]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Hdoc/DTC/Write/HTML5/Judgment.hs
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[doclang.git] / Hdoc / DTC / Write / HTML5 / Judgment.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
7 module Hdoc.DTC.Write.HTML5.Judgment where
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), join, forM, forM_)
10 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
11 import Data.Either (Either(..))
12 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
13 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
14 import Data.Function (($), (.))
15 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
16 import Data.Int (Int)
17 import Data.Locale hiding (Index)
18 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, maybeToList, listToMaybe, fromMaybe, isJust)
19 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
20 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
21 import Data.String (String)
22 import Data.Tuple (snd)
23 import Prelude ((*), Fractional(..), Double, toRational, RealFrac(..))
24 import Text.Blaze ((!))
25 import Text.Show (Show(..))
26 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
27 import qualified Data.Char as Char
28 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
29 import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
30 import qualified Data.List as List
31 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
32 import qualified Data.Set as Set
33 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
34 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
35 import qualified Hjugement as MJ
36 import qualified Prelude (error)
37 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
38 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA
40 import Hdoc.DTC.Document as DTC
41 import Hdoc.DTC.Write.HTML5.Base
42 import Hdoc.DTC.Write.HTML5.Ident
43 import Hdoc.DTC.Write.XML ()
44 import Control.Monad.Utils
45 import Text.Blaze.Utils
46 import qualified Hdoc.XML as XML
47 import qualified Hdoc.DTC.Collect as Collect
48 import qualified Hdoc.DTC.Write.Plain as Plain
50 -- <debug>
51 -- import Debug.Trace
52 showJudgments :: HM.HashMap (Ident,Ident,Maybe Title) [Tree.Tree [Choice]] -> String
53 showJudgments js =
54 Tree.drawForest $
55 ((show <$>) <$>) $
56 -- Tree.Node (Left ("","",Nothing)) $
57 (<$> HM.toList js) $ \((j,g,q),ts) ->
58 Tree.Node
59 (Left (unIdent j,unIdent g,Plain.text def <$> q))
60 ((Right <$>) <$> ts)
61 -- </debug>
63 instance Html5ify Title => Html5ify Judgment where
64 html5ify Judgment{..} = do
65 liftComposeState $ S.modify' $ \s -> s
66 { state_styles = HS.insert (Left "dtc-judgment.css") $ state_styles s }
67 H.div ! HA.id (attrify $ identify $ XML.pos_ancestors judgment_posXML) $$ do
68 let commentJGC = HM.fromList
69 [ (choice_, HM.fromListWith (<>)
70 [ (opinion_grade, HM.singleton opinion_judge opinion_comment)
71 | Opinion{..} <- choice_opinions ])
72 | choice_@Choice{..} <- judgment_choices ]
73 case judgment_question of
74 Nothing -> mempty
75 Just title -> H.div ! HA.class_ "judgment-question" $$ html5ify title
76 H.dl ! HA.class_ "judgment-choices" $$ do
77 case judgment_opinionsByChoice of
78 Nothing -> do
79 forM_ judgment_choices $ \Choice{..} -> do
80 H.dt ! HA.class_ "choice-title"
81 ! HA.id (attrify $ identify $ XML.pos_ancestors choice_posXML) $$ do
82 html5ify choice_title
83 Just distByJudgeByChoice -> do
84 let meritByChoice@(MJ.MeritByChoice meritC) = MJ.meritByChoice distByJudgeByChoice
85 let ranking = MJ.majorityRanking meritByChoice
86 forM_ ranking $ \(choice_@DTC.Choice{..}, majorityValue) -> do
87 H.dt ! HA.class_ "choice-title"
88 ! HA.id (attrify $ identify $ XML.pos_ancestors choice_posXML) $$ do
89 html5ify choice_title
90 H.dd ! HA.class_ "choice-merit" $$ do
91 let distByJudge = distByJudgeByChoice HM.!choice_
92 let numJudges = HM.size distByJudge
93 html5MeritHistogram majorityValue numJudges
94 let grades = Map.keys $ MJ.unMerit $ meritC HM.!choice_
95 let commentJG = HM.lookup choice_ commentJGC
96 html5MeritComments distByJudge grades commentJG
97 instance Html5ify Judges where
98 html5ify Judges{..} =
99 html5CommonAttrs judges_attrs
100 { classes = "judges":classes judges_attrs
101 , DTC.id = Just $ Ident $ Plain.text def $ XML.pos_ancestors judges_posXML
102 } $
103 H.div $$ do
104 mempty
106 html5MeritComments ::
107 Html5ify Title =>
108 MJ.Opinions Name (MJ.Ranked Grade) ->
109 [MJ.Ranked Grade] ->
110 Maybe (HM.HashMap Name (HM.HashMap Name (Maybe Title))) ->
111 HTML5
112 html5MeritComments distJ grades commentJG = do
113 Loqualization l10n <- liftComposeState $ S.gets state_l10n
114 H.ul ! HA.class_ "merit-comments" $$ do
115 forM_ grades $ \case
116 grade | DTC.Grade{..} <- MJ.unRank grade -> do
117 let commentJ = commentJG >>= HM.lookup grade_name
118 let judgesWithComment =
119 -- FIXME: sort accents better: « e é f » not « e f é »
120 List.sortOn (TL.map Char.toLower . unName . (\(j,_,_) -> j))
121 [ (judge, importance, commentJ >>= HM.lookupDefault Nothing judge)
122 | (judge, dist) <- HM.toList distJ
123 , importance <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup grade dist ]
124 forM_ judgesWithComment $ \(judge, importance, comment) ->
125 H.li ! HA.class_ ("merit-comment" <> if isJust comment then " judge-comment" else "") $$ do
126 H.span
127 ! HA.class_ ("judge" <> if judge`HM.member`fromMaybe HM.empty commentJ then "" else " inactive")
128 ! HA.style ("color:"<>attrify grade_color<>";") $$ do
129 unless (importance == 1) $ do
130 H.span ! HA.class_ "section-importance" $$ do
131 let percent =
132 (round::Double -> Int) $
133 fromRational $ importance * 100
134 html5ify $ show percent
135 "%"::HTML5
136 html5ify judge
137 case comment of
138 Nothing -> mempty
139 Just p -> do
140 Plain.l10n_Colon l10n :: HTML5
141 html5ify p
143 html5MeritHistogram ::
144 Html5ify Title =>
145 MJ.MajorityValue (MJ.Ranked Grade) -> Int -> HTML5
146 html5MeritHistogram (MJ.MajorityValue majVal) numJudges = do
147 H.div ! HA.class_ "merit-histogram" $$ do
148 forM_ majVal $ \case
149 (grade, count) | DTC.Grade{..} <- MJ.unRank grade -> do
150 let percent :: Double =
151 fromRational $ (toRational $ (ceiling::Double -> Int) $ fromRational $
152 (count / toRational numJudges) * 100 * 1000) / 1000
153 let bcolor = "background-color:"<>attrify grade_color<>";"
154 let width = "width:"<>attrify percent<>"%;"
155 let display = if percent == 0 then "display:none;" else ""
156 H.div
157 ! HA.class_ "merit-grade"
158 ! HA.alt (attrify grade_name) -- FIXME: do not work
159 ! HA.style (bcolor<>display<>width) $$ do
160 H.div
161 ! HA.class_ "grade-name" $$ do
162 case grade_title of
163 Nothing -> html5ify grade_name
164 Just t -> html5ify t
166 html5Judgments :: HTML5
167 html5Judgments = do
168 Collect.All{..} <- liftComposeState $ S.gets state_collect
169 opinionsByChoiceByNodeBySectionByJudgment <-
170 forM (HM.toList all_judgments) $ \(judgment@Judgment{..}, choicesBySection) -> do
171 -- WARNING: only the fields of 'Judgment' used in its 'Hashable' instance
172 -- can safely be used here: 'judgment_judgesId' and 'judgment_gradesId' are ok
173 let judgmentGrades =
174 maybe (Prelude.error $ show judgment_grades) MJ.grades $ -- unknown grades
175 HM.lookup judgment_gradesId all_grades
176 let Judges{..} =
177 fromMaybe (Prelude.error $ show judgment_judges) $ -- unknown judges
178 HM.lookup judgment_judgesId all_judges
179 let defaultGradeByJudge =
180 let defaultGrade =
181 List.head
182 [ g | g <- Set.toList judgmentGrades
183 , grade_isDefault $ MJ.unRank g
184 ] in
185 (<$> judges_byName) $ \js ->
186 let Judge{..} = List.head js in
187 let judgeDefaultGrade = do
188 grade <- join $ listToMaybe <$> HM.lookup judgment_gradesId judge_defaultGrades
189 listToMaybe
190 [ g | g <- Set.toList judgmentGrades
191 , grade_name (MJ.unRank g) == grade
192 ] in
193 defaultGrade`fromMaybe`judgeDefaultGrade
194 opinionsByChoiceByNodeBySection <-
195 forM choicesBySection $ \choicesTree -> do
196 judgmentTree <- forM choicesTree $ \(section_importance, choices) -> do
197 judgmentOpinions <- forM choices $ \choice_@DTC.Choice{..} -> do
198 gradeByJudge <- forM choice_opinions $ \Opinion{..} -> do
199 case listToMaybe
200 [ g | g <- Set.toList judgmentGrades
201 , grade_name (MJ.unRank g) == opinion_grade
202 ] of
203 Just grd -> return (opinion_judge, MJ.Section opinion_importance (Just grd))
204 Nothing -> Prelude.error $ show opinion_grade -- unknown grade
205 return (choice_, HM.fromList gradeByJudge)
206 return $ MJ.SectionNode section_importance $ HM.fromList judgmentOpinions
207 let judgmentChoices = HS.fromList $ snd $ Tree.rootLabel choicesTree
208 -- NOTE: choices are determined by those at the root Tree.Node.
209 -- NOTE: core Majority Judgment calculus handled here by MJ
210 case MJ.opinionsBySection judgmentChoices defaultGradeByJudge judgmentTree of
211 Right opinionsByChoiceByNode -> return opinionsByChoiceByNode
212 Left err -> Prelude.error $ show err -- unknown choice, unknown judge, invalid shares
213 -- NOTE: 'toList' returns a self-then-descending-then-following traversal of a 'Tree',
214 -- this will match perfectly withw the 'html5ify' traversal:
215 -- 'BodySection' by 'BodySection'.
216 return (judgment, join $ toList <$> opinionsByChoiceByNodeBySection)
217 liftComposeState $ S.modify' $ \st ->
218 st{state_opinions = HM.fromList opinionsByChoiceByNodeBySectionByJudgment}