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[doclang.git] / Data / TreeSeq / Strict / Zipper.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
4 module Data.TreeSeq.Strict.Zipper where
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
7 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), (>=>))
8 import Data.Bool
9 import Data.Eq (Eq)
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
12 import Data.Int (Int)
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
14 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
15 import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..), ViewR(..), (<|), (|>))
16 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
17 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
18 import Prelude (undefined)
19 import Text.Show (Show(..))
20 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
21 import qualified Data.List as List
23 import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Trees, Tree(..))
25 safeHead :: Alternative f => [a] -> f a
26 safeHead [] = empty
27 safeHead (a:_) = pure a
29 nodesTree :: Tree k a -> Trees k a
30 nodesTree Tree0{} = mempty
31 nodesTree (TreeN _k ts) = ts
33 keyTree :: Tree k a -> k
34 keyTree (TreeN k _) = k
35 keyTree Tree0{} = undefined
37 -- * Type 'Zipper'
38 data Zipper k a
39 = Zipper
40 { zipper_path :: [Zipper_Step k a]
41 , zipper_curr :: Trees k a
42 } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
44 zipper :: Trees k a -> Zipper k a
45 zipper = Zipper []
47 zipper_root :: Zipper k a -> Trees k a
48 zipper_root = zipper_curr . List.last . zipper_ancestor_or_self
50 path_of_zipper :: Zipper k x -> [k]
51 path_of_zipper z =
52 keyTree . zipper_step_self <$>
53 List.reverse (zipper_path z)
55 -- * Type 'Zipper_Step'
56 data Zipper_Step k a
57 = Zipper_Step
58 { zipper_step_prec :: Trees k a
59 , zipper_step_self :: Tree k a
60 , zipper_step_foll :: Trees k a
61 } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
63 -- * Axis
64 -- | Collect all 'Zipper's along a given axis,
65 -- including the first 'Zipper'.
66 zipper_collect :: (z -> Maybe z) -> z -> [z]
67 zipper_collect f z = z : maybe [] (zipper_collect f) (f z)
69 -- | Collect all 'Zipper's along a given axis,
70 -- excluding the first 'Zipper'.
71 zipper_collect_without_self :: (z -> Maybe z) -> z -> [z]
72 zipper_collect_without_self f z = maybe [] (zipper_collect f) (f z)
74 -- ** Axis self
75 zipper_self :: Zipper k a -> [Tree k a]
76 zipper_self (Zipper (Zipper_Step _ t _ : _) _) = [t]
77 zipper_self _ = []
79 -- ** Axis child
80 zipper_child :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
81 zipper_child z =
82 zipper_child_first z >>=
83 zipper_collect zipper_foll
85 zipper_child_lookup ::
86 Alternative f =>
87 (k -> Bool) -> Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
88 zipper_child_lookup fk z = safeHead $ zipper_childs_lookup fk z
90 zipper_childs_lookup ::
91 (k -> Bool) -> Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
92 zipper_childs_lookup fk (Zipper path ts) =
93 (<$> Seq.findIndicesL (\case TreeN k _ -> fk k; Tree0{} -> False) ts) $ \i ->
94 let (ps, ps') = Seq.splitAt i ts in
95 case Seq.viewl ps' of
96 EmptyL -> undefined
97 t :< fs ->
98 Zipper
99 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step ps t fs : path
100 , zipper_curr = nodesTree t
101 }
103 zipper_child_first :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
104 zipper_child_first (Zipper path trees) =
105 case Seq.viewl trees of
106 EmptyL -> empty
107 t :< ts -> pure $ Zipper
108 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step mempty t ts : path
109 , zipper_curr = nodesTree t
110 }
112 zipper_child_last :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
113 zipper_child_last (Zipper path trees) =
114 case Seq.viewr trees of
115 EmptyR -> empty
116 ts :> t -> pure $ Zipper
117 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step ts t mempty : path
118 , zipper_curr = nodesTree t
119 }
121 -- ** Axis ancestor
122 zipper_ancestor :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
123 zipper_ancestor = zipper_collect_without_self zipper_parent
125 zipper_ancestor_or_self :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
126 zipper_ancestor_or_self = zipper_collect zipper_parent
128 -- ** Axis descendant
129 zipper_descendant_or_self :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
130 zipper_descendant_or_self =
131 collect_child []
132 where
133 collect_child acc z =
134 z : maybe acc
135 (collect_foll acc)
136 (zipper_child_first z)
137 collect_foll acc z =
138 collect_child
139 (maybe acc
140 (collect_foll acc)
141 (zipper_foll z)
142 ) z
144 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
145 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse z =
146 z : List.concatMap
147 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse
148 (List.reverse $ zipper_child z)
150 zipper_descendant :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
151 zipper_descendant = List.tail . zipper_descendant_or_self
153 -- ** Axis preceding
154 zipper_prec :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
155 zipper_prec (Zipper [] _curr) = empty
156 zipper_prec (Zipper (Zipper_Step ps c fs : path) _curr) =
157 case Seq.viewr ps of
158 EmptyR -> empty
159 ts :> t -> pure Zipper
160 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step ts t (c <| fs) : path
161 , zipper_curr = nodesTree t
162 }
164 zipper_preceding :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
165 zipper_preceding =
166 zipper_ancestor_or_self >=>
167 zipper_preceding_sibling >=>
168 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse
170 zipper_preceding_sibling :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
171 zipper_preceding_sibling = zipper_collect_without_self zipper_prec
173 -- ** Axis following
174 zipper_foll :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
175 zipper_foll (Zipper [] _curr) = empty
176 zipper_foll (Zipper (Zipper_Step ps c fs:path) _curr) =
177 case Seq.viewl fs of
178 EmptyL -> empty
179 t :< ts -> pure $ Zipper
180 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step (ps |> c) t ts : path
181 , zipper_curr = nodesTree t
182 }
184 zipper_following :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
185 zipper_following =
186 zipper_ancestor_or_self >=>
187 zipper_following_sibling >=>
188 zipper_descendant_or_self
190 zipper_following_sibling :: Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
191 zipper_following_sibling = zipper_collect_without_self zipper_foll
193 -- ** Axis parent
194 zipper_parent :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
195 zipper_parent (Zipper [] _) = empty
196 zipper_parent (Zipper (Zipper_Step ps c fs : path) curr) =
197 pure Zipper
198 { zipper_path = path
199 , zipper_curr = (ps |> m) <> fs
200 }
201 where
202 m = case c of
203 TreeN k _ -> TreeN k curr
204 Tree0{} -> undefined
206 -- ** Filter
207 zipper_filter ::
208 (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]) ->
209 (Zipper k a -> Bool) ->
210 (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a])
211 zipper_filter axis p z = List.filter p (axis z)
212 infixl 5 `zipper_filter`
214 zipper_at ::
215 Alternative f =>
216 (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]) -> Int ->
217 (Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a))
218 zipper_at axis n z =
219 case List.drop n (axis z) of
220 [] -> empty
221 a:_ -> pure a
222 infixl 5 `zipper_at`
224 zipper_null ::
225 (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]) ->
226 Zipper k a -> Bool
227 zipper_null axis = List.null . axis