]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Text/Blaze/Utils.hs
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[doclang.git] / Text / Blaze / Utils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
5 module Text.Blaze.Utils where
7 import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
10 import Data.Bool
11 import Data.Char (Char)
12 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
13 import Data.Function ((.), ($))
14 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
15 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
16 import Data.Int (Int)
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
18 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
19 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
20 import Data.String (IsString(..))
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
23 import Prelude (Num(..), undefined)
24 import System.IO (IO)
25 import Text.Blaze as B
26 import Text.Blaze.Internal as B hiding (null)
27 import Text.Show (Show(..))
28 import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as BS
29 import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 as BS
30 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
31 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
32 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
33 import qualified Data.List as List
34 import qualified Data.Text as Text
35 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
36 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as BS
37 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
38 import qualified Text.Blaze.Renderer.Utf8 as BS
40 -- | 'Attribute' in 'Maybe'.
41 infixl 1 !??
42 (!??) :: Attributable h => h -> Maybe Attribute -> h
43 (!??) h = maybe h (h !)
45 whenMarkup :: MarkupM a -> MarkupM () -> MarkupM ()
46 whenMarkup Empty{} _b = return ()
47 whenMarkup _a b = b
49 whenJust :: Applicative m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
50 whenJust Nothing _f = pure ()
51 whenJust (Just a) f = f a
53 whenSome :: (Applicative m, Foldable f) => f a -> (f a -> m ()) -> m ()
54 whenSome x _f | null x = pure ()
55 whenSome x f = f x
57 whenText :: Applicative m => Text -> (Text -> m ()) -> m ()
58 whenText "" _f = pure ()
59 whenText t f = f t
61 {-
62 instance Semigroup H.AttributeValue where
63 (<>) = mappend
64 -}
65 instance IsList H.AttributeValue where
66 type Item AttributeValue = AttributeValue
67 fromList = mconcat . List.intersperse " "
68 toList = pure
70 -- * Class 'Attrify'
71 class Attrify a where
72 attrify :: a -> H.AttributeValue
73 instance Attrify Char where
74 attrify = fromString . pure
75 instance Attrify Text where
76 attrify = fromString . Text.unpack
77 instance Attrify TL.Text where
78 attrify = fromString . TL.unpack
79 instance Attrify Int where
80 attrify = fromString . show
81 instance Attrify [Char] where
82 attrify = fromString
84 -- * Class 'MayAttr'
85 class MayAttr a where
86 mayAttr :: (AttributeValue -> Attribute) -> a -> Maybe Attribute
87 instance MayAttr a => MayAttr (Maybe a) where
88 mayAttr a t = t >>= mayAttr a
89 instance MayAttr Text where
90 mayAttr _ "" = Nothing
91 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString $ Text.unpack t)
92 instance MayAttr TL.Text where
93 mayAttr _ "" = Nothing
94 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString $ TL.unpack t)
95 instance MayAttr Int where
96 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString $ show t)
97 instance MayAttr [Char] where
98 mayAttr _ "" = Nothing
99 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString t)
100 instance MayAttr AttributeValue where
101 mayAttr a = Just . a
103 -- * Type 'StateMarkup'
104 -- | Composing state and markups.
105 type StateMarkup st = Compose (S.State st) B.MarkupM
106 instance Semigroup (StateMarkup st a) where
107 (<>) = (>>)
108 instance Monoid (StateMarkup st ()) where
109 mempty = pure ()
110 mappend = (<>)
111 instance Monad (StateMarkup st) where
112 return = pure
113 Compose sma >>= a2csmb =
114 Compose $ sma >>= \ma ->
115 case ma >>= B.Empty . a2csmb of
116 B.Append _ma (B.Empty csmb) ->
117 B.Append ma <$> getCompose csmb
118 _ -> undefined -- NOTE: impossible case, by definition of (>>=) on 'B.MarkupM'.
119 {- NOTE: the 'st' may need to use the 'String', so no such instance.
120 instance IsString (StateMarkup st ()) where
121 fromString = Compose . return . fromString
122 -}
124 -- | Lift a 'B.MarkupM' constructor to a 'StateMarkup' one.
125 ($$) :: (B.MarkupM a -> B.MarkupM a) -> StateMarkup st a -> StateMarkup st a
126 ($$) f m = Compose $ f <$> getCompose m
127 infixr 0 $$
129 liftStateMarkup :: S.State st a -> StateMarkup st a
130 liftStateMarkup = Compose . (return <$>)
132 runStateMarkup :: st -> StateMarkup st a -> (B.MarkupM a, st)
133 runStateMarkup st = (`S.runState` st) . getCompose
135 evalStateMarkup :: st -> StateMarkup st a -> B.MarkupM a
136 evalStateMarkup st = (`S.evalState` st) . getCompose
138 -- | Render some 'Markup' to a 'Builder'.
139 --
140 -- An 'IndentTag' is queried on each tag
141 -- to indent tags differently according to their names.
142 prettyMarkupBuilder :: (Text -> Bool) -> Markup -> Builder
143 prettyMarkupBuilder isInlinedElement ms = go (noIndent "" ms) "\n" mempty ms
144 where
145 inc :: Builder
146 inc = " "
147 noIndent :: Text -> MarkupM b -> Bool
148 noIndent e children =
149 isInlinedElement e ||
150 allInlined children && not (allComment children)
151 where
152 allInlined :: MarkupM b -> Bool
153 allInlined = \case
154 Append x y -> allInlined x && allInlined y
155 CustomParent tag _m -> isInlinedElement $ t_ChoiceString tag
156 CustomLeaf tag _close _ -> isInlinedElement $ t_ChoiceString tag
157 Parent tag _open _close _m -> isInlinedElement $ getText tag
158 Leaf tag _begin _end _ -> isInlinedElement $ getText tag
159 AddAttribute _ _key _value m -> allInlined m
160 AddCustomAttribute _key _value m -> allInlined m
161 Comment{} -> True
162 Content{} -> True
163 Empty{} -> True
164 allComment :: MarkupM b -> Bool
165 allComment = \case
166 Append x y -> allComment x && allComment y
167 AddAttribute _ _key _value m -> allComment m
168 AddCustomAttribute _key _value m -> allComment m
169 Comment{} -> True
170 Empty{} -> True
171 _ -> False
172 goAttrs :: Bool -> Builder -> Text -> [Builder] -> Builder
173 goAttrs noInd ind t_tag attrs =
174 case attrs of
175 [] -> mempty
176 [a] -> a
177 a0:as ->
178 let ind_key = BS.fromString $ List.replicate (Text.length t_tag + 1) ' ' in
179 let ind_attr = if noInd then mempty else ind<>ind_key in
180 a0 <> foldMap (ind_attr <>) as
181 go :: Bool -> Builder -> [Builder] -> MarkupM b -> Builder
182 go noInd ind attrs = \case
183 Parent tag open close content ->
184 let noInd' = noIndent (getText tag) content in
185 (if noInd then mempty else ind)
186 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString open)
187 <> goAttrs noInd ind (getText tag) attrs
188 <> BS.fromChar '>'
189 <> go noInd' (if noInd then ind else ind<>inc) mempty content
190 <> (if noInd' then mempty else ind)
191 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString close)
192 CustomParent tag content ->
193 let t_tag = t_ChoiceString tag in
194 let noInd' = noIndent t_tag content in
195 (if noInd then mempty else ind)
196 <> BS.fromChar '<'
197 <> BS.fromText t_tag
198 <> goAttrs noInd ind t_tag attrs
199 <> BS.fromChar '>'
200 <> go noInd' (if noInd' then ind else ind<>inc) mempty content
201 <> (if noInd' then mempty else ind)
202 <> BS.fromByteString "</"
203 <> bs_ChoiceString tag
204 <> BS.fromChar '>'
205 Leaf tag begin end _ ->
206 (if noInd then mempty else ind)
207 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString begin)
208 <> goAttrs noInd ind (getText tag) attrs
209 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString end)
210 CustomLeaf tag close _ ->
211 let t_tag = t_ChoiceString tag in
212 (if noInd then mempty else ind)
213 <> BS.fromChar '<'
214 <> BS.fromText t_tag
215 <> goAttrs noInd ind t_tag attrs
216 <> (if close then BS.fromByteString "/>" else BS.fromChar '>')
217 AddAttribute _ key value m ->
218 go noInd ind
219 ( BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString key)
220 <> bs_ChoiceString value
221 <> BS.fromChar '"'
222 : attrs ) m
223 AddCustomAttribute key value m ->
224 go noInd ind
225 ( BS.fromChar ' '
226 <> bs_ChoiceString key
227 <> BS.fromByteString "=\""
228 <> bs_ChoiceString value
229 <> BS.fromChar '"'
230 : attrs ) m
231 Content c _ -> bs_ChoiceString c
232 Comment comment _ ->
233 (if noInd then mempty else ind)
234 <> BS.fromByteString "<!--"
235 <> indentChoiceString (ind <> " ") comment
236 <> (if noInd then mempty else ind)
237 <> BS.fromByteString "-->"
238 Append m1 m2 ->
239 go noInd ind attrs m1 <>
240 go noInd ind attrs m2
241 Empty _ -> mempty
243 -- | Render 'Markup' to a lazy UTF-8 encoded 'BSL.ByteString'.
244 prettyMarkup :: (Text -> Bool) -> Markup -> BSL.ByteString
245 prettyMarkup ind = BS.toLazyByteString . prettyMarkupBuilder ind
247 prettyMarkupIO :: (Text -> Bool) -> (BS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> Markup -> IO ()
248 prettyMarkupIO ind io = BS.toByteStringIO io . prettyMarkupBuilder ind
250 bs_ChoiceString :: ChoiceString -> Builder
251 bs_ChoiceString cs = BS.renderMarkupBuilder (Content cs ())
253 t_ChoiceString :: ChoiceString -> Text
254 t_ChoiceString = BS.decodeUtf8 . BS.toByteString . bs_ChoiceString
256 -- | @indentText ind txt@ indent 'txt' with 'ind' at newlines.
257 indentText :: Builder -> Text -> Builder
258 indentText ind =
259 mconcat .
260 List.intersperse ind .
261 (BS.fromHtmlEscapedText <$>) .
262 Text.splitOn "\n"
264 -- | Render an indented 'ChoiceString'.
265 indentChoiceString :: Builder -> ChoiceString -> Builder
266 indentChoiceString ind (Static s) = indentText ind $ getText s
267 indentChoiceString ind (String s) = indentText ind $ Text.pack s
268 indentChoiceString ind (Text s) = indentText ind s
269 indentChoiceString ind (ByteString s) = indentText ind $ BS.decodeUtf8 s
270 indentChoiceString ind (PreEscaped x) = case x of
271 String s -> indentText ind $ Text.pack s
272 Text s -> indentText ind s
273 s -> indentChoiceString ind s
274 indentChoiceString ind (External x) = case x of
275 -- Check that the sequence "</" is *not* in the external data.
276 String s -> if "</" `List.isInfixOf` s then mempty else BS.fromString s
277 Text s -> if "</" `Text.isInfixOf` s then mempty else BS.fromText s
278 ByteString s -> if "</" `BS.isInfixOf` s then mempty else BS.fromByteString s
279 s -> indentChoiceString ind s
280 indentChoiceString ind (AppendChoiceString x y) =
281 indentChoiceString ind x <>
282 indentChoiceString ind y
283 indentChoiceString ind EmptyChoiceString = indentText ind mempty
284 {-# INLINE indentChoiceString #-}