]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Hdoc/DTC/Sym.hs
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[doclang.git] / Hdoc / DTC / Sym.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 module Hdoc.DTC.Sym where
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<$))
7 import Control.Arrow (second)
8 import Control.Monad (void)
9 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
10 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
11 import Data.Foldable (concat)
12 import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
13 import Data.Function (($), (.), flip)
14 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
15 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
16 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), tree0)
17 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
18 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
19 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
21 import Hdoc.XML
22 import Hdoc.RNC.Sym as RNC
23 import qualified Hdoc.DTC.Analyze.Index as Index
24 import qualified Hdoc.DTC.Document as DTC
25 import qualified Hdoc.RNC.Write as RNC
26 import qualified Hdoc.TCT.Cell as TCT
27 import qualified Hdoc.XML as XML
29 -- Class 'Sym_DTC'
30 -- | Use a symantic (tagless final) class to encode
31 -- both the parsing and the schema of DTC,
32 -- when repr is respectively instanciated
33 -- on 'DTC.Parser' or 'RNC.RuleWriter'.
34 class RNC.Sym_RNC repr => Sym_DTC repr where
35 positionXML :: repr XML.Pos
36 locationTCT :: repr TCT.Location
37 document :: repr DTC.Document
39 about :: repr DTC.About
41 head :: repr DTC.Head
42 body :: repr DTC.Body
43 section :: repr DTC.Section
44 include :: repr DTC.Include
46 block :: repr DTC.Block
47 blockBreak :: repr DTC.Block
48 blockToC :: repr DTC.Block
49 blockToF :: repr DTC.Block
50 blockIndex :: repr DTC.Block
51 blockAside :: repr DTC.Block
52 blockFigure :: repr DTC.Block
53 blockReferences :: repr DTC.Block
54 blockJudges :: repr DTC.Block
55 blockGrades :: repr DTC.Block
56 reference :: repr DTC.Reference
58 para :: repr DTC.Para
59 paraItem :: repr DTC.ParaItem
60 paraItems :: repr DTC.Para
62 plain :: repr DTC.Plain
63 plainNode :: repr (Tree DTC.PlainNode)
65 commonAttrs :: repr DTC.CommonAttrs
66 ident :: repr Ident
67 title :: repr DTC.Title
68 name :: repr DTC.Name
69 url :: repr URL
70 path :: repr DTC.FilePath
71 to :: repr Ident
72 id :: repr Ident
73 class_ :: repr [TL.Text]
74 rel :: repr DTC.Name
75 role :: repr DTC.Name
77 author :: repr DTC.Entity
78 date :: repr DTC.Date
79 entity :: repr DTC.Entity
80 link :: repr DTC.Link
81 serie :: repr DTC.Serie
82 alias :: repr DTC.Alias
83 judgment :: repr DTC.Judgment
84 choice_ :: repr DTC.Choice
85 opinion :: repr DTC.Opinion
86 judges :: repr DTC.Judges
87 judge :: repr DTC.Judge
88 grade :: repr DTC.Grade
90 document = rule "document" $
91 DTC.Document
92 <$> optional head
93 <*> body
94 head = rule "head" $
95 element "head" $
96 DTC.Head
97 <$> section
98 <*> body
99 body = rule "body" $
100 (Seq.fromList <$>) $
101 many $
102 choice
103 [ element "section" $ Tree . DTC.BodySection <$> section <*> body
104 , tree0 . DTC.BodyBlock <$> block
105 ]
106 section = rule "section" $
107 interleaved $
108 (\section_posXML section_locTCT section_attrs abouts ->
109 DTC.Section{section_about=mconcat abouts, ..})
110 <$$> positionXML
111 <||> locationTCT
112 <||> commonAttrs
113 <|*> about
114 about = rule "about" $
115 element "about" $
116 interleaved $
117 DTC.About
118 <$*> title
119 <|*> alias
120 <|*> author
121 <|*> date
122 <|*> element "tag" text
123 <|*> link
124 <|*> serie
125 <|*> element "description" para
126 <|*> judgment
127 title = rule "title" $ DTC.Title <$> element "title" plain
128 name = rule "name" $ DTC.Name <$> text
129 url = rule "url" $ URL <$> text
130 path = rule "path" $ TL.unpack <$> text
131 ident = rule "ident" $ Ident <$> text
132 to = rule "to" $ attribute "to" ident
133 commonAttrs =
134 rule "commonAttrs" $
135 interleaved $
136 DTC.CommonAttrs
137 <$?> (def, Just <$> id)
138 <|?> (def, class_)
139 id = rule "id" $ attribute "id" ident
140 class_ = rule "class" $ attribute "class" $ TL.words <$> text
141 rel = rule "rel" $ attribute "rel" name
142 role = rule "role" $ attribute "role" name
144 date = rule "date" $
145 element "date" $
146 interleaved $
147 DTC.Date
148 <$?> (def, rel)
149 <|?> (def, role)
150 <||> attribute "year" int
151 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "month" nat1)
152 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "day" nat1)
153 include =
154 rule "include" $
155 element "include" $
156 interleaved $
157 DTC.Include
158 <$?> (def, attribute "href" path)
159 block = rule "block" $
160 choice
161 [ DTC.BlockPara <$> para
162 , blockBreak
163 , blockToC
164 , blockToF
165 , blockIndex
166 , blockAside
167 , blockFigure
168 , blockReferences
169 , blockJudges
170 , blockGrades
171 {-
172 , anyElem $ \n@XmlName{..} ->
173 case xmlNameSpace of
174 "" -> figure n
175 -}
176 ]
177 blockBreak = rule "break" $
178 element "break" $
179 DTC.BlockBreak
180 <$> commonAttrs
181 blockToC =
182 rule "blockToC" $
183 element "toc" $
184 DTC.BlockToC
185 <$> positionXML
186 <*> commonAttrs
187 <*> optional (attribute "depth" nat)
188 blockToF =
189 rule "blockToF" $
190 element "tof" $
191 DTC.BlockToF
192 <$> positionXML
193 <*> commonAttrs
194 <*> option [] (
195 element "ul" $
196 many $
197 element "li" $
198 element "para" text)
199 blockIndex =
200 rule "blockIndex" $
201 element "index" $
202 DTC.BlockIndex
203 <$> positionXML
204 <*> commonAttrs
205 <*> option [] (
206 element "ul" $
207 many $
208 element "li" $
209 element "para" $
210 indexWords
211 )
212 where
213 indexWords =
214 (concat <$>) $
215 many $
216 (Index.wordify <$>) . TL.lines <$> text
217 {-
218 indexAt =
219 indexTag =
220 -}
221 blockAside =
222 rule "blockAside" $
223 element "aside" $
224 DTC.BlockAside
225 <$> positionXML
226 <*> commonAttrs
227 <*> many block
228 blockFigure =
229 rule "blockFigure" $
230 element "figure" $
231 DTC.BlockFigure
232 <$> positionXML
233 <*> attribute "type" text
234 <*> commonAttrs
235 <*> optional title
236 <*> many para
237 blockReferences =
238 rule "blockReferences" $
239 element "references" $
240 DTC.BlockReferences
241 <$> positionXML
242 <*> commonAttrs
243 <*> many reference
244 blockJudges = rule "blockJudges" $ DTC.BlockJudges <$> judges
245 blockGrades =
246 rule "blockGrades" $
247 element "grades" $
248 DTC.BlockGrades
249 <$> positionXML
250 <*> commonAttrs
251 <*> some grade
252 grade =
253 rule "grade" $
254 element "grade" $
255 DTC.Grade
256 <$> positionXML
257 <*> attribute "name" name
258 <*> attribute "color" text
259 <*> option False (True <$ attribute "default" text)
260 <*> optional title
262 para = rule "para" $
263 paraItems <|> -- within a <para>
264 DTC.ParaItem <$> paraItem -- without a <para>
265 paraItem =
266 rule "paraItem" $
267 choice
268 [ element "ol" $ DTC.ParaOL <$> many (element "li" $ DTC.ListItem <$> attribute "name" name <*> many para)
269 , element "ul" $ DTC.ParaUL <$> many (element "li" $ many para)
270 , element "artwork" $ DTC.ParaArtwork <$> attribute "type" text <*> text
271 , element "quote" $ DTC.ParaQuote <$> attribute "type" text <*> many para
272 , DTC.ParaPlain . Seq.fromList <$> some plainNode
273 , DTC.ParaComment <$> comment
274 , DTC.ParaJudgment <$> judgment
275 ]
276 paraItems =
277 rule "paraItems" $
278 element "para" $
279 DTC.ParaItems
280 <$> positionXML
281 <*> commonAttrs
282 <*> many paraItem
283 plain = rule "plain" $ (Seq.fromList <$>) $ many plainNode
284 plainNode =
285 rule "plainNode" $
286 choice
287 [ tree0 . DTC.PlainText <$> text
288 , element "br" $ tree0 DTC.PlainBreak <$ none
289 , element "b" $ Tree DTC.PlainB <$> plain
290 , element "code" $ Tree DTC.PlainCode <$> plain
291 , element "del" $ Tree DTC.PlainDel <$> plain
292 , element "i" $ Tree DTC.PlainI <$> plain
293 , element "q" $ Tree DTC.PlainQ <$> plain
294 , element "sc" $ Tree DTC.PlainSC <$> plain
295 , element "span" $ Tree . DTC.PlainSpan <$> commonAttrs <*> plain
296 , element "sub" $ Tree DTC.PlainSub <$> plain
297 , element "sup" $ Tree DTC.PlainSup <$> plain
298 , element "u" $ Tree DTC.PlainU <$> plain
299 , element "note" $ tree0 . DTC.PlainNote <$> many para
300 , element "iref" $ Tree . DTC.PlainIref . Index.wordify <$> attribute "to" text <*> plain
301 , element "eref" $ Tree . DTC.PlainEref <$> attribute "to" url <*> plain
302 , element "tag" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainTag <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure False)
303 , element "tag-back" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainTag <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure True )
304 , element "at" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainAt <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure False)
305 , element "at-back" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainAt <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure True )
306 , element "ref" $ Tree <$> (DTC.PlainRef <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to) <*> plain
307 ]
308 {-
309 header =
310 rule "header" $
311 anyElem $ \n ->
312 DTC.Header (XML.nameLocal n)
313 <$> plain
314 -}
315 author = rule "author" $ element "author" entity
316 entity = rule "entity" $
317 interleaved $
318 DTC.Entity
319 <$?> (def, rel)
320 <|?> (def, role)
321 <|?> (def, attribute "name" text)
322 <|?> (def, attribute "street" text)
323 <|?> (def, attribute "zipcode" text)
324 <|?> (def, attribute "city" text)
325 <|?> (def, attribute "region" text)
326 <|?> (def, attribute "country" text)
327 <|?> (def, attribute "email" text)
328 <|?> (def, attribute "tel" text)
329 <|?> (def, attribute "fax" text)
330 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "url" url)
331 <|*> element "org" entity
332 serie = rule "serie" $
333 element "serie" $
334 interleaved $
335 DTC.Serie
336 <$?> (def, attribute "name" name)
337 <|?> (def, attribute "id" text)
338 link = rule "link" $
339 element "link" $
340 interleaved $
341 DTC.Link
342 <$?> (def, rel)
343 <|?> (def, role)
344 <|?> (def, attribute "url" url)
345 <|?> (def, Seq.fromList <$> some plainNode)
346 alias = rule "alias" $
347 element "alias" $
348 DTC.Alias
349 <$> commonAttrs
350 <*> title
351 reference = rule "reference" $
352 element "reference" $
353 DTC.Reference
354 <$> positionXML
355 <*> locationTCT
356 <*> id
357 <*> about
359 judgment =
360 rule "judgment" $
361 element "judgment" $
362 attrs
363 <*> many choice_
364 where
365 attrs =
366 interleaved $
367 DTC.Judgment def -- def def
368 <$$> positionXML
369 <||> locationTCT
370 <||> attribute "judges" ident
371 <||> attribute "grades" ident
372 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" rationalPositive)
373 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "hide" bool)
374 -- <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" (pure 0))
375 <|?> (def, Just <$> title)
376 choice_ =
377 rule "choice" $
378 element "choice" $
379 DTC.Choice
380 <$> locationTCT
381 <*> positionXML
382 <*> optional title
383 <*> many opinion
384 opinion =
385 rule "opinion" $
386 element "opinion" $
387 (interleaved $ DTC.Opinion
388 <$$> locationTCT
389 <||> positionXML
390 <|?> (def, attribute "judge" name)
391 <|?> (def, attribute "grade" name)
392 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "default" name)
393 <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" rationalPositive))
394 -- <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" (pure 0)))
395 <*> optional title
396 judges =
397 rule "judges" $
398 element "judges" $
399 DTC.Judges
400 <$> locationTCT
401 <*> positionXML
402 <*> commonAttrs
403 <*> judgesByName
404 where
405 judgesByName =
406 HM.fromListWith (flip (<>)) .
407 ((\j@DTC.Judge{..} -> (judge_name, pure j)) <$>)
408 <$> some judge
409 judge =
410 rule "judge" $
411 element "judge" $
412 DTC.Judge
413 <$> locationTCT
414 <*> positionXML
415 <*> attribute "name" name
416 <*> optional title
417 <*> defaultGrades
418 where
419 defaultGrades =
420 HM.fromListWith (flip (<>)) .
421 (second pure <$>)
422 <$> many defaultGrade
423 defaultGrade =
424 rule "default" $
425 element "default" $
426 (,)
427 <$> attribute "grades" ident
428 <*> attribute "grade" (DTC.Name <$> text)
430 instance Sym_DTC RNC.Writer where
431 positionXML = RNC.writeText ""
432 locationTCT = RNC.writeText ""
433 instance Sym_DTC RNC.RuleWriter where
434 positionXML = RNC.RuleWriter positionXML
435 locationTCT = RNC.RuleWriter locationTCT
437 -- | RNC schema for DTC
438 schema :: [RNC.RuleWriter ()]
439 schema =
440 [ void $ document
442 , void $ about
443 , void $ author
444 , void $ date
445 , void $ entity
446 , void $ link
447 , void $ serie
448 , void $ alias
449 , void $ judgment
450 , void $ choice_
451 , void $ opinion
452 , void $ judges
453 , void $ judge
454 , void $ grade
456 , void $ head
457 , void $ body
458 , void $ include
460 , void $ block
461 , void $ blockToC
462 , void $ blockToF
463 , void $ blockIndex
464 , void $ blockFigure
465 , void $ blockReferences
466 , void $ reference
468 , void $ para
469 , void $ paraItem
470 , void $ paraItems
472 , void $ plain
473 , void $ plainNode
475 , void $ commonAttrs
476 , void $ ident
477 , void $ title
478 , void $ name
479 , void $ url
480 , void $ path
481 , void $ to
482 , void $ id
483 , void $ class_
484 , void $ rel
485 ]