]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/TCT/Tree.hs
WIP add paragraph recognition, enabling footnote with note: instead of only <note>.
[doclang.git] / Language / TCT / Tree.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 module Language.TCT.Tree
5 ( module Language.TCT.Tree
6 , Tree(..)
7 , Trees
8 ) where
10 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Function (($))
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
14 import Data.Ord (Ordering(..), Ord(..))
15 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
16 import Data.Sequence ((|>))
17 import Data.Text (Text)
18 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), Trees)
19 import Prelude (undefined, Int, Num(..))
20 import Text.Show (Show(..))
21 import qualified Data.List as List
22 import qualified Data.Text as Text
23 import qualified System.FilePath as FP
24 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
26 import Language.TCT.Cell
27 import Language.TCT.Elem
28 import Language.TCT.Read.Token
29 -- import Language.TCT.Token
32 -- | @appendRow rows row@ appends @row@ to @rows@.
33 --
34 -- [@rows@] parent 'Rows', from closest to farthest (non-strictly descending)
35 -- [@row@] next 'Row', from leftest column to rightest (non-stricly ascending)
36 appendRow :: Rows -> Row -> Rows
37 appendRow [] row = List.reverse row
38 appendRow parents [] = parents
39 appendRow rows@(parent:parents) row@(cell:cells) =
40 trac ("appendRow: rows=" <> show rows) $
41 trac ("appendRow: row=" <> show row) $
42 dbg "appendRow" $
43 let colParent = columnPos $ posTree parent in
44 let colRow = columnPos $ posTree cell in
45 case dbg "colParent" colParent `compare`
46 dbg "colRow" colRow of
47 LT ->
48 case (dbg "parent" parent,dbg "cell" cell) of
49 (Tree0{}, TreeN{}) -> eq
50 -- (Tree0 p, Tree0{}) | Text.null (unCell p) -> eq -- FIXME: useful?
51 -- (TreeN (unCell -> KeyPara) p, Tree0 r) -> appendTree0 p r
52 -- (Tree0 p, Tree0 r) -> appendTree0 p r
53 _ | Just x <- appendPara -> x
54 _ -> lt
55 EQ ->
56 case (dbg "parent" parent,dbg "cell" cell) of
57 _ | Just x <- appendPara -> x
58 (_, TreeN (unCell -> KeySection sectionRow) _)
59 | Just (sectionParent, secPar:secPars) <- collapseSection colRow rows ->
60 case dbg "sectionParent" sectionParent `compare`
61 dbg "sectionRow" sectionRow of
62 LT -> appendRow (cell:secPar:secPars) cells
63 EQ -> appendRow (cell:insertChild secPar secPars) cells
64 GT -> gt
65 (TreeN (unCell -> KeySection{}) _, Tree0{}) -> lt
66 (TreeN (unCell -> KeySection{}) _, TreeN{}) -> lt
67 (Tree0{}, TreeN{}) -> eq
68 (TreeN{}, TreeN{}) -> eq
69 (TreeN{}, Tree0{}) -> eq
70 GT -> gt
71 where
72 appendPara :: Maybe Rows
73 appendPara =
74 case (parent, cell) of
75 ( TreeN (Cell posPar posEndPar KeyPara) pars
76 , Tree0 (Cell posRow posEndRow _c) ) ->
77 Just $
78 if linePos posRow - linePos posEndPar <= 1
79 then appendRow (merged : parents) cells
80 else appendRow (cell : insertChild parent parents) cells
81 where merged = TreeN (Cell posPar posEndRow KeyPara) $ pars |> cell
82 ( Tree0 (Cell posPar posEndPar _p)
83 , Tree0 (Cell posRow posEndRow _c) ) ->
84 Just $
85 if linePos posRow - linePos posEndPar <= 1
86 then appendRow (merged : parents) cells
87 else appendRow (cell : insertChild parent parents) cells
88 where merged = TreeN (Cell posPar posEndRow KeyPara) [parent, cell]
89 _ -> Nothing
91 {-
92 appendTree0 p r =
93 case appendCellValue p r of
94 Nothing -> appendRow (Tree0 r : insertChild (Tree0 p) parents) cells
95 Just t -> appendRow (t : parents) cells
96 -}
97 lt = appendRow [] row <> rows
98 eq = appendRow (cell : insertChild parent parents) cells
99 gt = appendRow (insertChild parent parents) row
100 -- | Find the first section (if any), returning its level, and the path collapsed upto it.
101 collapseSection :: Column -> Rows -> Maybe (Int,Rows)
102 collapseSection col xxs@(x:xs) | columnPos (posTree x) == col =
103 case x of
104 TreeN (unCell -> KeySection lvl) _ -> Just (lvl, xxs)
105 _ -> do
106 (lvl, cs) <- collapseSection col xs
107 return (lvl, insertChild x cs)
108 collapseSection _ _ = Nothing
110 {-
111 appendCellValue :: Cell Value -> Cell Value -> Tree (Cell Key) (Cell Value)
112 appendCellValue par@(Cell posPar posEndPar p) row@(Cell posRow posEndRow r) =
113 trac ("appendCellValue: p="<>show p) $
114 trac ("appendCellValue: r="<>show r) $
115 dbg "appendCellValue" $
116 case linePos posRow - linePos posEndPar of
117 0 ->
118 TreeN (Cell posPar posEndRow KeyPara)
119 [ Tree0 par
120 , Tree0 row
121 ]
122 1 ->
123 TreeN (Cell posPar posEndRow KeyPara)
124 [ Tree0 par
125 , Tree0 row
126 ]
127 _ -> []
128 where
129 padding x y = Text.replicate (y - x) " "
130 {-
131 where
132 pad =
133 -- return $ LexemeWhite $ Cell posEndPar posRow $
134 -- padding (columnPos posEndPar) (columnPos posRow)
135 -}
136 {-
137 -- return $ Cell posPar posEndRow $ p <> pad <> r
138 -- return $ Cell posPar posEndRow $ p <> pad <> r
139 where
140 pad =
141 -- return $ LexemeWhite $ Cell posEndPar posRow $
142 -- "\n" <>
143 padding (columnPos posPar) (columnPos posRow)
144 -}
145 -}
147 insertChild :: Tree (Cell Key) (Cell Value) -> Rows -> Rows
148 insertChild child ps@[] =
149 trac ("insertChild: child="<>show child) $
150 trac ("insertChild: ps="<>show ps) $
151 dbg "insertChild" $
152 [child]
153 insertChild c@(Tree0 (Cell _bp ep _))
154 (p@(Tree0 (Cell bp _ep _)):parents) =
155 TreeN (Cell bp ep KeyPara) [p, c] : parents
156 insertChild (TreeN (Cell _bp ep _) cs)
157 (p@(Tree0 (Cell bp _ep _)):parents) =
158 TreeN (Cell bp ep KeyPara) (p Seq.<| cs) : parents
159 {-
160 undefined
161 -- FIXME: this case may be removed.
162 case dbg "colParent" (columnCell parent)`compare`dbg "colChild" (columnPos $ posTree child) of
163 LT -> TreeN KeyMix (Seq.fromList [Tree0 v, child] treesParent |> child) : parents
164 EQ -> TreeN KeyMix (Seq.fromList [Tree0 v, child] treesParent |> child) : parents
165 GT -> undefined
166 -}
167 insertChild child ps@(TreeN parent treesParent:parents) =
168 trac ("insertChild: child="<>show child) $
169 trac ("insertChild: ps="<>show ps) $
170 dbg "insertChild" $
171 -- FIXME: this case may be removed.
172 case dbg "colParent" (columnCell parent)`compare`dbg "colChild" (columnPos $ posTree child) of
173 LT -> TreeN parent (treesParent |> child) : parents
174 EQ -> TreeN parent (treesParent |> child) : parents
175 GT -> undefined
177 collapseRows :: Rows -> Tree (Cell Key) (Cell Value)
178 collapseRows [] = undefined
179 collapseRows [child] = dbg "collapseRows" $ child
180 collapseRows (child:parents) = dbg "collapseRows" $ collapseRows $ insertChild child parents