]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Text/Blaze/Utils.hs
Fix ToF ordering.
[doclang.git] / Text / Blaze / Utils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 module Text.Blaze.Utils where
6 import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
7 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
8 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
9 import Data.Bool
10 import Data.Char (Char)
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
13 import Data.Function ((.), ($))
14 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
15 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
16 import Data.Int (Int)
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
18 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
19 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
20 import Data.String (IsString(..))
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import Prelude (Num(..), undefined)
23 import System.IO (IO)
24 import Text.Blaze as B
25 import Text.Blaze.Internal as B hiding (null)
26 import Text.Show (Show(..))
27 import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as BS
28 import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 as BS
29 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
30 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
32 import qualified Data.List as List
33 import qualified Data.Text as Text
34 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
35 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as BS
36 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
37 import qualified Text.Blaze.Renderer.Utf8 as BS
39 -- | 'Attribute' in 'Maybe'.
40 infixl 1 !??
41 (!??) :: Attributable h => h -> Maybe Attribute -> h
42 (!??) h = maybe h (h !)
44 whenMarkup :: MarkupM a -> MarkupM () -> MarkupM ()
45 whenMarkup Empty{} _b = return ()
46 whenMarkup _a b = b
48 whenJust :: Applicative m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
49 whenJust Nothing _f = pure ()
50 whenJust (Just a) f = f a
52 whenSome :: (Applicative m, Foldable f) => f a -> (f a -> m ()) -> m ()
53 whenSome x _f | null x = pure ()
54 whenSome x f = f x
56 whenText :: Applicative m => Text -> (Text -> m ()) -> m ()
57 whenText "" _f = pure ()
58 whenText t f = f t
60 instance Semigroup H.AttributeValue where
61 (<>) = mappend
63 -- * Class 'AttrValue'
64 class AttrValue a where
65 attrValue :: a -> H.AttributeValue
66 instance AttrValue Char where
67 attrValue = fromString . pure
68 instance AttrValue Text where
69 attrValue = fromString . Text.unpack
70 instance AttrValue TL.Text where
71 attrValue = fromString . TL.unpack
72 instance AttrValue Int where
73 attrValue = fromString . show
74 instance AttrValue [Char] where
75 attrValue = fromString
77 -- * Class 'MayAttr'
78 class MayAttr a where
79 mayAttr :: (AttributeValue -> Attribute) -> a -> Maybe Attribute
80 instance MayAttr a => MayAttr (Maybe a) where
81 mayAttr a t = t >>= mayAttr a
82 instance MayAttr Text where
83 mayAttr _ "" = Nothing
84 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString $ Text.unpack t)
85 instance MayAttr Int where
86 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString $ show t)
87 instance MayAttr [Char] where
88 mayAttr _ "" = Nothing
89 mayAttr a t = Just (a $ fromString t)
91 -- * Type 'StateMarkup'
92 -- | Composing state and markups.
93 type StateMarkup st = Compose (S.State st) B.MarkupM
94 instance Monad (StateMarkup st) where
95 return = pure
96 Compose sma >>= a2csmb =
97 Compose $ sma >>= \ma ->
98 case ma >>= B.Empty . a2csmb of
99 B.Append _ma (B.Empty csmb) ->
100 B.Append ma <$> getCompose csmb
101 _ -> undefined
102 instance IsString (StateMarkup st ()) where
103 fromString = Compose . return . fromString
105 -- | Lift a 'B.MarkupM' constructor to a 'StateMarkup' one.
106 ($$) :: (B.MarkupM a -> B.MarkupM a) -> StateMarkup st a -> StateMarkup st a
107 ($$) f m = Compose $ f <$> getCompose m
108 infixr 0 $$
110 liftStateMarkup :: S.State st a -> StateMarkup st a
111 liftStateMarkup = Compose . (return <$>)
113 runStateMarkup :: st -> StateMarkup st a -> (B.MarkupM a, st)
114 runStateMarkup st = (`S.runState` st) . getCompose
116 -- * Type 'IndentTag'
117 data IndentTag
118 = IndentTagChildren
119 | IndentTagText
120 | IndentTagPreserve
121 deriving (Eq,Show)
123 -- | Render some 'Markup' to a 'Builder'.
124 --
125 -- An 'IndentTag' is queried on each tag
126 -- to indent tags differently according to their names.
127 prettyMarkupBuilder :: (Text -> IndentTag) -> Markup -> Builder
128 prettyMarkupBuilder indentTag = go IndentTagPreserve "\n" mempty
129 where
130 inc :: Builder
131 inc = " "
132 bs_Attrs i ind t_tag attrs =
133 case {-List.reverse-} attrs of
134 [] -> mempty
135 [a] -> a
136 a0:as ->
137 let ind_key = BS.fromText $ Text.replicate (Text.length t_tag + 1) " " in
138 let ind_attr =
139 case i of
140 IndentTagChildren -> ind<>ind_key
141 IndentTagPreserve -> mempty
142 IndentTagText -> mempty in
143 a0 <> foldMap (ind_attr <>) as
144 go :: IndentTag -> Builder -> [Builder] -> MarkupM b -> Builder
145 go i ind attrs (Parent tag open close content) =
146 let i' = indentTag (getText tag) in
147 (if i==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
148 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString open)
149 <> bs_Attrs i ind (getText tag) attrs
150 <> BS.fromChar '>'
151 <> (if i==IndentTagChildren && i'==IndentTagText then ind<>inc else mempty)
152 <> go i' (if i'/=IndentTagPreserve then ind<>inc else ind) mempty content
153 <> (if (i==IndentTagChildren && i'==IndentTagText) || i'==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
154 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString close)
155 go i ind attrs (CustomParent tag content) =
156 let i' = indentTag (t_ChoiceString tag) in
157 let t_tag = t_ChoiceString tag in
158 (if i==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
159 <> BS.fromChar '<'
160 <> BS.fromText t_tag
161 <> bs_Attrs i ind t_tag attrs
162 <> BS.fromChar '>'
163 <> (if i==IndentTagChildren && i'==IndentTagText then ind<>inc else mempty)
164 <> go i' (if i'/=IndentTagPreserve then ind<>inc else ind) mempty content
165 <> (if (i==IndentTagChildren && i'==IndentTagText) || i'==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
166 <> BS.fromByteString "</"
167 <> bs_ChoiceString tag
168 <> BS.fromChar '>'
169 go i ind attrs (Leaf tag begin end _) =
170 (if i==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
171 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString begin)
172 <> bs_Attrs i ind (getText tag) attrs
173 <> BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString end)
174 go i ind attrs (CustomLeaf tag close _) =
175 let t_tag = t_ChoiceString tag in
176 (if i==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
177 <> BS.fromChar '<'
178 <> BS.fromText t_tag
179 <> bs_Attrs i ind t_tag attrs
180 <> (if close then BS.fromByteString "/>" else BS.fromChar '>')
181 go i ind attrs (AddAttribute _ key value m) =
182 go i ind
183 ( BS.copyByteString (getUtf8ByteString key)
184 <> bs_ChoiceString value
185 <> BS.fromChar '"'
186 : attrs ) m
187 go i ind attrs (AddCustomAttribute key value m) =
188 go i ind
189 ( BS.fromChar ' '
190 <> bs_ChoiceString key
191 <> BS.fromByteString "=\""
192 <> bs_ChoiceString value
193 <> BS.fromChar '"'
194 : attrs ) m
195 go i ind _attrs (Content content _) =
196 if i/=IndentTagPreserve
197 then indentChoiceString ind content
198 else bs_ChoiceString content
199 go i ind _attrs (Comment comment _) =
200 (if i==IndentTagChildren then ind else mempty)
201 <> BS.fromByteString "<!--"
202 <> (if i==IndentTagChildren
203 then indentChoiceString ind
204 else bs_ChoiceString
205 ) comment
206 <> BS.fromByteString "-->"
207 go i ind attrs (Append m1 m2) =
208 go i ind attrs m1 <>
209 go i ind attrs m2
210 go _i _ind _attrs (Empty _) = mempty
211 {-# NOINLINE go #-}
213 -- | Render 'Markup' to a lazy UTF-8 encoded 'BSL.ByteString'.
214 prettyMarkup :: (Text -> IndentTag) -> Markup -> BSL.ByteString
215 prettyMarkup ind = BS.toLazyByteString . prettyMarkupBuilder ind
217 prettyMarkupIO :: (Text -> IndentTag) -> (BS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> Markup -> IO ()
218 prettyMarkupIO ind io = BS.toByteStringIO io . prettyMarkupBuilder ind
220 bs_ChoiceString :: ChoiceString -> Builder
221 bs_ChoiceString cs = BS.renderMarkupBuilder (Content cs ())
223 t_ChoiceString :: ChoiceString -> Text
224 t_ChoiceString = BS.decodeUtf8 . BS.toByteString . bs_ChoiceString
226 -- | @indentText ind txt@ indent 'tct' with 'ind' at newlines.
227 indentText :: Builder -> Text -> Builder
228 indentText ind =
229 mconcat .
230 List.intersperse ind .
231 (BS.fromHtmlEscapedText <$>) .
232 Text.splitOn "\n"
234 -- | Render an indented 'ChoiceString'.
235 indentChoiceString :: Builder -> ChoiceString -> Builder
236 indentChoiceString ind (Static s) = indentText ind $ getText s
237 indentChoiceString ind (String s) = indentText ind $ Text.pack s
238 indentChoiceString ind (Text s) = indentText ind s
239 indentChoiceString ind (ByteString s) = indentText ind $ BS.decodeUtf8 s
240 indentChoiceString ind (PreEscaped x) = case x of
241 String s -> indentText ind $ Text.pack s
242 Text s -> indentText ind s
243 s -> indentChoiceString ind s
244 indentChoiceString ind (External x) = case x of
245 -- Check that the sequence "</" is *not* in the external data.
246 String s -> if "</" `List.isInfixOf` s then mempty else BS.fromString s
247 Text s -> if "</" `Text.isInfixOf` s then mempty else BS.fromText s
248 ByteString s -> if "</" `BS.isInfixOf` s then mempty else BS.fromByteString s
249 s -> indentChoiceString ind s
250 indentChoiceString ind (AppendChoiceString x y) =
251 indentChoiceString ind x <>
252 indentChoiceString ind y
253 indentChoiceString ind EmptyChoiceString = indentText ind mempty
254 {-# INLINE indentChoiceString #-}