]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/DTC/Document.hs
Add HTML5 rendition of Head.
[doclang.git] / Language / DTC / Document.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5 module Language.DTC.Document
6 ( module Language.DTC.Document
7 , module Language.XML
8 ) where
10 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
11 import Data.Default.Instances.Containers ()
12 import Data.Eq (Eq)
13 import Data.Function (on)
14 import Data.Int (Int)
15 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
19 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
20 import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewR(..), viewr)
21 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Trees)
22 import Text.Show (Show)
23 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
25 import Language.XML
27 -- * Type 'Document'
28 data Document
29 = Document
30 { head :: Head
31 , body :: Body
32 } deriving (Eq,Show)
33 instance Default Document where
34 def = Document
35 { head = def
36 , body = mempty
37 }
39 -- * Type 'Head'
40 data Head
41 = Head
42 { about :: About
43 } deriving (Eq,Show)
44 instance Default Head where
45 def = Head
46 { about = def
47 }
49 -- ** Type 'About'
50 data About
51 = About
52 { titles :: [Title]
53 , url :: Maybe URL
54 , authors :: [Entity]
55 , editor :: Maybe Entity
56 , date :: Maybe Date
57 , version :: Maybe TL.Text
58 , keywords :: [TL.Text]
59 , links :: [Link]
60 , series :: [Serie]
61 , includes :: [Include]
62 } deriving (Eq,Show)
63 instance Default About where
64 def = About
65 { includes = def
66 , titles = def
67 , url = def
68 , date = def
69 , version = def
70 , editor = def
71 , authors = def
72 , keywords = def
73 , links = def
74 , series = def
75 }
76 instance Semigroup About where
77 x <> y = About
78 { titles = titles x <> titles y
79 , url = url (x::About) <> url (y::About)
80 , authors = authors x <> authors y
81 , editor = editor x <> editor y
82 , date = date x <> date y
83 , version = version x <> version y
84 , keywords = keywords x <> keywords y
85 , links = links x <> links y
86 , series = series x <> series y
87 , includes = includes x <> includes y
88 }
90 -- * Type 'Body'
91 type Body = Trees BodyNode
93 -- ** Type 'BodyNode'
94 data BodyNode
95 = BodySection { pos :: Pos
96 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
97 , title :: Title
98 , aliases :: [Alias]
99 }
100 | BodyBlock Block -- ^ leaf
101 deriving (Eq,Show)
103 -- * Type 'Block'
104 data Block
105 = BlockPara Para
106 | BlockToC { pos :: Pos
107 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
108 , depth :: Maybe Nat
109 }
110 | BlockToF { pos :: Pos
111 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
112 , types :: [TL.Text]
113 }
114 | BlockFigure { pos :: Pos
115 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
116 , type_ :: TL.Text
117 , mayTitle :: Maybe Title
118 , paras :: [Para]
119 }
120 | BlockIndex { pos :: Pos
121 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
122 , terms :: Terms
123 }
124 | BlockReferences { pos :: Pos
125 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
126 , refs :: [Reference]
127 }
128 deriving (Eq,Show)
130 -- * Type 'Para'
131 data Para
132 = ParaItem { item :: ParaItem }
133 | ParaItems { pos :: Pos
134 , attrs :: CommonAttrs
135 , items :: [ParaItem]
136 }
137 deriving (Eq,Show)
139 -- ** Type 'ParaItem'
140 data ParaItem
141 = ParaPlain Plain
142 | ParaComment TL.Text
143 | ParaOL [ListItem]
144 | ParaUL [[Para]]
145 | ParaQuote { type_ :: TL.Text
146 , paras :: [Para]
147 }
148 | ParaArtwork { type_ :: TL.Text
149 , text :: TL.Text
150 }
151 deriving (Eq,Show)
153 -- *** Type 'ListItem'
154 data ListItem
155 = ListItem { name :: TL.Text
156 , paras :: [Para]
157 }
158 deriving (Eq,Show)
160 -- * Type 'Plain'
161 type Plain = Trees PlainNode
163 -- ** Type 'PlainNode'
164 data PlainNode
165 -- Nodes
166 = PlainB -- ^ Bold
167 | PlainCode -- ^ Code (monospaced)
168 | PlainDel -- ^ Deleted (crossed-over)
169 | PlainI -- ^ Italic
170 | PlainGroup -- ^ Group subTrees (neutral)
171 | PlainQ -- ^ Quoted
172 | PlainSC -- ^ Small Caps
173 | PlainSub -- ^ Subscript
174 | PlainSup -- ^ Superscript
175 | PlainU -- ^ Underlined
176 | PlainEref { href :: URL } -- ^ External reference
177 | PlainIref { anchor :: Maybe Anchor
178 , term :: Words
179 } -- ^ Index reference
180 | PlainRef { to :: Ident }
181 -- ^ Reference
182 | PlainRref { anchor :: Maybe Anchor
183 , to :: Ident
184 } -- ^ Reference reference
185 -- Leafs
186 | PlainBR -- ^ Line break (\n)
187 | PlainText TL.Text
188 | PlainNote { number :: Maybe Nat1
189 , note :: [Para]
190 } -- ^ Footnote
191 deriving (Eq,Show)
193 -- * Type 'Pos'
194 data Pos
195 = Pos
196 { posAncestors :: PosPath
197 , posAncestorsWithFigureNames :: PosPath
198 , posPrecedingsSiblings :: Map XmlName Rank
199 } deriving (Eq,Show)
200 instance Ord Pos where
201 compare = compare `on` posAncestors
202 instance Default Pos where
203 def = Pos mempty mempty mempty
205 -- *** Type 'PosPath'
206 type PosPath = Seq (XmlName,Rank)
208 posParent :: PosPath -> Maybe PosPath
209 posParent p =
210 case viewr p of
211 EmptyR -> Nothing
212 ls :> _ -> Just ls
214 -- * Type 'CommonAttrs'
215 data CommonAttrs
216 = CommonAttrs
217 { id :: Maybe Ident
218 , classes :: [TL.Text]
219 } deriving (Eq,Show)
220 instance Default CommonAttrs where
221 def = CommonAttrs
222 { id = def
223 , classes = def
224 }
226 -- ** Type 'Anchor'
227 data Anchor
228 = Anchor
229 { section :: Pos
230 , count :: Nat1
231 } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
233 -- * Type 'Title'
234 newtype Title = Title { unTitle :: Plain }
235 deriving (Eq,Show,Semigroup,Monoid,Default)
237 -- ** Type 'Entity'
238 data Entity
239 = Entity
240 { name :: TL.Text
241 , street :: TL.Text
242 , zipcode :: TL.Text
243 , city :: TL.Text
244 , region :: TL.Text
245 , country :: TL.Text
246 , email :: TL.Text
247 , tel :: TL.Text
248 , fax :: TL.Text
249 , url :: Maybe URL
250 , org :: Maybe Entity
251 } deriving (Eq,Show)
252 instance Default Entity where
253 def = Entity
254 { name = def
255 , street = def
256 , zipcode = def
257 , city = def
258 , region = def
259 , country = def
260 , email = def
261 , tel = def
262 , fax = def
263 , url = def
264 , org = def
265 }
266 instance Semigroup Entity where
267 _x <> y = y
269 -- * Type 'Include'
270 data Include
271 = Include
272 { href :: Path
273 } deriving (Eq,Show)
274 instance Default Include where
275 def = Include
276 { href = def
277 }
279 -- * Type 'Reference'
280 data Reference
281 = Reference
282 { id :: Ident
283 , about :: About
284 } deriving (Eq,Show)
285 reference :: Ident -> Reference
286 reference id =
287 Reference
288 { id
289 , about = def
290 }
291 instance Default Reference where
292 def = reference def
294 -- * Type 'Date'
295 data Date
296 = Date
297 { year :: Int
298 , month :: Maybe Nat1
299 , day :: Maybe Nat1
300 } deriving (Eq,Show)
301 instance Default Date where
302 def = Date
303 { year = 1970
304 , month = Just (Nat1 01)
305 , day = Just (Nat1 01)
306 }
307 instance Semigroup Date where
308 _x <> y = y
310 -- * Type 'Link'
311 data Link
312 = Link
313 { name :: TL.Text
314 , href :: URL
315 , rel :: TL.Text
316 , plain :: Plain
317 } deriving (Eq,Show)
318 instance Default Link where
319 def = Link
320 { name = def
321 , href = def
322 , rel = def
323 , plain = def
324 }
326 -- * Type 'Alias'
327 data Alias
328 = Alias
329 { id :: Ident
330 } deriving (Eq,Show)
331 instance Default Alias where
332 def = Alias
333 { id = def
334 }
336 -- * Type 'Serie'
337 data Serie
338 = Serie
339 { name :: TL.Text
340 , key :: TL.Text
341 } deriving (Eq,Show)
342 instance Default Serie where
343 def = Serie
344 { name = def
345 , key = def
346 }
348 -- * Type 'Word'
349 type Word = TL.Text
351 -- ** Type 'Words'
352 type Words = [WordOrSpace]
354 -- *** Type 'WordOrSpace'
355 data WordOrSpace
356 = Word Word
357 | Space
358 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
360 -- ** Type 'Aliases'
361 type Aliases = [Words]
363 -- ** Type 'Terms'
364 type Terms = [Aliases]
366 -- * Type 'Count'
367 type Count = Int