]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Hdoc/DTC/Index.hs
Renames in XML, to use it qualified.
[doclang.git] / Hdoc / DTC / Index.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module Hdoc.DTC.Index where
8 import Control.Category
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
10 import Data.Bool
11 import Data.Char (Char)
12 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
13 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), concat)
14 import Data.Function (($), const)
15 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
16 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
18 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
19 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
20 import Data.Sequence ((|>))
21 import Data.TreeMap.Strict (TreeMap(..))
22 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), tree0)
23 import qualified Data.Char as Char
24 import qualified Data.List as List
25 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
26 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
27 import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as Strict
28 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
29 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TreeMap
30 -- import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict as TreeSeq
32 import Hdoc.DTC.Document
33 import qualified Hdoc.XML as XML
35 -- * Type 'PathWord'
36 type PathWord = TreeMap.Path Word
38 pathFromWords :: Words -> Maybe PathWord
39 pathFromWords ws =
40 case ws >>= unSpace of
41 p:ps | not (TL.null p) -> Just (TreeMap.path p ps)
42 _ -> Nothing
43 where
44 unSpace = \case
45 Space -> []
46 Word w -> [w]
48 -- * Type 'Irefs'
49 type Irefs = TreeMap Word [Anchor]
51 irefsOfTerms :: Terms -> Irefs
52 irefsOfTerms = TreeMap.fromList const . (>>= f) . concat
53 where
54 f [] = []
55 f ws = maybe [] (\p -> [(p,[])]) $ pathFromWords ws
57 indexifyWords :: XML.Pos -> Irefs -> Words -> (Irefs, Plain)
58 indexifyWords section = go mempty
59 where
60 go :: Plain -> Irefs -> Words -> (Irefs, Plain)
61 go acc irefs inp =
62 case inp of
63 [] -> (irefs, acc)
64 Space : next ->
65 go (acc |> tree0 (PlainText " ")) irefs next
66 Word w : next ->
67 case goWords irefs [] inp of
68 Nothing -> go (acc |> tree0 (PlainText w)) irefs next
69 Just (anch, ls, ns, rs) ->
70 let term = List.reverse ls in
71 let lines = Seq.fromList $ tree0 . PlainText . plainifyWord <$> term in
72 go (acc |> Tree PlainIref{term, anchor=Just anch} lines) rs ns
73 goWords ::
74 Irefs ->
75 Words -> Words ->
76 Maybe (Anchor, Words, Words, Irefs)
77 goWords m@(TreeMap irefsByWord) prev inp =
78 case inp of
79 [] -> Nothing
80 curr@Space : next -> goWords m (curr:prev) next
81 curr@(Word w) : next ->
82 case Map.lookup w irefsByWord of
83 Nothing -> Nothing
84 Just nod@TreeMap.Node{..} ->
85 let prev' = curr:prev in
86 case node_value of
87 Strict.Nothing
88 | null node_descendants -> Nothing
89 | otherwise ->
90 (<$> goWords node_descendants prev' next) $ \(anch, ls, ns, rs) ->
91 (anch, ls, ns, TreeMap $
92 Map.insert w nod{TreeMap.node_descendants = rs} irefsByWord)
93 Strict.Just anchs ->
94 case goWords node_descendants prev' next of
95 Nothing ->
96 let count = case anchs of [] -> def; Anchor{count=c}:_ -> succNat1 c in
97 let anch = Anchor{count, section} in
98 Just (anch, prev', next, TreeMap $
99 Map.insert w nod{TreeMap.node_value = Strict.Just $ anch:anchs} irefsByWord)
100 Just (anch, ls, ns, rs) ->
101 Just (anch, ls, ns, TreeMap $
102 Map.insert w nod{TreeMap.node_descendants = rs} irefsByWord)
104 wordify :: TL.Text -> Words
105 wordify = List.reverse . go []
106 where
107 go :: Words -> TL.Text -> Words
108 go acc t =
109 case TL.span Char.isAlphaNum t of
110 ("",_) ->
111 case TL.span Char.isSpace t of
112 ("",_) ->
113 case TL.uncons t of
114 Nothing -> acc
115 Just (c,r) -> go (Word (TL.singleton c) : acc) r
116 (_s,r) -> go (Space : acc) r
117 (w,r) -> go (Word w : acc) r
119 plainifyWord :: WordOrSpace -> TL.Text
120 plainifyWord = \case
121 Word w -> w
122 Space -> " "
124 plainifyWords :: Words -> TL.Text
125 plainifyWords = TL.concat . (plainifyWord <$>)
127 termsByChar :: Terms -> Map Char Terms
128 termsByChar =
129 foldr (\aliases acc ->
130 case aliases of
131 (Word w:_):_ | not (TL.null w) ->
132 Map.insertWith (<>)
133 (Char.toUpper $ TL.index w 0)
134 [aliases] acc
135 _ -> acc
136 ) Map.empty