO: optimize special case indent == "" ?
128 p_Cell $
129 TL.intercalate "\n"
130 <$> P.sepBy (P.try p_Line)
131 (P.try $ P.char '\n' >> P.tokens (==) indent)
132 p_CellLinesUntilElemEnd :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => P.Tokens TL.Text -> Name -> Parser e s (Cell TL.Text)
133 p_CellLinesUntilElemEnd indent name =
134 p_Cell $ TL.intercalate "\n" . List.reverse <$> go []
135 -- TODO: optimize merging, and maybe case indent == ""
136 where
137 go :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => [TL.Text] -> Parser e s [TL.Text]
138 go ls =
139 let end = "</" <> name in
140 P.try ((\w l -> w <> end <> l : ls)
141 <$> p_HSpaces
142 <* P.tokens (==) end
143 <*> p_Line) <|>
144 (p_Line >>= \l -> P.try $
145 P.char '\n'
146 >> P.tokens (==) indent
147 >> go (l:ls))
149 p_CellText1 :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Row -> Parser e s Row
150 p_CellText1 row = debugParser "CellText" $ do
151 P.skipMany $ P.char ' '
152 n <- p_Cell $ NodeText <$> p_Line1
153 return $ Tree0 n : row
155 p_CellRaw :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Row -> Parser e s Row
156 p_CellRaw row = debugParser "CellRaw" $ do
157 P.skipMany $ P.char ' '
158 n <- p_Cell $ NodeText <$> p_Line
159 return $ Tree0 n : row
161 p_CellSpaces1 :: Row -> Parser e s Row
162 p_CellSpaces1 row = debugParser "CellSpaces" $ do
163 P.skipSome $ P.char ' '
164 pos <- p_Position
165 return $ Tree0 (Cell pos pos $ NodeText "") : row
167 p_CellEnd :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Row -> Parser e s Row
168 p_CellEnd row = debugParser "CellEnd" $
169 P.try (p_CellLower row) <|>
170 P.try (p_CellText1 row) <|>
171 p_CellSpaces1 row <|>
172 return row
174 p_Row :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Row -> Parser e s Row
175 p_Row row = debugParser "Row" $
176 P.try (p_CellHeader row) <|>
177 p_CellEnd row
179 p_Rows :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Rows -> Parser e s Rows
180 p_Rows rows =
181 p_Row [] >>= \row ->
182 let rows' = rows `mergeRow` row in
183 (P.eof $> rows') <|>
184 (P.newline >> {-P.eof $> rows' <|>-} p_Rows rows')
186 p_Trees :: P.Tokens s ~ TL.Text => Parser e s (Trees (Cell Node))
187 p_Trees = collapseRows <$> p_Rows initRows