]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/TCT/Write/Plain.hs
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[doclang.git] / Language / TCT / Write / Plain.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
5 module Language.TCT.Write.Plain where
7 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2)
8 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), mapM)
9 import Data.Bool
10 import Data.Char (Char)
11 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
12 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
13 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
14 import Data.Function (($), (.))
15 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
16 import Data.Int (Int64)
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
18 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
19 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
20 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
21 import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL(..))
22 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
23 import Data.Text (Text)
24 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..),Trees)
25 import Data.Tuple (fst)
26 import Prelude (Num(..), undefined, Integral(..))
27 import Text.Show (Show(..))
28 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
29 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
30 import qualified Data.Text as Text
31 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
32 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
34 -- import Language.TCT.Tree
35 import Language.TCT.Token
36 import Language.TCT.Cell
37 import Language.TCT.Elem
38 import Language.TCT.Read.Token
40 -- * Type 'Plain'
41 type Plain = S.State State TLB.Builder
42 -- NOTE: To get maximum performance when building lazy Text values using a builder,
43 -- associate mappend calls to the right.
44 -- NOTE: (Semigroup.<>) associates to the right.
45 instance IsString Plain where
46 fromString = return . fromString
47 instance Semigroup Plain where
48 (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
49 instance Monoid Plain where
50 mempty = return ""
51 mappend = (<>)
53 runPlain :: Plain -> State -> TL.Text
54 runPlain p s = TLB.toLazyText $ fst $ S.runState p s
56 text :: Plainify a => State -> a -> TL.Text
57 text st a = runPlain (plainify a) st
59 -- ** Type 'State'
60 data State
61 = State
62 { state_escape :: Bool -- FIXME: useful?
63 , state_pos :: Pos
64 } deriving (Eq, Show)
65 instance Default State where
66 def = State
67 { state_escape = True
68 , state_pos = pos1
69 }
71 -- * Class 'Plainify'
72 class Plainify a where
73 plainify :: a -> Plain
74 instance Plainify () where
75 plainify = mempty
76 instance Plainify Char where
77 plainify = return . TLB.singleton
78 instance Plainify String where
79 plainify = return . fromString
80 instance Plainify Text where
81 plainify = plainify . TL.fromStrict
82 instance Plainify TL.Text where
83 plainify = return . TLB.fromLazyText
84 instance Plainify a => Plainify (Cell a) where
85 plainify (Cell _bp@(Pos line col) ep a) = do
86 Pos lineLast colLast <- S.gets state_pos
87 case () of
88 _ | lineLast < line -> do
89 S.modify $ \s -> s{state_pos=ep}
90 plainify (Text.replicate (line - lineLast - 1) "\n")
91 <> plainify (Text.replicate (col - 1) " ")
92 <> plainify a
93 _ | lineLast == line && colLast <= col -> do
94 S.modify $ \s -> s{state_pos=ep}
95 plainify (Text.replicate (col - colLast) " ")
96 <> plainify a
97 _ -> undefined
98 instance Plainify (Trees (Cell Key) Tokens) where
99 plainify = foldMap plainify
100 instance Plainify (Tree (Cell Key) Tokens) where
101 plainify = \case
102 TreeN (Cell bp ep k) ts -> plainify (Cell bp ep (k,ts))
103 Tree0 ts -> plainify ts
104 instance Plainify (Key, Trees (Cell Key) Tokens) where
105 plainify (key, ts) =
106 case key of
107 KeyColon n wh -> textKey n wh ":"
108 KeyGreat n wh -> textKey n wh ">"
109 KeyEqual n wh -> textKey n wh "="
110 KeyBar n wh -> textKey n wh "|"
111 KeyDash -> textKey "" "" "- "
112 KeyDashDash -> textKey "" "" "-- "
113 KeyLower name attrs ->
114 "<" <>
115 plainify name <>
116 plainify attrs <>
117 plainify ts
118 KeySection lvl ->
119 plainify (TL.replicate (int64 lvl) "#") <>
120 case Seq.viewl ts of
121 Tree0 title :< ts' ->
122 plainify title <>
123 plainify ts'
124 _ -> plainify ts
125 KeyDotSlash p ->
126 plainify ("./"::TL.Text) <>
127 plainify p <>
128 plainify ts
129 where
130 textKey :: Text -> White -> TL.Text -> Plain
131 textKey name wh mark =
132 plainify name <>
133 plainify wh <>
134 plainify mark <>
135 plainify ts
136 instance Plainify Tokens where
137 plainify = foldMap plainify
138 instance Plainify Token where
139 plainify = \case
140 TreeN (Cell bp ep k) ts ->
141 plainify (Cell bp ep ()) <>
142 plainify o <> plainify ts <> plainify c
143 where (o,c) = pairBorders k ts
144 Tree0 tok ->
145 -- plainify (Cell bp ep ()) <>
146 case tok of
147 TokenPhrases p -> plainify p
148 TokenRaw t -> plainify t
149 {- TODO: remove
150 lnum <- S.get
151 let lines = Text.splitOn "\n" txt
152 S.put (lnum - 1 + List.length lines)
153 return $
154 case lines of
155 [] -> undefined
156 (l0:ls) -> plainify l0 <> mconcat ((\l -> "\n"<>indent<>plainify l)<$>ls)
157 -}
158 TokenTag v -> plainify $ ("#"<>) <$> v
159 TokenEscape c -> do
160 esc <- S.gets state_escape
161 if esc
162 then plainify $ (('\\' :) . pure) <$> c
163 else plainify c
164 TokenLink lnk -> plainify lnk
165 instance Plainify Phrases where
166 plainify = foldMap plainify
167 instance Plainify Phrase where
168 plainify p =
169 case p of
170 PhraseWord t -> plainify t
171 PhraseWhite t -> plainify t
172 PhraseOther t -> plainify t
173 instance Plainify ElemAttrs where
174 plainify = foldMap plainify
175 instance Plainify (Text,ElemAttr) where
176 plainify (elemAttr_white,ElemAttr{..}) =
177 mconcat $ plainify <$>
178 [ elemAttr_white
179 , elemAttr_name
180 , elemAttr_open
181 , elemAttr_value
182 , elemAttr_close
183 ]
185 {-
186 -- * Class 'Textify'
187 class Textify a where
188 plainify :: a -> TL.Text
189 instance Textify Text where
190 plainify = TL.fromStrict
191 instance Textify TL.Text where
192 plainify = id
193 instance Textify Tokens where
194 plainify = foldMap plainify
195 instance Textify Token where
196 plainify = \case
197 TreeN (unCell -> p) ts -> plainify o<>plainify ts<>plainify c
198 where (o,c) = pairBorders p ts
199 Tree0 (unCell -> t) ->
200 case t of
201 TokenPlain txt -> plainify txt
202 TokenTag v -> "#"<>plainify v
203 TokenEscape c -> TL.singleton c -- plainify $ Text.pack ['\\',c]
204 TokenLink lnk -> plainify lnk
205 -}
207 -- * Class 'RackUpLeft'
208 class RackUpLeft a where
209 rackUpLeft :: a -> S.State (Maybe Pos) a
210 instance RackUpLeft Pos where
211 rackUpLeft pos@Pos{..} = do
212 S.get >>= \case
213 Nothing -> return pos
214 Just (Pos l0 c0) ->
215 return Pos
216 { linePos = linePos - l0 + 1
217 , columnPos = columnPos - c0 + 1
218 }
219 instance RackUpLeft (Cell a) where
220 rackUpLeft (Cell bp ep a) = do
221 S.modify $ \case
222 Nothing -> Just bp
223 p -> p
224 Cell
225 <$> rackUpLeft bp
226 <*> rackUpLeft ep
227 <*> pure a
228 instance RackUpLeft a => RackUpLeft (Seq a) where
229 rackUpLeft = mapM rackUpLeft
230 instance (RackUpLeft k, RackUpLeft a) => RackUpLeft (Tree k a) where
231 rackUpLeft = \case
232 Tree0 a -> Tree0 <$> rackUpLeft a
233 TreeN k ts -> TreeN <$> rackUpLeft k <*> rackUpLeft ts
235 {-
236 -- * Utilities
237 plainifyIndentCell :: (Pos,Pos) -> Plain
238 plainifyIndentCell (Pos lineLast colLast,Pos line col)
239 | lineLast < line =
240 return $
241 TL.replicate (int64 $ line - (lineLast+1)) "\n" <>
242 TL.replicate (int64 $ col - 1) " "
243 | lineLast == line && colLast <= col =
244 return $
245 TL.replicate (int64 $ col - colLast) " "
246 | otherwise = undefined
248 -- ** 'Tree'
250 treePosLastCell ::
251 Trees (Cell k) Tokens ->
252 Trees (Pos,Cell k) (Pos,Tokens)
253 treePosLastCell t = S.evalState (go`mapM`t) (Pos 1 1)
254 where
255 go :: Tree (Cell k) Tokens ->
256 S.State Pos (Tree (Pos,Cell k) (Pos,Tokens))
257 go (Tree0 ts) = do
258 lastPos <- S.get
259 case Seq.viewr ts of
260 EmptyR ->
261 return $ Tree0 (lastPos,ts)
262 _ :> r -> do
263 S.put $ posEndTree r
264 return $ Tree0 (lastPos,ts)
265 go (TreeN p ts) = do
266 lastPos <- S.get
267 S.put $ posEndCell p
268 ts' <- go`mapM`ts
269 return $ TreeN (lastPos,p) ts'
270 -}
272 -- ** 'Int64'
273 int64 :: Integral i => i -> Int64
274 int64 = fromInteger . toInteger