]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Hdoc/DTC/Analyze/Collect.hs
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[doclang.git] / Hdoc / DTC / Analyze / Collect.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Hdoc.DTC.Analyze.Collect where
5 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2)
6 import Control.Monad
7 import Data.Bool
8 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
9 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), concat)
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
12 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
14 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
15 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
16 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
17 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..))
18 import Text.Show (Show(..))
19 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as R
20 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
21 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
22 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
23 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
24 import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict as TS
25 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TM
27 import qualified Hdoc.TCT.Cell as TCT
28 import Hdoc.DTC.Document as DTC
29 import qualified Hdoc.XML as XML
31 -- * Type 'Reader'
32 newtype Reader = Reader
33 { reader_section :: Section
34 }
35 instance Default Reader where
36 def = Reader
37 { reader_section = def
38 }
40 -- * Type 'All'
41 data All = All
42 { all_figure :: HM.HashMap TL.Text (Map XML.Pos (Maybe Title))
43 , all_grades :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq [Grade])
44 , all_irefs :: TM.TreeMap Word (Seq Section)
45 , all_judges :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq Judges)
46 , all_judgesRef :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq ((TCT.Location, XML.Pos), Section))
47 , all_notes :: TS.Trees (Seq [Para])
48 , all_reference :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq Reference)
49 , all_ref :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq ((TCT.Location, XML.Pos), Section))
50 , all_section :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq Section)
51 , all_at :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq ((TCT.Location, XML.Pos), Section))
52 , all_tag :: HM.HashMap Ident (Seq ((TCT.Location, XML.Pos), Section))
53 } deriving (Show)
54 instance Default All where
55 def = All
56 { all_figure = def
57 , all_grades = def
58 , all_irefs = def
59 , all_judges = def
60 , all_judgesRef = def
61 , all_notes = def
62 , all_reference = def
63 , all_ref = def
64 , all_section = def
65 , all_at = def
66 , all_tag = def
67 }
68 instance Semigroup All where
69 x<>y = All
70 { all_figure = hm_union all_figure
71 , all_grades = hm_union all_grades
72 , all_irefs = tm_union all_irefs
73 , all_judges = hm_union all_judges
74 , all_judgesRef = hm_union all_judgesRef
75 , all_notes = ts_union (all_notes x) (all_notes y)
76 , all_reference = hm_union all_reference
77 , all_ref = hm_union all_ref
78 , all_section = hm_union all_section
79 , all_at = hm_union all_at
80 , all_tag = hm_union all_tag
81 } where
82 hm_union get = HM.unionWith (<>) (get x) (get y)
83 tm_union get = TM.union (<>) (get x) (get y)
84 ts_union :: TS.Trees (Seq [Para]) -> TS.Trees (Seq [Para]) -> TS.Trees (Seq [Para])
85 ts_union sx sy = lx <> Seq.singleton union <> ry
86 where
87 filter = null . TS.subTrees
88 union = TS.tree0 $ TS.unTree =<< (rx <> ly)
89 (rx, lx) = Seq.spanr filter sx
90 (ly, ry) = Seq.spanl filter sy
91 instance Monoid All where
92 mempty = def
93 mappend = (<>)
94 instance Semigroup (R.Reader Reader All) where
95 (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
96 instance Monoid (R.Reader Reader All) where
97 mempty = pure def
98 mappend = (<>)
100 -- * Class 'Collect'
101 class Collect a where
102 collect :: a -> R.Reader Reader All
103 instance Collect Document where
104 collect Document{..} =
105 foldMap collect document_head <>
106 collect document_body
107 -- R.local (\ro -> ro{reader_section = head_section head}) $
108 {- FIXME: see whether to handle that or not
109 return def
110 { all_section =
111 HM.fromListWith (<>) $
112 (\t -> (t, pure $ Left head))
113 <$> about_titles (head_about head)
114 } <>
115 -}
116 instance Collect Head where
117 collect Head{..} =
118 collect $ Seq.singleton $
119 TS.Tree (BodySection head_section) head_body
120 instance Collect (TS.Trees BodyNode) where
121 collect = foldMap $ \(TS.Tree b bs) ->
122 case b of
123 BodyBlock blk ->
124 collect blk
125 BodySection section@Section{..} ->
126 R.local (\ro -> ro{reader_section = section}) $
127 ((\all -> all{all_notes = pure $ TS.Tree Seq.empty $ all_notes all}) <$>) $
128 return def
129 { all_section =
130 let titles = (<$> about_titles section_about) $ \section_title ->
131 Alias
132 { alias_attrs = section_attrs
133 , alias_title = section_title
134 } in
135 HM.fromListWith (<>) $ concat $
136 (\Alias{..} -> maybe [] (pure . (, pure section)) $ attrs_id alias_attrs)
137 <$> (titles <> about_aliases section_about)
138 } <>
139 foldMap collect (about_titles section_about) <>
140 collect bs
141 instance Collect Block where
142 collect = \case
143 BlockPara p -> collect p
144 BlockBreak{} -> pure def
145 BlockToC{} -> pure def
146 BlockToF{} -> pure def
147 BlockAside{..} -> foldMap collect blocks
148 BlockIndex{..} -> pure def
149 BlockFigure{..} ->
150 return def
151 { all_figure = HM.singleton type_ (Map.singleton posXML mayTitle)
152 } <> foldMap collect paras
153 BlockReferences{..} ->
154 return def
155 { all_reference=
156 HM.fromListWith (<>) $
157 (<$> refs) $
158 \ref@DTC.Reference{..} -> (reference_id, pure ref)
159 } <> foldMap collect refs
160 BlockGrades{attrs, ..} ->
161 return def{all_grades = HM.singleton (fromMaybe "" $ attrs_id attrs) $ pure scale}
162 BlockJudges judges@Judges{judges_attrs, ..} ->
163 return def{all_judges = HM.singleton (fromMaybe "" $ attrs_id judges_attrs) $ pure judges}
164 instance Collect Para where
165 collect = \case
166 ParaItem item -> collect item
167 ParaItems{..} -> foldMap collect items
168 instance Collect ParaItem where
169 collect = \case
170 ParaPlain p -> collect p
171 ParaArtwork{} -> return def
172 ParaQuote{..} -> foldMap collect paras
173 ParaComment{} -> return def
174 ParaOL items -> foldMap collect items
175 ParaUL items -> foldMap (foldMap collect) items
176 ParaJudgment j -> collect j
177 instance Collect Judgment where
178 collect Judgment{..} = do
179 Reader{..} <- R.ask
180 return def{all_judgesRef = HM.singleton judgment_judgesId $ pure ((judgment_locTCT, judgment_posXML), reader_section) }
181 instance Collect ListItem where
182 collect ListItem{..} = foldMap collect paras
183 instance Collect Title where
184 collect (Title t) = collect t
185 instance Collect Plain where
186 collect = foldMap collect
187 instance Collect (Tree PlainNode) where
188 collect (Tree n ts) =
189 case n of
190 PlainBreak -> return def
191 PlainText{} -> return def
192 PlainGroup -> collect ts
193 PlainB -> collect ts
194 PlainCode -> collect ts
195 PlainDel -> collect ts
196 PlainI -> collect ts
197 PlainSpan{} -> collect ts
198 PlainSub -> collect ts
199 PlainSup -> collect ts
200 PlainSC -> collect ts
201 PlainU -> collect ts
202 PlainNote{..} ->
203 return def
204 { all_notes = pure $ TS.tree0 $ pure note_paras
205 } <> foldMap collect note_paras
206 PlainQ -> collect ts
207 PlainEref{} -> collect ts
208 PlainIref{..} -> do
209 Reader{..} <- R.ask
210 case pathFromWords iref_term of
211 Nothing -> collect ts
212 Just path ->
213 return def
214 { all_irefs = TM.singleton path $ pure reader_section
215 } <> collect ts
216 PlainAt{..}
217 | at_back -> return def
218 | otherwise -> do
219 Reader{..} <- R.ask
220 return def
221 { all_at = HM.singleton at_ident $ pure ((at_locTCT, at_posXML), reader_section) }
222 PlainTag{..}
223 | tag_back -> return def
224 | otherwise -> do
225 Reader{..} <- R.ask
226 return def
227 { all_tag = HM.singleton tag_ident $ pure ((tag_locTCT, tag_posXML), reader_section) }
228 PlainRef{..} -> do
229 Reader{..} <- R.ask
230 return def
231 { all_ref = HM.singleton ref_ident $ pure ((ref_locTCT, ref_posXML), reader_section)
232 } <> collect ts
233 instance Collect Reference where
234 collect Reference{..} =
235 collect reference_about
236 instance Collect About where
237 collect About{..} =
238 foldMap collect about_titles <>
239 foldMap collect about_description