]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Hdoc/DTC/Collect.hs
Renames in XML, to use it qualified.
[doclang.git] / Hdoc / DTC / Collect.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Hdoc.DTC.Collect where
4 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
5 import Control.Monad
6 import Data.Bool
7 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
8 import Data.Either (Either(..))
9 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), any)
10 import Data.Function (($))
11 import Data.Functor ((<$>), (<$))
12 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
14 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
15 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
16 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
17 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..))
18 import Text.Show (Show(..))
19 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
20 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
21 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
22 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
23 import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict as TreeSeq
24 import qualified Hjugement as MJ
25 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
27 -- import Hdoc.Utils ()
28 import Hdoc.DTC.Document as DTC
29 import qualified Hdoc.XML as XML
31 -- * Type 'All'
32 -- | Collect 'Block's by mapping them by their 'XmlPos' or 'Ident'.
33 data All = All
34 { all_index :: Map XML.Pos Terms
35 , all_figure :: Map TL.Text (Map XML.Pos (Maybe Title))
36 , all_reference :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq Reference)
37 , all_section :: HM.HashMap Title (Seq (Either Head Section))
38 , all_judges :: HM.HashMap Ident [Judge]
39 , all_grades :: HM.HashMap Ident [Grade]
40 , all_judgments :: HM.HashMap Judgment [Tree.Tree (Maybe MJ.Share, [Choice])]
41 } deriving (Show)
42 instance Default All where
43 def = All
44 { all_index = def
45 , all_figure = def
46 , all_section = def
47 , all_reference = def
48 , all_judges = def
49 , all_grades = def
50 , all_judgments = def
51 }
52 instance Semigroup All where
53 x<>y = All
54 { all_index = Map.union (all_index x) (all_index y)
55 , all_figure = Map.unionWith (<>) (all_figure x) (all_figure y)
56 , all_section = HM.unionWith (<>) (all_section x) (all_section y)
57 , all_reference = HM.unionWith (<>) (all_reference x) (all_reference y)
58 , all_judges = HM.union (all_judges x) (all_judges y)
59 , all_grades = HM.union (all_grades x) (all_grades y)
60 , all_judgments = HM.unionWith (<>) (all_judgments x) (all_judgments y)
61 }
62 instance Monoid All where
63 mempty = def
64 mappend = (<>)
66 -- * Class 'Collect'
67 class Collect a where
68 collect :: a -> All
69 instance Collect Document where
70 collect Document{head=head@Head{about=About{titles}, judgments=js}, body} =
71 def{ all_section = HM.fromListWith (<>) $ (\t -> (t, pure $ Left head)) <$> titles } <>
72 (foldMap collect body)
73 { all_judgments =
74 choicesBySectionByJudgment HM.empty $
75 TreeSeq.Tree (choicesByJudgment js) $
76 choicesByJudgmentBySection body
77 }
78 instance Collect (Tree BodyNode) where
79 collect (Tree n ts) =
80 case n of
81 BodyBlock b -> collect b
82 BodySection s@Section{title, aliases} ->
83 def{ all_section = HM.fromListWith (<>) $ (\(Alias t) -> (t, pure $ Right s)) <$> (Alias title : aliases) } <>
84 foldMap collect ts
85 instance Collect DTC.Block where
86 collect = \case
87 BlockPara _p -> def -- collect p
88 BlockBreak{} -> def
89 BlockToC{} -> def
90 BlockToF{} -> def
91 BlockAside{..} -> foldMap collect blocks
92 BlockIndex{..} -> def{all_index = Map.singleton xmlPos terms}
93 BlockFigure{..} ->
94 def{all_figure=
95 Map.singleton type_ (Map.singleton xmlPos mayTitle)}
96 -- <> foldMap collect paras
97 BlockReferences{..} ->
98 def{all_reference=
99 HM.fromListWith (<>) $ (<$> refs) $ \ref@DTC.Reference{id} -> (id, pure ref)
100 }
101 BlockGrades{attrs=CommonAttrs{id=i}, ..} ->
102 def{all_grades = HM.singleton (fromMaybe "" i) scale}
103 BlockJudges{attrs=CommonAttrs{id=i}, ..} ->
104 def{all_judges = HM.singleton (fromMaybe "" i) jury}
105 {-
106 instance Collect Judgment where
107 collect Judgment{..} = def
108 def{all_judgments =
109 HM.singleton
110 (judges,grades,question)
111 (Tree.Node choices [])
112 }
113 -- <> foldMap collect choices
114 instance Collect Para where
115 collect = \case
116 ParaItem item -> collect item
117 ParaItems{..} -> foldMap collect items
118 instance Collect ParaItem where
119 collect = \case
120 ParaPlain{} -> def
121 ParaArtwork{} -> def
122 ParaQuote{..} -> foldMap collect paras
123 ParaComment{} -> def
124 ParaOL items -> foldMap collect items
125 ParaUL items -> foldMap (foldMap collect) items
126 ParaJudgment{} -> def
127 instance Collect ListItem where
128 collect ListItem{..} = foldMap collect paras
129 instance Collect Choice where
130 collect Choice{..} =
131 foldMap collect title <>
132 foldMap collect opinions
133 instance Collect Opinion where
134 collect Opinion{..} =
135 foldMap collect comment
136 instance Collect Title where
137 collect (Title t) = collect t
138 instance Collect Plain where
139 collect = foldMap collect
140 instance Collect (Tree PlainNode) where
141 collect (Tree n ts) =
142 case n of
143 PlainBreak -> def
144 PlainText{} -> def
145 PlainGroup -> collect ts
146 PlainB -> collect ts
147 PlainCode -> collect ts
148 PlainDel -> collect ts
149 PlainI -> collect ts
150 PlainSpan{} -> collect ts
151 PlainSub -> collect ts
152 PlainSup -> collect ts
153 PlainSC -> collect ts
154 PlainU -> collect ts
155 PlainNote{..} -> foldMap collect note
156 PlainQ -> collect ts
157 PlainEref{} -> collect ts
158 PlainIref{} -> collect ts
159 PlainTag{} -> collect ts
160 PlainRref{..} -> collect ts
161 -}
163 choicesByJudgment :: [Judgment] -> HM.HashMap Judgment (Maybe MJ.Share, [Choice])
164 choicesByJudgment js =
165 HM.fromList $ (<$> js) $ \j@Judgment{..} ->
166 (j,(importance, choices))
167 choicesByJudgmentBySection :: Body -> TreeSeq.Trees (HM.HashMap Judgment (Maybe MJ.Share, [Choice]))
168 choicesByJudgmentBySection bod = bod >>= \(Tree b bs) ->
169 case b of
170 BodyBlock{} -> mempty
171 BodySection Section{judgments} ->
172 pure $
173 let choicesJ = choicesByJudgment judgments in
174 Tree choicesJ $
175 -- NOTE: if the 'BodySection' has a child which
176 -- is not a 'BodySection' itself, then add "phantom" 'Judgment's
177 -- which will inherit from this 'BodySection'.
178 -- This enables judges to express something on material not in a sub 'BodySection'.
179 let childrenBlocksJudgments =
180 if (`any`bs) $ \case
181 Tree BodyBlock{} _ -> True
182 _ -> False
183 then Seq.singleton $ Tree ((Nothing,[]) <$ choicesJ) Seq.empty
184 else Seq.empty in
185 childrenBlocksJudgments <>
186 choicesByJudgmentBySection bs
187 choicesBySectionByJudgment ::
188 HM.HashMap Judgment [Tree.Tree (Maybe MJ.Share, [Choice])] ->
189 TreeSeq.Tree (HM.HashMap Judgment (Maybe MJ.Share, [Choice])) ->
190 HM.HashMap Judgment [Tree.Tree (Maybe MJ.Share, [Choice])]
191 choicesBySectionByJudgment inh (TreeSeq.Tree selfJ childrenJS) =
192 HM.unionWith
193 (\selfS childrenS ->
194 (<$> selfS) $ \(Tree.Node choices old) ->
195 Tree.Node choices (old<>childrenS))
196 (selfSJ <> inh)
197 childrenSJ
198 where
199 selfSJ = (\cs -> [Tree.Node cs []]) <$> selfJ
200 childrenSJ =
201 foldl'
202 (\accJ childJ ->
203 HM.unionWith (<>) accJ $
204 choicesBySectionByJudgment
205 (([Tree.Node (Nothing,[]) []] <$ selfJ) <> inh)
206 childJ
207 )
208 HM.empty
209 childrenJS