]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/DTC/Write/XML.hs
Modify HTML5 ParaOL and ParaUL rendering.
[doclang.git] / Language / DTC / Write / XML.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 module Language.DTC.Write.XML where
6 import Control.Monad (forM_)
7 import Data.Bool
8 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
9 import Data.Function (($), (.))
10 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
11 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
12 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
13 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
14 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
15 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..))
16 import Text.Blaze ((!))
17 import Text.Blaze.Utils
18 import Text.Blaze.XML (XML)
19 import qualified Data.Char as Char
20 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
21 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
22 import qualified Data.Text as Text
23 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
24 import qualified Text.Blaze as B
25 import qualified Text.Blaze.DTC as XML
26 import qualified Text.Blaze.DTC.Attributes as XA
27 import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal as B
29 import Data.Locale
30 import Language.DTC.Document (MayText(..), whenMayText)
31 import Language.DTC.Anchor (plainifyWords)
32 import Language.DTC.Document as DTC hiding (XML)
34 document :: Locales ls => LocaleIn ls -> Document -> XML
35 document loc Document{..} = do
36 let lang = Text.takeWhile Char.isAlphaNum $ textLocales Map.! loc
37 XML.xmlModel "./schema/dtc.rnc"
38 XML.xmlStylesheet $ "./xsl/document.html5."<>lang<>".xsl"
39 XML.html5Stylesheet $ "./xsl/document.html5."<>lang<>".xsl"
40 XML.atomStylesheet $ "./xsl/document.atom."<>lang<>".xsl"
41 XML.document $ do
42 xmlify head
43 xmlify body
45 -- * Class 'Xmlify'
46 class Xmlify a where
47 xmlify :: a -> XML
49 instance Xmlify TL.Text where
50 xmlify = B.toMarkup
51 instance Xmlify Head where
52 xmlify Head{..} =
53 XML.about $ xmlify about
54 instance Xmlify (Tree BodyNode) where
55 xmlify (Tree n ts) =
56 case n of
57 BodyBlock b -> xmlify b
58 BodySection{..} ->
59 xmlCommonAttrs attrs $
60 XML.section $ do
61 xmlify title
62 forM_ aliases xmlify
63 xmlify ts
64 instance Xmlify Block where
65 xmlify = \case
66 BlockPara para -> xmlify para
67 BlockToC{..} ->
68 xmlCommonAttrs attrs $
69 XML.toc
70 !?? mayAttr XA.depth depth
71 BlockToF{..} ->
72 xmlCommonAttrs attrs $
73 XML.tof $
74 XML.ul $
75 forM_ types $
76 XML.li . xmlify
77 BlockIndex{..} ->
78 xmlCommonAttrs attrs $
79 XML.index $ do
80 XML.ul $
81 forM_ terms $ \aliases ->
82 XML.li $
83 xmlify $
84 TL.unlines $
85 plainifyWords <$> aliases
86 BlockFigure{..} ->
87 xmlCommonAttrs attrs $
88 XML.figure
89 ! XA.type_ (attrify type_) $ do
90 xmlify mayTitle
91 xmlify paras
92 BlockReferences{..} ->
93 xmlCommonAttrs attrs $
94 XML.references $ xmlify refs
95 instance Xmlify Para where
96 xmlify = \case
97 ParaItem{..} -> xmlify item
98 ParaItems{..} -> xmlCommonAttrs attrs $ XML.para $ xmlify items
99 instance Xmlify ParaItem where
100 xmlify = \case
101 ParaPlain p -> XML.p $ xmlify p
102 ParaComment c ->
103 XML.comment $ TL.toStrict c
104 ParaArtwork{..} ->
105 XML.artwork
106 ! XA.type_ (attrify type_) $ do
107 xmlify text
108 ParaQuote{..} ->
109 XML.quote
110 ! XA.type_ (attrify type_) $ do
111 xmlify paras
112 ParaOL items -> XML.ol $ forM_ items xmlify
113 ParaUL items -> XML.ul $ forM_ items $ XML.li . xmlify
114 instance Xmlify ListItem where
115 xmlify ListItem{..} =
116 XML.li ! XA.name (attrify name) $ xmlify paras
117 instance Xmlify (Tree PlainNode) where
118 xmlify (Tree n ts) =
119 case n of
120 PlainText t -> xmlify t
121 PlainBR -> XML.br
122 PlainGroup -> xmlify ts
123 PlainB -> XML.b $ xmlify ts
124 PlainCode -> XML.code $ xmlify ts
125 PlainDel -> XML.del $ xmlify ts
126 PlainI -> XML.i $ xmlify ts
127 PlainNote{..} -> XML.note $ xmlify note
128 PlainQ -> XML.q $ xmlify ts
129 PlainSC -> XML.sc $ xmlify ts
130 PlainSub -> XML.sub $ xmlify ts
131 PlainSup -> XML.sup $ xmlify ts
132 PlainU -> XML.u $ xmlify ts
133 PlainEref to -> XML.eref ! XA.to (attrify to) $ xmlify ts
134 PlainIref{..} -> XML.iref ! XA.term (attrify $ plainifyWords term) $ xmlify ts
135 PlainRef to -> XML.ref ! XA.to (attrify to) $ xmlify ts
136 PlainRref{..} -> XML.rref ! XA.to (attrify to) $ xmlify ts
138 instance Xmlify About where
139 xmlify About{..} = do
140 xmlify titles
141 xmlify authors
142 xmlify editor
143 xmlify date
144 whenMayText version $ XML.version . xmlify
145 forM_ keywords $ XML.keyword . xmlify
146 xmlify links
147 xmlify includes
148 instance Xmlify Include where
149 xmlify Include{..} =
150 XML.include True
151 ! XA.href (attrify href)
152 instance Xmlify Date where
153 xmlify Date{..} =
154 XML.date
155 ! XA.year (attrify year)
156 !?? mayAttr XA.month month
157 !?? mayAttr XA.day day
158 instance Xmlify Link where
159 xmlify Link{..} =
160 XML.link
161 !?? mayAttr XA.name name
162 !?? mayAttr XA.rel rel
163 !?? mayAttr XA.href href
164 $ xmlify plain
165 instance Xmlify Entity where
166 xmlify Entity{..} =
167 XML.entity
168 !?? mayAttr XA.name name
169 !?? mayAttr XA.street street
170 !?? mayAttr XA.zipcode zipcode
171 !?? mayAttr XA.city city
172 !?? mayAttr XA.region region
173 !?? mayAttr XA.country country
174 !?? mayAttr XA.email email
175 !?? mayAttr XA.tel tel
176 !?? mayAttr XA.fax fax
177 instance Xmlify Title where
178 xmlify (Title t) = XML.title $ xmlify t
179 instance Xmlify Alias where
180 xmlify Alias{..} = XML.alias !?? mayAttr XA.id id
181 instance Xmlify Reference where
182 xmlify Reference{..} = XML.reference mempty -- TODO: to be coded
184 instance Xmlify MayText where
185 xmlify (MayText t) = xmlify t
186 instance Xmlify a => Xmlify (Maybe a) where
187 xmlify = foldMap xmlify
188 instance Xmlify a => Xmlify [a] where
189 xmlify = foldMap xmlify
190 instance Xmlify a => Xmlify (Seq a) where
191 xmlify = foldMap xmlify
193 xmlId :: Ident -> B.Attribute
194 xmlId (Ident i) = XA.id $ attrify i
196 xmlCommonAttrs :: CommonAttrs -> XML -> XML
197 xmlCommonAttrs CommonAttrs{id=ident, ..} =
198 (case ident of
199 Nothing -> Fun.id
200 Just (Ident i) ->
201 B.AddCustomAttribute "id" $
202 B.String $ TL.unpack i) .
203 case classes of
204 [] -> Fun.id
205 _ ->
206 B.AddCustomAttribute "class" $
207 B.String $ TL.unpack $ TL.unwords classes